Seeing that all the young people had gone by, the others had to turn around and keep up with them.

Anyway, in the gold member area, even if something happens, it can be settled in a word.

The more he walked towards Chu Chen, the more serious the young Jiang Feilong frowned.


" is this...

originally, Jiang Feilong thought that Chu Chen might ride a horse with a quarter or half of his blood.

But the more he walked in, the more surprised Jiang Feilong was!

At the moment, Jiang Feilong is 80% sure that this black horse is a real bloody BMW, not a hybrid!

"This horse, is it a bloody BMW?"

Riding a horse came over, Jiang Feilong asked Chu Chen.

Sweat and blood?!

Hearing this word, all the people at the scene immediately froze.

For most people, it's just a legend that there are very few opportunities to see in this life.

Along with Jiang Feilong's eyes, everyone looks at Chu Chen's handsome horse, curious to the extreme?


Chu Chen nodded naturally.

He is riding a pure blood BMW.


At the moment, there was only horror in the hearts of the people.

Sweat BMW, is it really sweat BMW?

Oh, my God!

They heard right.

"So it's a bloody BMW?"

Low head, self-confidence by Chu dust deeply hit Yan Tao suddenly raised his head.

Even if he is a master, he is by no means the rival of the legendary purebred BMW.

Not far away, Jiang Feilong's companions, who were coming, agreed and were extremely surprised.

They are all people who like to ride horses. They know more about the horror of bloody BMW.

This is a national treasure of the horse!

When did Jinsha equestrian club have a real BMW?

And let a gold member ride it?

"Really, really?"

Jiang Feilong looks directly at Chu Chen's black handsome horse, and his heart cannot be calm for a long time.

"Come on, give me the horse. Give me the horse."

Next second, Jiang Feilong extremely overbearing mouth, order Chu dust.

He can't help but want to ride the bloody BMW that countless people yearn for.

"If you want to ride a horse, go and line up later."

Chu Chen didn't want to come down yet, and waved his hand.

Hearing Chu Chen's refusal, both Jiang Feilong and his companions' faces changed.

The boy turned down Jiang Feilong.

"I'm a platinum member."

Jiang Feilong impatient mouth, directly showed the identity.

Here, membership level is best used.


This young man is actually a platinum member. Many onlookers around him were shocked to hear that.

Platinum members, only those with a billion dollar worth or strong identity background, are eligible to become Platinum members.

"Chu Chen, let the horse out quickly."

Yan Tao immediately denounced Chu Chen and felt extremely nervous.

Platinum member, who is not two or three years older than him, is actually a platinum member!

You know, even his golden members were obtained through his father's channels.

This young man is a platinum member. His status is not something they can offend.

Riding to Chu Chen's side, Yan Tao scolds:

"don't be brave, you know how you got the horse."

"If you mess around, don't say it's you. We and the woman who secretly lent you the horse will be involved."

"Platinum members are not attractive."

Hear Yan Tao denounce Chu Chen's words, Jiang Feilong a face of proud.

"Platinum members, is that great?"

Did not answer Yan Tao, Chu Chen asks curiously.

Chu Chen doesn't know the specific division of membership level here, only knows that his crown members seem to be the top.

Platinum members, isn't that great?

Hearing this, everyone was shocked again.

Jiang Feilong thinks that Chu Chen is provoking him, and his face becomes worse.

"Are you rejecting me?"

Jiang Feilong asked Chu Chen with a smile.

The anger in his words was obvious.

Yan Tao hurried to apologize to Jiang Feilong.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

"This boy, he didn't know anything when he came here for the first time, so he didn't know the horror of Platinum members."

Yan Tao humbly explained to Jiang Feilong.

"Just a moment, I'll order him to give you the horse."Next, several of Jiang Feilong's companions spoke in surprise.

"For the first time?"

"So you're not even a member?"

How dare a boy who is not even a member despise a platinum member?

Who gave him courage?

"Chu Chen!"

Yan Tao yelled.

"Give the horse to this gentleman quickly."

"A platinum member, want me to let the horse, not enough."

Chu Chen responded.

"What if you add me?"

"I'm a platinum member, too."

One of Jiang Feilong's companions spoke.

"Me too."

"Plus me."

Several others spoke as well.

Looking at Jiang Feilong, many onlookers could not calm down.

They're all Platinum members?!

"It's not enough."

Chu Chen shook his head.

With more and more onlookers here, the managers of Jinsha equestrian club were also shocked.

A man dressed as a manager came up quickly.

"Jiang Shao, what happened?"

The manager asked respectfully, this is Jiang Shao.

"It's nothing. I met a boy who didn't know the heaven and earth."

"Boy, you said platinum membership is not enough. I'm curious. What kind of membership is enough?"

"Diamond member?"

Jiang Feilong asked.

"Diamond members, it seems, are not enough."

Diamond members, not enough!

Chu Chen's words even scared Jiang Feilong.

Diamond members, usually with a fortune of 10 billion or more, are just big men.

This kid didn't say enough.

"Don't talk nonsense with him, Jiang Shao."

"Why don't you just ask the manager to get the horse back?"

"A kid who is not even a member is not worth our time here."

Jiang Feilong's companion spoke impatiently.

The manager nodded and turned to chuchen, ready to speak.


"I seem to have a membership card here, too."

Say, Chu Chen took out a black card slowly, gave the manager that came by.

It's a very light membership card.

But when the manager took over the moment, as if in the hands of a kilo weight in general, the body almost fell.

This is the black card of Chu Chen.

The face of Jiang Feilong and his companions has completely changed!

The onlookers didn't know what kind of card it was. They were calm, but they knew.

Of course, they have only heard of this kind of card, and they are not qualified to see it.

Is this boy's one real?

Holding the card, the manager looked at it again, and then handed it to Chu Chen with shaking hands.

"Dear Sir, it's a big mistake for us to disturb you. Please forgive me."

The manager bowed humbly to Chu Chen.

See here, Jiang Feilong several people thoroughly confirmed.

That card - it's true!!!

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