Crown card!

This kid is the legendary crown member?!

No mistake.

Jiang Feilong looked at each other, embarrassed to the extreme.

They think they're Platinum members, and they're pretty good.

As a result, they are legendary crown members!

The value of Platinum members is generally 1 billion, and that of Diamond members is 10 billion. As for the most senior crown members, I'm afraid it's 100 billion.

And crown membership cards, such as the Golden Sands Equestrian Club, are not eligible to be issued at all.

It is said that only the chairman of Zhong's group is qualified to give it.

In this way, Chu Chen is not a millionaire.

Thinking of this, Jiang Feilong almost fell off his horse.

They are clamoring to come from the hands of a crown member, a hundred billion millionaires.

Isn't this a desperate tooth extraction?

In an instant, Jiang Feilong's face turned pale and his body trembled.

As for the other onlookers, they don't know the legendary crown card at all. In their mind, Diamond members are the most advanced.

I didn't even know there were crown members!

Jiang Feilong shivered and did not dare to ride a horse in front of Chu Chen, so he quickly came down to Chu Chen and prepared to make amends to Chu Chen.

However, Yan Tao did not know what Jiang Feilong thought, nor did he know that Chu Chen was a crown member.

Yan Tao thought that Jiang Feilong was so popular that he was going to give Chu Chen some color?

So I was even more afraid.

"Chu Chen, you must give the horse to others quickly."

Yan Tao hysterical Chao Chu Chen said.

Chu Chen doesn't seem to hear Yan Tao's words, which makes Yan Tao very angry.

You're just going to die on your own.

Don't involve them!

This is a platinum member.

I want to deal with them in a word.

The more he thought about it, the more angry Yan Tao was. He turned his head and was ready to start.

It's impossible to reason with people who don't know how to live or die like Chu Chen. They have to use their fists.

However, Yan Tao just ready to dismount, a few voices, let him almost fell to the ground.

"Mr. Chu, we are presumptuous. I don't know the superiority of heaven and earth. Please forgive us for bumping into you."

"Mr. Chu, we are wrong."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chu. We are frogs in the bottom of the well. We don't have much insight."

Jiang Feilong several people came to Chu Chen's side, one after another bowed to Chu Chen to apologize, the attitude of humility to the extreme.

Looking at the arrogant Jiang Feilong's humble actions just now.

Everyone in the room was confused.

What's going on?

Didn't Chu Chen just take out a black card?

Just scared a few dandies into this?

As for Yan Tao, who just came down from the horse, he seemed to be chopped by thunder and stood there foolishly.

"Mr. Chu, we should apologize for our collision with you."

Jiang Feilong naturally knew that only apologizing would not work.

"Mr. Chu, there will be an international auto show tomorrow. In order to apologize for the luxury cars you see at the international auto show, you can take whatever you like, no matter how much it costs."

Knowing that he had collided with a big man, Jiang Feilong gritted his teeth and said.

Jiang Feilong's family owns nearly one third of Hangzhou's Auto City, with assets of 100 billion yuan.

Today, when he says so, he has to spend at least a few billion, or even a dozen billion, more.

But in order to let Chu Chen cool down, bleeding on bleeding.


Hear here, Chu Chen eyebrow a pick.

When he came to Hangzhou, he didn't have a car?

Unexpectedly, Jiang Feilong took the initiative to deliver it.

Since he said so, Chu Chen is not polite.

He has just got ten villas in the middle of the lake, all of which have huge garages. It's safe. According to six cars in one garage.

Ten garages full of 60 luxury cars, which is the least.

Jiang Feilong is very polite.

He is also a generous person and will never be greedy.

After that, he went to the auto show and saw 59 cars. Let's start.

"After that, my father and I will come in and apologize in person."

Jiang Feilong spoke.

Chu Chen waved his hand.

Seeing this, Jiang Feilong was relieved.

It's worthy of being a big man. It's magnanimous.


I can't compare with myself.

Finally, in a series of apologies, several people left.

The manager left respectfully with the staff of Jinsha Equestrian Club.

Only the onlookers, who had not responded, were left behind.It's too big.

Looking at the black card that Chu Chen put away, everyone suddenly realized.

Got it. They got it.

It is because of that card that Platinum members, young Jiang Feilong and others become extremely humble, apologizing to Chu Chen.

I'm afraid only Diamond members can make Platinum members apologize.

Is Chu Chen's card the legendary diamond card?

Most of the people here are gold members, or their companions. They have seen platinum membership cards at most.

As for the diamond membership card, they have no chance to meet.

Therefore, they mistook chuchen's card for a diamond membership card.

Diamond member, isn't that ten billion rich?

Is Chu Chen a 10 billion rich man?

How old is he?

Are you already ten billion rich?

The crowd took a breath and exclaimed, "this is terrible!"!

As for Yan Tao, he was even more frightened at the moment.

Diamond members.

Is Yan Luoshui's boyfriend a diamond member?

Let the Platinum members apologize and easily get the bloody BMW and the white horse.

Only Diamond members have this qualification.

How could that be?


Yan Tao is roaring in his heart.

"I'll go. Brother Chu is really good!"

"Sister Luoshui really found a good husband."

"Brother Chu is so powerful and low-key. I admire him, I admire him."

A few grassroots of the Yan family.

At the moment a face flatters of smile, keep flattering Chu Chen.

The more you listen, the more angry Yan Tao is. At last, it's dark.

Yan Tao was stunned by his anger!

Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui rode for a while and then left.


The next day, Chu Chen had breakfast and took a walk on his island in the middle of the lake.


[punch task release: go to Tianyun jewelry company, one of the top ten Jewelry Companies in China, time: 3 hours]

[system reward: Tianyun jewelry company holds 22% of the shares, becoming the second largest shareholder]

Chu Chen's spirit comes in a moment.

The total assets of the top ten Jewelry Companies in China are 100 billion!

Own 22% of the shares, at least worth 20 billion!

What happened to the system this time?

Actually give yourself such a super reward.

The system is awesome!

The system is powerful!

Chu Chen cried out in his heart.

Without hesitation, Chu Chen set out directly.

More than half an hour later, Chu Chen came outside the Tianyun jewelry company.

Just go in, Chu dust instantly caused the attention and madness of countless beautiful employees.

At this time, a long legged beauty came over and said to Chu Chen with a smile:

"little brother, come with me."

Chu Chen curiously follows the long legged beauty to leave.

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