Because most of the employees of Tianyun jewelry company are women, the appearance of Chu Chen caused a sensation in an instant.

Soon, Chu Chen followed the long legged beauty to a studio.

There are still a large number of people in the studio.

It looks like it's testing male models.

"Please wait a moment. I'll go up to the director and ask for a favor. It doesn't matter if I'm late."

Long legged beauty said to Chu Chen with a smile.

She obviously took Chu Chen as the male model for the exam.

After that, the long legged beauty walked forward.

This little brother is so handsome. We must add his wechat later.

Long legged beauty thinks as she walks.

I ask for a favor for him for the director. He should not refuse to add a wechat.

Chu Chen didn't care too much. Now he's busy clocking in?


[system prompt: clock in when you arrive at Tianyun jewelry company]

"clock in."

[successful clock out]

[congratulations on winning 22% of the shares of Tianyun jewelry company and becoming the second largest shareholder]

with the successful clock out of chuchen, he successfully won 22% of the shares of Tianyun jewelry company.

At the moment, Chu Chen looks at Tianyun jewelry company's unusual pleasing to the eye.

After all, he is now the second largest shareholder of Tianyun jewelry company, holding 22% of the shares?

Chu Chen left in no hurry.

"No, No."

In the studio, a young woman waved her hand to let a male model walk down.

"Director Jiang, I think the model just now is better."

A man nearby said to the young woman.

He is the deputy director here

"which one?"

"That's the Makai school." The deputy director pointed to a young man waiting nearby.

But he accepted 50000 yuan for Ma Kai's study, and he promised that there would be 100000 yuan after it was completed?

For 100000 yuan, the deputy director will spare no effort to recommend Ma Kai.

"He is handsome, fair skinned and has a good temperament."

The deputy director praised Ma Kai for a while.

Young woman director Jiang turned to look.

When he found that the director looked at him, Ma Kaixue showed a gentleman's smile on his face.

He was very nervous. After all, he spent a lot of money on relationships.

"Director Jiang, I think he's good, too."

Next, a female model suggested.

This female model, LV Yishan, is a long-term contract model of Tianyun jewelry company.

Lu Yishan is also Ma Kaixue's girlfriend.

It was Lu Yishan who suggested that Ma Kai learn.

This time, Tianyun jewelry company designed a couple necklace and a couple ring.

For publicity, they need to find models to take photos and videos.

The female model is Lu Yishan. Now the male model is chosen.

Hearing that LV Yishan and the deputy director recommended Ma Kaixue, the young woman sighed.

Other models are not so good, anxious publicity, that's it.


the young woman opened her mouth and was ready to agree.

Seeing this, Ma Kai took a long breath and showed a proud smile.

"Director, there's another model. I'm a minute late by accident."

The long legged beauty came over.

Because the young woman director and the long legged beauty have a good relationship in private. Hearing this, the young woman turns her head and looks.

Next second, the young woman is amazing!

How handsome!

It's like killing Mackay and all the male models.

In an instant, the young woman was moved.

At the moment, what is late or not, is covered by Chu Chen's face.

"Get him over here." The young woman spoke excitedly.

Ma Kaixue, LV Yishan and deputy director were silly when they heard the young woman's words.

How can you kill such a man halfway?

"Let's go."

Come to Chu Chen side, long legged beauty mouth.

At the moment, Chu Chen has guessed the general thing.

Anyway, it's my own company, so it's natural for me to be a model.

Who makes him so handsome.

We have to take some responsibility.

Chu Chen walked past.

Start the mirror.

Seeing the arrival of Chu Chen, many female employees in the studio have their eyes lit up.

The little brother of this model is also too handsome, love, love.

As for the young woman director, she was even more excited and moved forward.

Chu Chen took a man's necklace, put a few actions, and put on a man's ring.

Soon, the exam was finished.

"Perfect.""It's perfect."

"It's just made for him."

After shooting, even photographers with many years of work experience couldn't help admiring.

Chu Chen's picture is perfect.

"Director Jiang, I suggest signing him, and that's long-term."

"He's a natural model, no matter what kind of jewelry, he's definitely the best model."

Finally, the photographer suggested to the young woman.

Needless to say, young women have already thought about it.

Just him.

We must sign a contract for a long time, no matter how much it costs.

Perfect male model, no flaws.

He's all here, like a work of art.

Just when the young woman opened her mouth and said she wanted to sign Chu Chen, the deputy director couldn't help it.

"Director Jiang, I think it should be considered."

Learn from Mackay, he has 100000 yuan?

With Chu Chen, he has nothing.

The deputy director naturally wants to kick Chu Chen out and choose Ma Kai to learn.

"The appearance of this man is too sudden. We don't know his information yet. We should know what he is saying."

"Director Jiang, I also think we should consider it."

Lu Yishan spoke quickly.

Naturally, she didn't want her boyfriend to be replaced.

At the moment, Ma Kaixue looks at Chu Chen fiercely, as if his wife was robbed by Chu Chen!

"This person is likely to be a newcomer to the industry, and he doesn't know anything."

"And Ma Kaixue is an old model. After the test of the market, he is very famous."

"This boy, who knows how he is?"

"Will consumers like him?"

Deputy director repeatedly questioned, LV Yishan echoed.

"I don't think he'll stand with me?"

"It's better for Mackay to learn to match."

Their voice is not yet down, there is a hubbub outside.

"Look, everyone."

"That's the little brother. He's so handsome."

"It's just a fairy face. If he speaks for something, I'll buy it."

Many female employees of Tianyun jewelry company come to see Chu Chen's amazing beauty.

Hearing these words, the deputy director and LV Yishan were embarrassed.

"I'm sure."

"This time, I'll sign..."

the young woman spoke, but she didn't know Chu Chen's name.

"What's your name, sir?"

"Chu Chen."

"I'm sure Mr. Chu Chen is the male model of choice."

The young lady announced.

"What's more, don't you say it's not suitable to stand with chuchen?"

"I thought about it for a moment. It doesn't work."

After thinking deeply, the young woman said to LV Yishan:

"so, I decided to replace you. This time, the female model is not you."


Hearing this, Lu Yishan was dumbfounded.

Just now, LV Yishan suggested not to use Chu Chen, saying that Chu Chen did not match her.

As a result, the next second the director directly replaced her?!

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