Lu Yishan's mentality immediately burst.

Ma Kaixue also collapsed.

In the end, not only did he spend his money in vain, but he didn't sign a contract successfully. On the contrary, even his girlfriend was brushed off?

In an instant, Ma Kaixue looks at Chu Chen and his resentment reaches the extreme. At this moment, Ma Kaixue even has the heart to strangle Chu Chen.

No way!

No way!

The advertising cost this time is as high as several hundred thousand?

Even if he was not elected, his girlfriend Lu Yishan must not be brushed down.

Thinking of this, Ma Kaixue secretly sent a message to the deputy director.

As long as you keep LV Yishan's position, the 100000 will still be given to you, and the 50000 will be added to you, and the 150000 will be given to you!

Seeing the news of Ma Kai's learning, the deputy director who didn't want to speak was moved.


I'm afraid it's going to be against director Jiang this time.


Deputy director secretly back to the news, if it is 200000, and director Jiang opposition, he can promise.

"OK, 200000 is 200000!"

"But you must keep her, or there will be no money."

Mackay learned to bite his teeth and agreed.

Seeing this, the deputy director showed a faint smile on his face.

"Director Jiang, I don't think we can change LV Yishan."

The deputy director opened his mouth. This time, he was much tougher.

The deputy director is the confidant of the general manager of Tianyun jewelry company. With the support of the general manager, he has the courage to compete with his boss.


Hearing the deputy director's words, others were stunned.

"Deputy director Liu, what do you mean?" The young woman asked.

"It's not interesting."

Deputy director Liu is not willing to be outdone.

"Lv Yishan is an excellent female model in our company. She has been used to the mirror before. She is very suitable for this product."

"I don't approve of changing her."

When the young woman still wanted to speak, deputy director Liu said again, "if director Jiang has any opinions, we can go to the general manager to discuss them."

Liu deputy director of his backer, the general manager of Tianyun jewelry company moved out.

The young woman stopped talking.

She's just a director. She really can't get the general manager.

In the studio, other employees are also indignant at the moment and can't stand the vice director Liu.

But they dare not refute.

"Now, does director Jiang have any comments?"

Deputy director Liu asked complacently.

Lu Yishan also showed a smile on her face and looked around her, extremely arrogant.

"I have an opinion."

A faint voice came.

It caught everyone's attention in an instant.

The next second, they were surprised to find that the mouth is actually that very handsome little brother, Chu Chen.

However, he is just a model. It seems that his words have no effect.

"I have an opinion."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Just now, deputy director Liu and LV Yishan deliberately pushed him out. Chu Chen naturally saw it.

Although he didn't care what to choose.

But these two people aim at him, let Chu Chen displeased.


Deputy manager Liu sneered.

This may be an opportunity, he can also take the opportunity to kick Chu Chen out, let Ma Kai learn.

In this way, Ma Kai will definitely give himself more "reward".

"What's your opinion?"

Liu vice manager mouth up, arms, asked Chu Chen.

"I don't think she's suitable, and she's not suitable for Tianyun jewelry company. She should be fired."

Chu Chen answers.

"Is it?"

"Who do you think is right?"

Deputy manager Liu questions Chu Chen.

Chu Chen looked around and replied:

"she's good. She's a hundred times better than LV Yishan."

Chu Chen pointed to the long legged beauty. Whether it was temperament or appearance, the long legged beauty was better than LV Yishan.

It's just that leggy women are not professional models.


Hearing Chu Chen's words, the long legged beauty was very excited.

Does this little brother really feel so good?

"That's it. LV Yishan is fired. She uses this long legged beauty."

Chu Chen finally opens his mouth and decides the candidate.

Other employees are stupid.

Although they all admit that Chu Chen is quite handsome, she is just a model.

How does he get involved in the internal affairs of the company?

Even director Jiang was very surprised."Hahaha, why should we listen to you?"

Deputy director Liu sneered.

"Who do you think you are?"

"Do you think the company is yours?"

Deputy director Liu questions Chu Chen loudly.

"In a way, this company is really mine."

Chu Chen thought for a moment and spoke very seriously.

"Ha ha ha."

Deputy manager Liu burst out laughing.

Other faces are full of incredible words.

At the scene, almost no one believed Chu Chen's words.

Is the company his?

Are you kidding?

Liu Ruobing, their president, is still sitting in the office?

At the scene, only the long legged beauty believed Chu Chen's words.

Chu Chen thinks that she is competent as a model. Naturally, she is willing to believe Chu Chen.

In addition to the long legged beauty, there is director Jiang's suspicion.

"Take me to your president."

Chu Chen opens his mouth. Anyway, his second largest shareholder should also meet with the president.

Hearing Chu Chen's words, no one answered at the scene.

"Well, I'll take you."

In the end, the long legged beauty, at the risk of being fired, replied.

Long legged beauty is the secretary just chosen by President Liu Ruobing.

After that, the long legged beauty takes Chu Chen to the president's office.

Deputy director Liu and others are following, ready to have a look.

This male model, what are you going to do?


In an upscale villa in Hangzhou, an old man in his sixties finished reading a document.

"Mr. Chu, who is this mysterious Mr. Chu Chen?"

The old man muttered curiously.

It is such a mysterious man who has just bought 22% of the shares of his company and has become the second largest shareholder after him.

This makes the old people attach great importance and vigilance.

It's not easy anymore.

Although he has retired now and left the company to his daughter, he is still the largest shareholder of Tianyun jewelry company after all. His shares are still in his hands, and he has not given them to his daughter?

Thinking, the old man called.

In the office of the president of Tianyun jewelry company, a super tall and perfect woman answers the phone.

"Ruobing, something happened..."

the old man told his daughter Liu Ruobing about the change of the company's second largest shareholder.


After listening, Liu Ruobing's pretty face was slightly cold.

You know, she just took over the top ten companies in the national jewelry industry from her father.

There are too many things, especially many old people in the company don't agree with her.

Now there is a mysterious rich man, a stranger who only knows his name has become the second largest shareholder?

This makes Liu Ruobing, who has a strong character, unable to think.

Is this a signal?

Just as Liu Ruobing was thinking, a knock came at the door.

The long legged beauty came in.

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