"Mr. Liu, a gentleman wants to see you."

After coming in, the long legged beauty opened her mouth and gave a brief account of what happened in the studio.

"No see."

Liu Ruobing waved his hand.

Now she's thinking about Chu Chen, who bought 22% of their company?

I don't want to see anyone at all.

It's just a male model who orders the personnel change of the company directly?

Hearing Liu Ruobing's reply, the long legged beauty sighed in her heart and was ready to leave in disappointment.


At this time, Liu Ruobing suddenly recalled the details that the long legged beauty had just said.

The male model seems to have said, "in a sense, this company is his"?

"What's his name?" Liu Ruobing asked curiously.

"Chu Chen." The long legged beauty replied.

In an instant, Liu Ruobing's face changed.

She and her father have just finished talking about the mysterious rich Mr. Chu Chen. Now he appears?

So fast?

Liu Ruobing was extremely surprised.

Also, in Liu Ruobing's subconscious, he thinks that Chu Chen is a boss who is about the same age as her father, or about 50 years old.

How did you become a model?

"Come on in."

Liu Ruobing opens his mouth.

"No, I'll go out myself."

Liu Ruobing gets up.

Outside, waiting for a while, did not see long legged beauty out, said to let Chu dust in.

"Don't brag here, boy."

Deputy director Liu spoke impatiently.

"What about the president?"

"To tell you the truth, I have contacted the general manager. You'd better go to see the general manager with me."

Deputy director Liu said sarcastically.

This time, he must change Chu Chen.

"The laughing boy." Lu Yishan also sneered. Originally, she was afraid?

It turns out that this guy is really bragging. He's nothing.

And fire her?

"Ah." Director Jiang sighed with some helplessness.

There's no last hope.

A fat middle-aged man came from a distance.

He is Gao Hui, general manager of Tianyun Jewelry Group and the third largest shareholder.

Seeing his own backer coming, deputy director Liu is even more arrogant.

In his early years, deputy director Liu was the Secretary of the general manager. The general manager thought he was good and promoted him a little bit. He was an absolute confidant.

As long as he talks, isn't he a model?

General Manager Gao Hui will definitely agree.

Originally, Gao Hui was thinking about things in the office, but vice director Liu contacted him.

Now is the time for him and Liu Ruobing to seize power. He should try to get the support of most of the company's management.

Deputy director Liu, after all, is his confidant. Now he can't just sit by and do nothing.

Isn't it just a male model?

Gao Huilai is going to order director Jiang to replace Chu Chen.

However, before Gao Hui spoke, the door of the president's office opened.

President Liu Ruobing came out in person, followed by long legged beauty.

"This is Chu Chen, Mr. Chu." Long legged beauty introduces to Liu Ruobing.

After seeing Chu Chen, Liu Ruobing was shocked.

She had already made psychological preparation, but still didn't expect Chu Chen to be so handsome.

"Mr. Chu, I'm Liu Ruobing, President of Tianyun Jewelry Group."

Liu Ruobing spoke politely.

"You may not know that Chu Chen, President Chu, is now the second largest shareholder of our company."

Liu Ruobing announced to everyone:

"from today on, President Chu is also the vice president of our company."

Vice President?

Second largest shareholder?

Hearing Liu Ruobing's introduction, all the people present were dumbfounded.


The long legged beauty showed a smile on her face and was very happy.

Director Jiang was also relieved and shocked.

This male model is actually the second largest shareholder of her company, vice president?

"President Chu is too low-key!"

"General manager Chu is so handsome!"

"With a boss like President Chu, I feel motivated to work again."

After hearing that Chu Chen was actually the second largest shareholder of the company, the female employees who were watching were crazy.

These female employees start crazy brain fill: what overbearing president falls in love with me, President husband takes home, President husband, please control!

Lu Yishan, with a bright smile on her face, completely froze.

Vice President?

She offended the vice president of the company?The more she thought about it, the more frightened she was.

It's over.

It's really over.

As for deputy director Liu, his face turned pale and his body trembled.

Second largest shareholder?

Is this company really his?

How is that possible?

As for Gao Hui, the general manager, I am very happy at the moment.

God, almost, almost!

If I had opened my mouth earlier, I'm afraid I would have offended the president of Chu.

This is the second largest shareholder of the company.

If Chu Chen can be brought to their side, Liu's father and daughter will be in danger.

In an instant, Gao Hui's thought changed.

Gao Hui came up quickly and yelled.

But it's not Chu Chen who scolds, it's deputy director Liu.

"You guys are the company moths."

"From today on, you, and you, have been offered by the company. Pack up and go."

In order to please Chu Chen, Gao Hui expels Liu and LV Yishan in front of everyone.


Liu deputy director screamed, sad to the extreme.

He just wanted to get 200000 yuan, but he lost himself!

Finally, the dust settled, vice director Liu and LV Yishan were fired, long legged beauty became a temporary model.

In the office, Chu Chen and Liu Ruobing talk for a while and leave the office.

After taking photos, long legged beauty Lu Feifei asks for chuchen's wechat, so chuchen adds her wechat and then leaves.

Standing in front of the office window, looking at Chu Chen leaving downstairs, Liu Ruobing's eyes are deep, and he doesn't know what he is thinking.


The next day, Chu Chen went alone to the international auto show that Jiang Feilong had said before.

He doesn't have a car to drive yet?

and since Jiang Feilong is so polite, Chu Chen doesn't buy dozens more, so he's sorry.

I still have ten big garages, empty?

There are almost all the major international luxury cars in this auto show, including Lamborghini, Ferrari, Rolls Royce and so on.

On the Audi booth, a female car model with medium facial value and heavy makeup found Chu Chen and immediately showed a flattering smile.

"Little brother, this car is good."

Pointing to the Audi RS5, which is worth $8.9 million, the female model car said:

"if my little brother bought it, they can chat with you on wechat?"

Looking at the car and people, Chu Chen shook his head.

"I don't want to buy it."

Chu Chen extremely firm mouth.

You don't want to buy it?

Hearing this, the female model's face changed instantly.

It turns out that it's a poor silk hanger who just looks but doesn't buy it.

Now in this society, no matter how handsome you are, no money is nothing!

"If you don't buy it, please go to other places."

The car model's cold mouth.

"You can't even afford Audi. What kind of man are you?"

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