The car model sneers. Are you handsome these days?

For example, she is as beautiful as a fairy. Isn't she also here to laugh?

Some of the men around passed by and were so angry when they heard the model car.

Why can't you afford Audi? It's not a man.

To be honest, most ordinary families can afford Audi.

"What do you mean?"

A young man couldn't help yelling at the model car.

The next second, however, the young man's girlfriend slapped him directly.

"What do you mean, isn't she right?"

The girl friend scolded the youth.

"I can't even afford an ordinary car like Audi. Who will marry him?"

As she said this, the girl glanced at Chu Chen, disgusted in her eyes.

Even if he was beaten, the young man still offered to apologize to his girlfriend.

On the exhibition stand, the car model sneered:

"don't buy one side."

Chu Chen shakes his head helplessly. He doesn't buy Audi because it's not good enough.

The next second, Chu Chen went directly to the next Ferrari auto show.

"This one."

"This one..."

"this one..."

several cars at Ferrari auto show made Chu Chen more satisfied. Chu Chen pointed to five or six cars in a row.

"I bought them all."

In addition to Ferrari, Rolls Royce, Bentley and a series of luxury car booths, chuchen swept the past.

In the end, Chu Chen bought 578 luxury cars at one go.

After Jiang Feilong knew Chu Chen arrived, he came out in person and took the initiative to pay all the money.

Audi Auto Show, another car model and just satirize Chu Chen car model shift.

"Did you hear that there was a handsome super rich man at the auto show who bought 50 or 60 luxury cars at one go?"

Shift model incomparable emotion said.


"How could it be?"

The car model who mocked Chu Chen shook his head. He didn't believe it. How much does it cost? Hundreds of millions, or how much.

"Don't believe it. Look, he's right there?"

Suddenly, the car model who came to change shifts saw Chu Chen and Jiang Feilong go over and quickly spoke.


"You said it was him?"

Looking at the person that the companion points to, the mean car model that mocks Chu Chen is dumbfounded.

"Yes, it is said that he is the son of the boss of our auto city and the elder brother of Jiang Shao."

"Jiang Shao paid all the money for him directly."


The mean model car nearly fainted in the dark.

What did she do just now?


The next day is the day of the Yan family meeting, and it is also the day when master Yan will determine the future helmsman of the Yan Family according to the achievements of the third generation.

Master Yan has several sons, but none of them are very successful. None of them satisfies master Yan.

Therefore, master Yan went directly beyond the second generation and chose his successor in the third generation.

Today, the Yan family is very busy. People from all over the country come to the Yan family.

Everyone's focus is in the young and promising generation of the Yan family.

Among them, the most striking are Yan Chengye, the son of Uncle Yan Luoshui, and Yan Ze, the eldest son of the fourth uncle.

The third is Yan Luoshui.

But many people are not optimistic about Yan Luoshui because of his family's preference for boys.

"Brother ye, Yan Luoshui is not easy. This time I'll come prepared."

Several young people of Yan family are talking about Yan Chengye.

They are Yan Chengye's supporters.

"No harm."

Yan Chengye seems to have a trump card, but he doesn't care too much.

"Isn't that a 10 billion dollar millionaire?"

Yan Chengye sneers.

"Still want to take the position of successor from my hand, Yan Luoshui can't!"

"That Chu Chen is not worthy of it!"

On the other side, there is also a group of people around another young man, he is Yan Ze.

And Yan Chengye are the two focuses of this competition.

Yan Ze and his supporters are whispering.

Looking at Yan Ze and others, Yan Lexian, who has become a loyal little fan of Chu Chen, sneers in his heart.

Yan Lexian and Yan Ze are brothers. They are the sons of Yan Luoshui's fourth uncle, but their relationship is very poor.

Yan Lexian grew up in the shadow of Yan Ze, so he was full of complaints about Yan Ze.

This time, he did not disclose Chu Chen's terrorist identity.

I just want to see these people beaten in the face by Chu Chen.

My brother-in-law's strength is unknown to these frogs at the bottom of the well.While these people are still comparing with their peers, my brother-in-law is already fighting with the older generation.

At this time, a burst of noise came, Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui came to Yan's courtyard.

In an instant, countless people's eyes are all on Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui.

"Brother in law, here you are."

After seeing Chu Chen, Yan Lexian ran over like a dog leg and said flatteringly.

"Sit down."

Seeing Yan Lexian's actions, Yan Ze and Yan Chengye shake their heads one after another, and they look down upon Yan Lexian even more.

Looking at Chu Chen, Yan Chengye is still extremely arrogant, obviously did not put Chu Chen in the eye.

Soon, a silver haired, energetic old man came in.



After seeing the old man, all the people present spoke.

The old man is the master of the Yan family.

A crowd goes up to say hello one after another, Yan Luoshui also takes Chu Chen to walk past.


After seeing Chu Chen, as the helmsman of a rich family, master Yan opened his mouth slightly and didn't care much about Chu Chen.

In his eyes, Chu Chen is nothing, not worthy of his excessive attention!

"Today's most important thing, we all know what it is, and I will not talk nonsense any more."

Master Yan glanced around.

"Today, whoever gets the best results is the future successor of the Yan family."

Before, Mr. Yan sent all his descendants to each branch office.

After nearly three years, we have made some achievements.

Today, the next successor is the one who has the best achievements and brings the biggest profits to the Yan family.

Relatively speaking, it's fair.

"Grandfather, I'll come first."

A young man came forward and said:

"in three years, I have completed more than 20 large orders, bringing nearly 30 million contributions to the company and family."

With that, the young man gave some documents to master Yan.

"Not bad."

Looking at these documents, master Yan nodded with satisfaction.

Then, many people went up to report their achievements.

"Grandfather, I'll come."

At last, Yan Ze, who attracted attention, went up.

"In three years, through my unremitting efforts, I have completed several large orders and annexed a competitive company."

"A total of 100 million profits for the family!"

After that, Yan Ze looked around with pride and held his head high.


"One hundred million!"

"What Yan Ze managed was just a branch company, and he made a net profit of 100 million?"

Countless people talk about it.

This is the highest achievement of the Yan family so far.

Beside Chu Chen, Yan Luoshui gets nervous and feels threatened.

Her grades are similar to those of Yan Ze.

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