In fact, at the beginning, yanluoshui made a profit of only 60 million yuan.

After knowing Chu Chen, some bosses in Jiangzhou signed a contract with Yan Luoshui in order to please Chu Chen, and Yan Luoshui made another 40 million profits.

Yan Luoshui also has no way. At the beginning, when Yan Luoshui took over the company, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

In the past three years, it has changed from a nearly bankrupt company without any family resources to a company with a profit of 60 million.

"I'm afraid the results have come out."

"The profit of 100 million in three years is amazing, which is almost equal to the profit of the head office in one quarter."

"The position of successor will be occupied by Yan Ze."

People sigh, even master Yan also feel almost.

"Wait a minute."

A voice came.

But this time, it wasn't Chu Chen or Yan Luoshui, but Yan Chengye, another big focus.

After that, Yan Chengye got up and went to the front.

"Grandpa, Ozawa has finished. It's my turn." Yan Chengye said with confidence.

Looking at the confident Yan Chengye, people are curious.

Master Yan also nodded. Could his grandson bring him any unexpected joy.

"In three years, the branch I managed made 80 million yuan."

Yan Chengye spoke.

80 million?

People shake their heads, only 80 million, they think Yan Chengye can bring them what shocking news?

"However, after I went back to Hangzhou, I negotiated two more orders these two days. Today, I signed the contract immediately, and the profits of these two orders will be as high as 70 million."

Yan Chengye's words changed.


Hearing this, people were stunned.

What, 70 million?

That adds up to 150 million yuan?

But is what Yan Chengye said true?

Can he get such a big profit?

Just when people doubted, a bright voice came.

"Mr. Yang Hao, the chairman of haoou company, is here. Please forgive me, Mr. Yan."

A middle-aged man walked into Yan's courtyard.

Haoou company is a famous large enterprise in Hangzhou, with total assets of nearly 50 billion, and it is still rising slowly, with the possibility of breaking 100 billion.

After seeing Yang Hao, everyone immediately got up.

Even master Yan stood up.

The chairman of a 50 billion company is enough to give him a profile.

At the scene, only Chu Chen sat there calmly, eating grapes leisurely.

"I'm here to sign a contract with Yan Chengye today."

Yang Hao explained.

It shows that Yang Hao was invited by Yan Chengye to support the show.


What Yan Chengye said just now is true?

Everyone was shocked that the chairman of the 50 billion company actually came in person.

Yan Chengye is so awesome!

Enjoying the eyes of people's worship, Yan Chengye takes a look at them, especially Chu Chen.

What 10 billion rich, can be compared to 50 billion?

After reading, Yan Chengye glanced at his watch and looked at the time. The real boss should have come.

Yang Hao is not the most powerful person he invited.

"Gao came uninvited."

Another chubby man came in.

"Let me introduce myself. Gao Hui, general manager of Tianyun jewelry company, is here today to sign a contract with Yan Chengye and Yan xiannephew."

This chubby man is no one else. He is the backing of the former deputy director Liu, the general manager of Tianyun jewelry company.

Tianyun jewelry company?

Isn't that one of the top ten companies in the jewelry industry?

100 billion group!

The general manager of Tianyun Jewelry Group is already a big shot.

Everyone is very surprised, Yan Chengye actually want to sign a contract with such a big man?

Seeing Gao Hui coming, master Yan came to meet him in person.

The general manager of Tianyun jewelry company, this identity is enough to make Mr. Yan treat each other with courtesy.

His "trump card" came, Yan Chengye's face smile more brilliant, even arrogant.

Yan Ze gave up completely.

Two big men like this came, and he was completely defeated.

Gao Hui and Yang Hao talk with master Yan.

"Mr. Yan really has a good grandson." Yang Hao spoke.


Gao Hui agrees.

"Young heroes like Yan Chengye will lead the Yan family to the peak in the future. It's just around the corner."

There is something in Gao Hui's words."Nephew Yan Xian is definitely the first person of the younger generation of the Yan family."

Master Yan made a decision in his heart.

In this way, Yan Chengye is indeed the best choice, and also the most profitable offspring.

At the scene, no one said anything to refute.


A light cough came.

"I don't think so."

While eating grapes, Chu Chen opened his mouth cynically.


In an instant, the eyes of all the people on the scene all gathered on Chu Chen's body.

Many elders of the Yan family have changed their faces.

Although you are a 10 billion rich man, it's too much to be so presumptuous in front of the old man and two big figures!

"Shut up, when will it be your turn to talk in our Yan family?"

Yan Luoshui's uncle, Yan Chengye's father, gets up and scolds Chu Chen.


"You're a stranger. You're not qualified to speak now."

Other elders of the Yan family also spoke one after another.

"Yan Luoshui, take care of your boyfriend!"

Yan Luoshui's second uncle scolds Yan Luoshui.

Even master Yan's face is not so good.

No matter what occasion, just so presumptuous. The boyfriend in Luoshui is not so good.

At the scene, only Gao Hui opened his mouth and was surprised.

President Chu?

Why is Mr. Chu here?

Think of the words that the elder of Yan Family scolded just now, and Yan Luoshui beside Chu Chen.

Gao Hui understood in an instant.

The next second, he almost lost his footing.

"Mr. Gao, what's the matter with you?" Yang Hao helps Gao Hui.

"Is this boy angry with you?"

"Do you want me to...

Yang Hao was also a little offended by Chu Chen. A young man dared to interrupt them.

"Boy, you are the boy?"

"How to talk to President Chu?"

However, before Yang Hao's words were finished, Gao Hui was furious and yelled at Yang Hao.

Is Yang Hao confused?

What's wrong with me licking you?

Other people on the scene looked at each other and didn't know what happened to Gao Hui.

The next second, in everyone's surprised eyes.

Gao Hui respectfully walks up to Chu Chen and apologizes:

"I didn't expect that President Chu was here. It was Gao's negligence and he didn't notice president Chu. I'm sorry."

Seeing this, everyone was even more surprised.

The grand general manager of 100 billion group apologized to a young man?

What is Chu Chen's identity?

Also, President Chu, what President Chu.

Master Yan and the elders of the Yan family are suspicious.


Yan Chengye also felt uneasy in his heart, and a bad premonition emerged.

Looking at all the people's puzzled eyes, Gao Hui was very surprised. Don't these people know the identity of general Chu?

At this time, Gao Hui began to introduce himself to the public:

"this is the second largest shareholder of our Tianyun jewelry company, Mr. Chu Chen, vice president."

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