Tianyun jewelry company's second largest shareholder?

Vice President?

After hearing Gao Hui's words, all the people present were confused.

Is it not that Chu Chen is just an ordinary 10 billion rich man with no background?

How did you suddenly become a vice president of 100 billion group?

And the second largest shareholder?

Yan Chengye's silly eyes, this meaning outside too suddenly, Yan Chengye a time at a loss.

Vice president of 100 billion group?

This identity alone is enough to crush the two great figures he invited!

Just now, the elders of the Yan family who scolded Chu Chen and Yan Luoshui had not had time to sit down.

At the moment, they are standing there, embarrassed!

Chuchen is the second largest shareholder of 100 billion group?

They have a look of surprise and shame.

They just said that Chu Chen is not qualified to speak here.

But now Gao Hui tells them that Chu Chen is the second largest shareholder of Tianyun jewelry company?

This identity, has let them look up to.

Master Yan was also surprised.

Tianyun Jewelry Group's second largest shareholder, this identity also let him attach great importance.

Although the Yan family is a rich family, after several generations of struggle, all kinds of large and small companies add up, which has accumulated hundreds of billions.

Tianyun jewelry company is different. It is the top ten group in the national jewelry industry. It is thriving and the future is limitless.

Did he read Chu Chen wrong before?

"I take it back."

Gao Hui wanted to make up for it, so he quickly said:

"in my opinion, Miss Yan Luoshui is the most suitable choice for the younger generation of the Yan family."

After hearing this, all of them did not speak.

With the help of chuchen, the second largest shareholder of Tianyun jewelry company, Yan Luoshui's advantage instantly surpassed Yan Chengye's.

"It makes sense."

"I also think Yan Luoshui is good."

"It's undeniable that Yan Luoshui's ability is very strong."

Everyone whispered.

Hearing this, Yan Chengye's face changed.

At the moment, Yan Chengye looks at master Yan, but is surprised to find that master Yan is also thinking, as if hesitating.


"This time, we choose the future successors of the Yan Family according to the profit ratio of their respective branches to the family, not the relationship."

Yan Chengye doesn't want to give up. In order to invite Gao Hui and Yang Hao to come, he and his father cost a lot.

"Yan Luoshui, what's your profit now?"

Yan Chengye asks Yan Luoshui.

"100 million."

Hearing Yan Luoshui's answer, Yan Chengye has the strength to speak.

"Did you hear that? 100 million, only 100 million!"

Yan Chengye anxious mouth.

"And I'm 150 million, so the future successor of the Yan family should be me."

Chu Chen stood up slowly:

"as far as I know, your 150 million, 70 million is just ready to sign the contract."

When Chu Chen is ready to add several contracts to Yan Luoshui.

Outside Yan's compound, a Maybach stopped.

A father and son came down. The young man was Jiang Feilong, whom they met in Jinsha Equestrian Club, while the middle-aged man was Jiang Feilong's father, Jiang Hua, chairman of Tengzhi group.

"Mr. Jiang came to see Mr. Chu."

Entering Yan's courtyard, Jiang Hua spoke.

Jiang Hua had just returned to Hangzhou to talk about business in other places. When he heard his son say something about Jinsha Equestrian Club, he took Jiang Feilong to apologize.

Of course, Jiang Hua also wants to make friends with this young and excessive one hundred billion rich man.

"Jiang Hua, chairman of Tengzhi group?"

After seeing Jiang Hua, there was another uproar at the scene.

Even master Yan became very polite.

"Welcome to President Jiang."

Tengzhi group is more powerful than Yan Family!

"Hello, Mr. Yan."

Jiang Hua nodded slightly, and he stopped talking to master Yan.

I didn't care about master Yan at all.

On the way here, he has investigated the Yan Family's affairs and knows what is happening to the Yan family now.

"Today, I come here to sign a cooperation order of 3 billion with Miss Yan Luoshui."

Jiang Hua said aloud.

Three billion?!

Such a big deal.

Three billion orders, even if it's worse, it's enough to earn tens of millions.

With the previous profit of 100 million yuan, Yan Luoshui is better than Yan Chengye.

After that, Jiang Hua goes to Chu Chen and apologizes to him.

"Mr. Jiang is very polite."

Chu Chen opens his mouth."Mr. Chu is too outsider there. If you don't mind, just call me brother Jiang in the future."

Jiang Hua opens his mouth and wants to get close to Chu Chen.

Tengzhi Group Chairman Jiang Hua, actually take the initiative to make friends with Chu Chen?

Even if Chu Chen is the second largest shareholder of Tianyun jewelry company, some are too incredible.

"Isn't he a multimillionaire?"

"As for it?"

Yan Chengye asked.

"Ten billion?"

"What do you think?"

Jiang Feilong opened his mouth with a sneer on his face.

"Mr. Chu is a millionaire and a crown member of Jinsha Equestrian Club."

Hundreds of billions of rich people!

Crown member?!

Knowing Chu Chen's other two identities, they were shocked.

Hundreds of billions of millionaires!

Chuchen is a millionaire!!!

Yan Chengye, who had been frightened, now became blank in his mind and kept muttering.

"Hundreds of billions of rich..."


Mr. Yan is also shocked, Luoshui's boyfriend, is actually a hundred billion rich?

And let Jiang Hua talk about diplomatic relations?

The identity of Chu Chen is higher than that of the master of Yan family. He needs to look up to him.

At the moment, everyone quietly watched Chu Chen and Jiang Hua talking and laughing, not daring to make a sound.

Even Mr. Yan didn't dare to disturb them.

After talking with Jiang Hua for a while, he agreed to have dinner together. Jiang Hua talked with Yan Luoshui about the contract, and then he left.

After watching Jiang Hua leave, people dare not slack off.

A big man is coming. Is there another big man here?

Chu Chen so young, already a big man, a hundred billion rich?


"I declare that Yan Luoshui is the successor of the Yan family."

After Jiang Hua left, master Yan immediately announced.

With Chu Chen, the young one hundred billion rich man, standing on Yan Luoshui's side, it's a foregone conclusion.

"I'm sorry. I'm old."

In front of Chu Chen, master Yan apologizes to Chu Chen for his previous contempt.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chu."

"I'm sorry..."

just now, several people who came out to scold Chu Chen also came to apologize, very humble.


At the Yan's party, Liu Ruobing, President of Tianyun jewelry company, was having dinner with her new friend back home.

"What's the matter with you, Ruobing?"

Looking at Liu Ruobing with a sad face, my best friend inquired with concern.

Liu Ruobing told her best friend about the company. Now the most important thing is Chu Chen.

As long as Chu Chen doesn't have any idea about Tianyun jewelry company, Gao Hui is not Liu Ruobing's opponent.

Looking at her best friend, Liu Ruobing suddenly has a solution.

Liu Ruobing laughs

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