"Zhi LAN, that Chu Chen looks very handsome, and you are very match, or I introduce to you?"

Liu Ruobing opened his mouth with a smile.

But no matter how Liu Ruobing conceals, her smile seems to have a trace of cunning.

My best friends, especially the best ones, are not ashamed of themselves.

Conscience will never pass.

If Chu Chen and his best friend knew each other and became friends, would Chu Chen be his own?

To tell you the truth, Chu Chen is really handsome. No, he is very handsome!

If she is not blind, like that kind of talent, connotation, the best or understand music boy, otherwise, will not introduce Chu Chen to her friends.


"You want to use a beauty trick?" Shen Zhilan picked her eyebrows.

At a glance, he saw through his cunning friend and asked: "why don't you go up?"

"That... I'm not as charming as you. How many pursuers do you have?"

Liu Ruobing was stunned and said: "all in all, we can go around the earth three times."

Said by Liu Ruobing, Shen Zhilan is a little proud. Indeed, she is very charming.

"I promise you."

Shen Zhilan said:

"however, I have a request."

"What requirements?" Liu Ruobing asked.

"Your red Pagani huara?"

If Shen Zhilan has a point to say, she stares at Liu Ruobing that car for a long time.

"Well, I promise you."

Finally, a bite, Liu Ruobing replied.

"It's a deal."

"Actually, Chu Chen doesn't need to be my boyfriend at all."

"You call him out and see how I can conquer him with charm and make him my faithful pursuer."

Shen Zhilan confidently said.

As Liu Ruobing's best friend, Shen Zhilan's background is also terrible.

Listen to my best friend say, Chu Chen is not very rich, again rich, can be rich than her family?

"Who am I Shen Zhilan? I've seen so many handsome guys. The Chu dust you said can't get into my eyes."

"I've been chased, and I've never been chased back. When Chu Chen saw me, he couldn't control himself."

Finally, Shen Zhilan blew.

"OK, I'll contact him right away and see you at noon tomorrow."

Liu Ruobing believes Shen Zhilan's words.

Yan family, Chu Chen received a call from Liu Ruobing.

Liu Ruobing has something to do with the company and asks Chu Chen to meet tomorrow.

Chu Chen a listen to the business of the company, also agreed to come down.

The next day, Shen Zhilan went out of her way to dress up for a long time before she came to the cafe with Liu Ruobing.

"Here you are."

Liu Ruobing takes out the key to Pagani huara's car.

"That's right."

Shen Zhilan took it with a smile and said with a clear mind:

"you'll see me in a moment."

Shen Zhilan's voice just fell, a handsome and hot guy walked into the coffee shop.

"He, he is Chu Chen."

Liu Ruobing whispered to Shen Zhilan.


Follow Liu Ruobing's direction and turn to look.

The next second, Shen Zhilan's whole body trembled, stunned.

How handsome!

How can you be so handsome?

So handsome, foul OK!

Shen Zhilan looks at Chu Chen, and her heart is full of consternation.

If only Chu Chen could be her boyfriend?

Shen Zhilan is really excited.

Liu Ruobing's promise before was immediately forgotten by her.

Shen Zhilan can't help but fantasize. She even thinks about her child's name in the future.

"Little brother."

Heart is not as good as action, Shen Zhilan took the initiative to stand up, ran to chuchen side, chuchen pull over.

Looking at Shen Zhilan's action, Liu Ruobing nodded with satisfaction.

My best friend's acting is on the line.

Liu Ruobing didn't notice the change of Shen Zhilan's eyes, thinking that her best friend began to perform.

It seems that my Pagani huara is worth the money.

Liu Ruobing was a little proud.

Pulled by Shen Zhilan, Chu Chen is a little surprised.

"Mr. Liu, aren't we going to talk about the company?"

Chu Chen asks curiously.

"President Chu, the company's affairs have been dealt with. Don't worry." Liu Ruobing prevaricates.

Looking at Liu Ruobing and the enthusiastic Shen Zhilan.

Chu Chen suddenly understood Liu Ruobing's idea.

But you two are still too young to set yourself up.

Chu Chen heart feeling, he is in the flowers, was chased by countless girls, grow up, what did not see.In an instant, Chu Chen, the movie king, went online.

Three people are sitting there drinking coffee.

Shen Zhilan couldn't help saying:

"little brother, I think you are excellent and handsome."

Her eyes shone with excitement.

Hearing this, Liu Ruobing instantly understood that her best friend began to tease Han.


Chu Chen's mouth surprised.

Hearing Chu Chen's answer, Shen Zhilan gets nervous.

Does this little brother also take a fancy to himself? Ha ha, it's so good.

I'm going to get the account book. Let's get the certificate.

A faint smile appeared on Liu Ruobing's face.

Sure enough, Chu Chen still couldn't stop her friend's attack.

However, Chu Chen's next sentence, let Liu Ruobing just drink coffee, almost spray out.

"I think I'm excellent and handsome, too."

Chu Chen answers Shen Zhilan seriously.

"Cough, cough."

Liu Ruobing suddenly coughs, Chu Chen's answer makes her muddled?

What the hell?

Is there such an answer?

What a show you are!

Liu Ruobing was surprised.

Shen Zhilan is also very embarrassed. She is even ready to get up and get the Hukou book.

"Little brother, you are very real."

Shen Zhilan opens her mouth.

If others say so, she will definitely say "straight man of steel".

But Chu Chen so answer, Shen Zhilan did not complain Chu Chen, but very excited.

Now in this society, there are few people who are so honest as little brother.

She saw the right person.

The little brother is not only handsome, but also full of connotation. It's perfect.

Shen Zhilan shyly said to Chu Chen:

"little brother, I'm so happy to see you today."

Hearing this, Chu Chen showed a "simple and honest" smile on his face.

Liu Ruobing was stunned, thinking that Chu Chen was moved.

Hee hee, I can't escape from my best friend's palm.

Liu Ruobing was overjoyed that his plan was successful.

My best friend is really reliable!

However, Chu Chen's next sentence makes Liu Ruobing's mind explode instantly.

"Are you happy too soon?"

Chu Chen's serious reply.

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