In the shooting gallery, a lot of people gathered around.

Chuchen has three beautiful beauties here, plus the immortal face value of chuchen, it's impossible to attract people.

Bending a bow and taking an arrow, Zhou quanhao aimed at the target in the distance.

"Good standard posture."

"I'm definitely an expert. I've practiced for at least five years."

Looking at Zhou quanhao, some onlookers couldn't help saying.

As soon as the field of vision turned and looked at Chu Chen, many experts could not help shaking their heads. As soon as they looked at the posture, they knew that he was a novice.

Do novices still want to compete with experts and find their own way to death?


Zhou quanhao moved and hit the bull's-eye with an arrow.

Eight rings!

"It's worthy of being an expert. The first arrow hit the eighth ring."

Many onlookers were shocked and said with emotion.

The corner of Zhou quanhao's mouth rose slightly and turned to look at Chu Chen.


Chu Chen's arrow flew out.

The next second, the shooting range became silent.

All eyes were wide open, looking at the target in the distance.

10 rings!

Hit the bull's-eye, no deviation!


This is a novice!

"How powerful!"

"Little brother Niu Bi!"

"Little brother, you are the best."

The first reaction is Su Chuqing. When they see Chu Chen hit the 10th ring with an arrow, they jump up with excitement.

Even happier than Chu Chen.

Looking at the 10 rings in the distance, Chu Chen showed a mysterious smile.

Manager Li didn't let him down. The road widened.

Chu Chen is so confident because he believes that manager Li will always pay attention to him in order to please his new boss.

When he learned that he had agreed to compete with Zhou quanhao, manager Li would certainly take action.

Sure enough, when choosing the bow and arrow, Chu Chen was sure of his own idea.

It was Zhou quanhao who chose the bow and arrow just now, but Chu Chen's bow and arrow was sent by the staff.

The reason why Chu Chen can easily get the 10 rings is the bow and arrow.

"No way."

"It's impossible!"

Zhou quanhao turned pale and kept shaking his head. He didn't believe it.


Zhou quanhao's two friends were also stunned.

"It must be good luck."

"Two out of three!"

Not willing, Zhou quanhao took up the bow and arrow again.

Whoosh, whoosh!

Two arrows fly out.

Eight rings, nine rings!

Whoosh, whoosh!

Chu Chen bent his bow and set up his arrow.

10 rings, 10 rings!

Two more 10 rings.

Seeing this, countless people were shocked.

Zhou quanhao was silly.

"Genius, absolute genius!"

If there is only one 10 ring, it may be luck, but all 10 rings, it can only be said that Chu Chen is the genius of genius.

"Five out of eight."

Nine rings, nine rings, eight rings, nine rings, seven rings.

On the other hand, Chu Chen's side is the same 10 rings.

Looking at Chu Chen's target, Zhou quanhao was shocked.

Archer, absolutely Archer!


"My little brother is too strong."

Several girls cheered.

For a time, Chu Chen became the focus of the public.

Put down the bow and arrow, Chu Chen walked out slowly.

Chu Chen feels that he is not easy. He is handsome and has bad luck. How can others live?

Several girls rushed after the past, incomparably enthusiastic and Chu Chen chatting.

"Are you really handsome and lucky?"

"I was so ugly that I lost?"

Zhou quanhao fell into deep doubt.


After dinner, a few people took a walk in the villa.

Not far away, there are bursts of songs and lights shining.

In order to attract tourists, the villa will invite singers to sing from time to time.

Several also curiously walked past.

Looking at the singer who is about to finish singing on the stage, Zhou quanhao's eyes are bright.

If you lose in archery, can you lose in other aspects.

Now the lights are shining, the attention is the best chance to show yourself.

"You wait. Su Chuqing must be mine."

When he came to chuchen, Zhou quanhao said with great confidence.

After the singer finished singing, Zhou quanhao jumped up, said a few words to the person in charge, and took over the microphone."Today is a special day. I want to go on this stage and sing a song to a beautiful little sister."

Zhou quanhao said with a smile.

Over the years, in order to tease his younger sister, he has practiced singing hard. Now his level is high enough to hang countless people.

On the stage, Zhou quanhao looks at Chu Chen very provocatively.

Seeing Zhou quanhao, Chu Chen couldn't help sighing:

"although you are ugly, you want to be beautiful."

"Next, I'll bring a song called" the balloon of confession. "

When the music sounded, Zhou quanhao fell into the mood, like an infatuated man.

"Coffee by the Seine

left bank

I'll have a cup of coffee in my hand

taste your beauty

mouth with lip print

Florist rose

who wrote the wrong name

advertisement balloon wind blowing across the street

smile flying in the sky


listening to Zhou quanhao's songs, people were intoxicated for a moment.

Zhou quanhao moved many people, but not su Chuqing.

Su Chuqing is chatting with Chu Chen at the moment. She doesn't care about Zhou quanhao's song at all.

When Zhou quanhao finished singing, there was a burst of applause.

However, when Zhou quanhao was confident that Su Chuqing would be moved by himself, his face turned green.

Now Su Chuqing is pinching Chu Chen's shoulder!

And she took the initiative, said Chu Chen archery this afternoon tired, to rest.

Su Chuqing, who was originally cool and gorgeous, was a shy little woman in front of Chu Chen.

"Little brother, do you want to go up and sing a song?"

"Yes, little brother, you are so handsome. You must sing well."

Finally, under the encouragement of several girls, Chu Chen stepped onto the stage.


"What a handsome little brother

"How handsome

With Chu Chen on stage, countless girls below scream like crazy.

Just playing on the stage, the atmosphere has far exceeded the end of Zhou quanhao.

Under the stage, Zhou quanhao's face was green for a while.

Chu Chen stood on the stage thinking, suddenly his mind flashed:

"I bring a song" if one day I become very rich. "

This used to be Chu Chen's favorite song, but now it has finally come true.

"Come on, little brother!"

"You are the best!"

Countless girls yelled.

"If one day I become very rich

my first choice is not to travel around the world

lie in the biggest and softest sofa in the world

eat and then wake up and eat for another year


Become rich I become rich

then pretend to be modest and say that money is not everything

I become rich

all troubles are left in the sky

become rich I become rich

then say from the bottom of my heart that money is not everything. "

With the fall of Chu Chen's song, the scene is boiling!

countless girls stand up and scream like crazy, and even many girls rush to wait for Chu Chen to step down.

"God of songs, little brother, you are definitely the God of songs tonight!"

"Little brother, I love you so much!"

"Little brother, as my boyfriend, can I support you?"

Countless girls scream.

The craziness of the scene has far exceeded Zhou quanhao's and is comparable to a singer!

"Chu Chen, I love you."

"Little brother, I like you!"

Su Chuqing also yelled, his eyes shining.

Who doesn't like the handsome and singing boy?

"My damned charm."

Chu Chen murmured helplessly.

After Chu Chen stepped down, countless beautiful girls immediately gathered around and wanted to add Chu Chen's wechat.

Finally, with the help of Su Chuqing and Meng Meng, Chu Chen got away from the flowers.

"Why, he can't sing as well as me."

Zhou quanhao is going to cry.

Why is this the result?


he's dead!

he's dead

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