That night, when Chu Chen and Su Chuqing are going back to Villa 1, Mengmeng and Xiaomin ask Chu Chen to take them with them.

Chu Chen agreed to come down.

Hearing this, Zhou quanhao's two remaining friends looked envious.

See here, Chu Chen to manager Li said a Hello, 9 villa open, Chu Chen let them go to 9 villa live.

"Brother Chen is powerful!"

"Brother Chen, I really admire you."

Zhou quanhao's two friends quickly thanks.

They also want to stay in the villa area of Shuitian villa for one night. Even their parents have never lived there.

"Handsome is magnanimous!"

They flatter Chu Chen.

"If there's anything to do in the future, brother Chen will give orders."

"Yes, brother Chen, although we are dandies, there are still some relationships and energy in our family. As long as brother Chen has something to do, just say hello."

A guarantee of their enthusiasm.

Chu Chen didn't pay attention to Zhou quanhao. He took Su Chuqing and Mengmeng to the No.1 villa.

"Brother Hao, we're sorry tonight."

To Zhou quanhao, Zhou quanhao's last two allies rushed to Villa 9 immediately.

"Traitors, traitors!"

Zhou Quan stamped his feet with pride.

How long has it been? All my allies have defected.

Damn it!

The next day, several people played in Shuitian villa all morning.

This time, there was a huge change when he came. Chu Chen became the focus. Both Su Chuqing and several friends of Zhou quanhao surrounded Chu Chen.

However, Zhou quanhao seems to be alone and pathetic.

In the afternoon, several people left Shuitian villa.

Finally to leave this ghost place, Zhou quanhao's mood became better.

Jiangzhou, it's my own territory.

Zhou quanhao is ready to raise his eyebrows and fight Chu Chen.

No matter how handsome Chu Chen looks, can he have more money than himself?

However, before he spoke, he heard a word.

"No, just send me back to Yuetan garden. You can go back."

Chu Chen refuses Meng Meng's kindness.


Yuetan garden?

Zhou quanhao thought he heard wrong?

"Brother Chen lives in Yuetan garden. It's amazing!"

"That's Yuetan garden. Even if it's a high-ranking official in Jiangzhou, the rich and the rich are not necessarily qualified to live in it."

Dream several people are also extremely shocked.

For them, Yuetan garden is still untouchable.

Unexpectedly, Chu Chen lives in Yuetan garden!

"Average, average. Yuetan garden is just like that."

Chu Chen light mouth.

See the extreme luxury in villa No.1, at the moment, Yuetan garden is just like that in chuchen's heart.

Yuetan garden, general?

Zhou quanhao had the idea of not wanting to live again.

At the moment, he was extremely ashamed.

I used to show off in front of a super rich man?

Zhou quanhao wanted to give himself a slap. What happened yesterday was that he stretched out his face and let people beat him?


"Brother Chen is an invisible rich man, too low-key!"

"It's rare to see such a low-key person as brother Chen."

Zhou quanhao's two friends said from the heart.

Handsome, rich, lucky and low-key.

For a time, the image of Chu Chen became tall in everyone's heart.

Especially dream dream dream and small sensitive two white rich beauty, looking at Chu dust's eyes more wrong, that eyes seem to say, they want to rely on Chu dust.

"Let's go first."

Boys, especially handsome boys, must protect themselves outside.

After seeing Meng Meng's eyes, Chu Chen and Su Chuqing leave first in order to protect themselves.

Send Chu Chen to the villa and Su Chuqing leaves.

Su Chuqing is in a good mood at the moment.

After this visit, the relationship between her and Chu Chen is closer, not far from her hooking up with Chu Chen.

"Su Chuqing, come on, you can do it!"

"Chu Chen, you can't escape from me, hee hee."

Su Chuqing refuels for herself, and she doesn't look like a cool school flower at all.


Beixiangge, a tall beauty, helplessly faces all kinds of questions from relatives.

"Angie, you are also twenty-four-five. It's time to get married?"

"Angel, do you want your aunt to introduce you?"

In the face of relatives "warm" concern, angel is very upset.If it wasn't for her cousin's birthday and the family forced her to come, she would never have attended such a party.

"All right, all right, I have a showdown."

"I already have a boyfriend, aunt, third aunt, you don't have to introduce me."

Finally, she was forced to be bored. Angie could only lie. No, it was a kind deception.

"Got a boyfriend?"

Hearing this, angel's relatives immediately came to the spirit.

"I've got a boyfriend. OK, let him come. My aunt will help you."

"Yes, Angie, you call him."

"I'm also curious about what kind of boy can be our proud little angel's boyfriend."

To Angela's surprise, after knowing that she had a boyfriend, these relatives did not give up, but became more enthusiastic.

Let your boyfriend come?

Where is she going to find her boyfriend!

"Good, good."

Being quarreled so much, Angie had to make an excuse to call out.

"Angel, don't slip away, otherwise, we'll go to your house and talk about you with your parents."

My aunt told Angie.

Angie's parents didn't come because of her discomfort.

"I won't go."

Angie more helpless, she took the opportunity to slip away plan failed.

"What to do?"

"What to do?"

Out of the private room, Angie walked around anxiously.

Looking at the cars coming and going outside, angel's mind suddenly thought of the immortal face value of the little brother - Chu Chen.

That's the only one who makes me feel.

With a stiff head, angel calls Chu Chen.


The phone is through.

Angie got nervous immediately.

"It's me, Angie, who was in your car last time."


Chu Chen is still impressed by Angie, who is tall and better than the model.

"Can you come and pick me up and take me home?"

Angel asked carefully.

"If it's not convenient, forget it."

"Where are you?"

"I'm at beixiangge on union road."

Chu Chen is outside at the moment, searched, found that the United Road is not far from him, Chu Chen agreed.


Who makes him a serious, low-key, helpful little gentleman?

"Thank you, really."

Angel has a smile on her face.

Angie came up with the right plan.

Let Chu Chen dew a face, don't wait for those relatives to speak, she find an excuse, and Chu Chen leave immediately.

In this way, Chu Chen doesn't have to be bothered.

Ten minutes later, Chu Chen came to BEIXIANG Pavilion.

Angel calls Chu Chen to pick her up in box 309. Chu Chen thinks that angel may be drunk, so she comes to the third floor.

Open 309 box, Chu Chen a Leng.

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