"Are you the boss here?"

Fang Gaoxuan trembles to point to Chu dust, ask a way.


Chu Chen nodded: "what's the matter?"

What's the matter?

What's the matter?

What did you say?

Fang Gaoxuan's heart is roaring, and his face is white with anger!

If it's not for the image, Fang Gaoxuan wants to give Chu Chen a punch at the moment.

Uncle's, your uncle's!

Just now, I was glad that the hundreds of millions I lost didn't fall into Chu Chen's hands. Chu Chen didn't make any money.

As a result, Chu Chen is now the owner of Shengtang auction house. Every auction proceeds with a commission.

"No, don't tell me that all the antiques and artworks that have just been auctioned are yours?"

Suddenly thought of what, Fang Gaoxuan nervous asked.

This auction, the only consolation to him, is that he had dug Chu dust 30 million before.

This money should be similar to the Commission Chu Chen earned.

Only in this way can he ease a little bit.

These auction items must not be Chu Chen's, or he will have no consolation at last.


Hear not, square Gao Xuan this just slowly exhale one breath.

"The others are not. Only the last two pieces are mine." Chu Chen answered seriously.

Only the last two pieces are yours?

So the last two treasures are yours?

That is to say, you own two things worth hundreds of millions!

His compensation of several hundred million, all fell into Chu Chen's pocket!!

"Cough, cough."

Covering his chest, Fang Gaoxuan felt that his heart was broken, thin and broken!

More than 500 million.

More than 500 million of our own have just fallen into the hands of our rival lovers.

The more he thought about it, the more he collapsed.

At this moment, a lyric suddenly appeared in his mind - "I know the truth, tears fall down"!

Taking the document from the manager, Chu Chen looks at it.

"Boss, this auction made history."

"Both the total transaction price and the highest transaction price of the auction break through the previous record of our company."

"And I'm afraid this year, or even in recent years, the highest transaction price of all the auctions in China!"

"The other auction houses will be very envious of us."

The manager said with emotion.

Before that, he was very worried that the boss spent so much money to buy two final treasures, and the chance of losing more than 89%.

As a result, now, these two things alone have made five or six billion yuan.

At the moment, he really admired his boss.

It's worthy of being their new boss!

Listening to the manager's report, Chu Chen nodded:

"it's thanks to our general manager Fang. Without general manager Fang, we can't have some achievements."

Chu Chen said with emotion.

"Fang is always a good man."


Hearing Chu Chen's words, Fang Gaoxuan, who was already devastated, almost ejected an old man's blood.

He felt that he was stabbed by Chu Chen on his heart!

And right in the middle!

Brother, stop talking, OK?

"Let's go."

Said a sentence to Liu Ruobing, Chu Chen prepares to leave.

Of course, before leaving, Chu Chen didn't forget to take the blue diamond from Fang Gaoxuan.

"I thank Mr. Fang for Mr. Liu."

Said a, Chu dust and Liu if ice natural and unrestrained leave.



Looking at Chu Chen and Liu Ruobing's disappearing figure, Fang Gaoxuan feels his heart and is stabbed twice by Chu Chen!!

The blue diamond that oneself painstakingly auctions, unexpectedly also had a part to become Chu Chen's.

He failed in gambling, Liu Ruobing is still extremely indifferent to him.

In this way, he spent 750 million yuan on the blue diamond auction, and he lost 140 million yuan on the Yongle blue and white Ruyi flower and fruit vase.

In total, he lost nearly 900 million yuan!

Nine hundred million!

Fang Gaoxuan felt that his heart was dripping blood.

And just now Chu Chen's words, also seem to stab into his heart with a knife.

What do you mean to thank me for Mr. Liu?

What do you mean!

Fang Gaoxuan felt green not only on his head, but all over his body!


The next second, Fang Gaoxuan cried, aggrieved like a 200 Jin child.

……On the bus, Liu Ruobing was very surprised and said to Chu Chen:

"are you the boss behind the scenes of Shengtang auction house?"

"Yes, what's the matter?"

"Why didn't you say that earlier?" Liu Ruobing said regretfully.

"Ah?" Chu Chen was a little puzzled.

"If I had known you were the boss here, I would have called the price several times." Liu Ruobing answered very regretfully.

"No harm."

Chuchen laughs, and then takes out the two exquisite brocade boxes that the manager handed him before he left.

"Thank you for today."

Doubt from Chu dust hand took the brocade box, a open, Liu Ruobing suddenly surprised.

"I thought they canceled the auction temporarily?"

Liu Ruobing said in surprise, very excited.

There are two exquisite jewels in the two brocade boxes.

Originally, Liu Ruobing came for them, but at the auction, they didn't appear, which disappointed Liu Ruobing.

I didn't expect to see them now.

"Here you are. Don't refuse."

Chu Chen opens his mouth. Today Liu Ruobing helps him make several hundred million yuan. Chu Chen naturally wants to express it.

Knowing Liu Ruobing's intention, Chu Chen tells the auction house that he wants to buy the two pieces of jewelry in advance, just in case.

These two things cost less than 10 million.

It's cheap.

"Well, thank you."

For Chu Chen, this is really nothing, so Liu Ruobing is very happy to accept it.

After all, this is Chu Chen's first gift to her?

And this shows that the relationship between the two has gone a step further, how to say it can be regarded as a good friend.

Finally, the blue diamond was brought to the company by Liu Ruobing, ready to invite top masters to design and make it into a world-class jewelry to be the treasure of Tianyun jewelry company.

The next day, Jiang Feilong's father, Jiang Hua, chairman of Tengzhi group, invited chuchen to tea.

In Yan's courtyard, Jiang Hua is very polite, and Chu Chen agrees.

In the afternoon, Chu Chen came to the teahouse agreed with Jiang Hua.

Although this teahouse is not the top teahouse, it is one of the oldest teahouses in Hangzhou. The scenery outside is very good and the environment is quiet.

It's a place Jiang Hua likes very much.

Because there was no private room, Jiang Hua and Chu Chen sat down in front of the window on the second floor, drinking tea and talking.

However, not long after Jiang Hua and Chu Chen sat down, the rare peace was broken.


"I'm Superman, little Superman, fly, fly."

An eight or nine year old boy came up with his mother.

As soon as he came up, the boy didn't sit down directly, but ran and yelled in the teahouse. He was a real bear.

Moreover, his mother looked indulgent and doting. She looked at her son with a smile, without any intention of discipline.

The peace of tea was broken, and many guests, including Chu Chen and Jiang Hua, were very dissatisfied.

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