"Whose children, no matter what?"

"Don't let him run and shout. This is a teahouse. It needs to be quiet."

"Children's education is very important. This is a public place. It's not good."

Some of the guests in the teahouse spoke.

"He's just a child. Why do you ask for so much?"

In the face of so many accusations, the child's mother gave a sneer and a mean response, which didn't take it seriously at all.

Just at this time, the bear boy running about on the second floor of the teahouse happened to meet Chu Chen and Jiang Hua's tea table with his arm.

The tea on the tea table spills a lot.

"It hurts."

The bear boy rubbed his arm and was very angry.

In order to vent his anger, bear child takes the initiative to kick Chu Chen and Jiang Hua's tea table.

Bang Dang!

This time, the cup on the tea table really fell down.

Tea spilled over the table.

Seeing this, Jiang Hua was angry first. He finally invited Mr. Chu out for tea and chose a quiet environment. He wanted to have a chat.

And now it's destroyed by a bear boy.

Jiang Hua is not a stingy person, even if you touch the table yourself, it's too much to sit here and kick.

Bear child, still want to manage a tube, otherwise, who knows how the future will be lawless!

Just as Jiang Hua was about to educate bear child, bear child's mother, the mean woman, suddenly rushed over.

"Xiao Hao, what's the matter? Does it hurt?"

The mean woman asked fondly.

Now she was no longer indifferent.

"What's the matter with you."

The next second, the mean woman angrily denounced Chu Chen and Jiang Hua, a unreasonable appearance.

"Ha ha."

With a sneer, Jiang Hua replied:

"it's your child who kicks our tea table. We haven't said anything yet, but you are yelling at us here?"

The mean woman looks like a shrew, pointing at Chu Chen and Jiang Hua.

"I don't care. You're hurting my baby."

"It's your fault."

"I really don't know how people are like this now. A young man, an old man, and a child have the same opinion..."

the mean woman is very contemptuous.

Hearing this, Chu Chen and Jiang Hua are helpless. It's your child who is looking for something. We didn't say anything and didn't do anything. You come to pick something on your own initiative.

Now it's our fault.

Child, what's wrong with child? Bear child should be disciplined.

What makes Jiang Hua angry most is that this woman actually calls him "old man"!

Originally in his fifties, he is about to enter the ranks of the elderly. Jiang Hua is particularly sensitive to his age.

As a big man, Jiang Hua naturally does not want to admit that he is "old" or "no longer".

"Why are you so unreasonable?"

"Your bear is too much."

"You are not welcome here. Let's go."

Many of the guests could not look down and stood up one after another to scold the mean women.


being scolded by so many guests makes the mean woman feel guilty.

"You know who my husband is. That's Mercedes Benz, general manager of Hangzhou sales. I know some big people."

"You dare say me, be careful."

The mean woman took out her husband to scare people.

General manager of Mercedes Benz Hangzhou Sales, this is really a character.

Hearing this, many guests stopped talking.

"Xiao Hao, let's go. We don't agree with these people."

The mean woman said:

"you two, pay attention later."

"The province will be rewarded!"

Finally, the mean woman said a word to Chu Chen and Jiang Hua, turned around and took bear child downstairs.

Hearing this, Chu Chen and Jiang Hua were a little angry.

In today's society, there are all kinds of people.

I don't want to have the same understanding with this mean woman, but in Jiang Hua's heart, he has already made a big "×" to the general sales manager of Mercedes Benz in Hangzhou.

You know, Jiang Hua is the big man in the automobile industry. One third of the automobile industry in Hangzhou, the automobile city, is his own.

Don't mention the sales managers of Mercedes Benz. Even the sales managers of Bentley and Rolls Royce should be respectful when they see Jiang Hua.

Because Jiang Hua's words are likely to bring their career to an end.

Now I'm having tea with Chu Chen here. It's not good for Jiang Hua. Once he leaves, he'll give me a call and the Mercedes Benz sales manager will go away.

Soon, the waiter came up and helped them clean up.Downstairs, the mean woman and bear child are going out, and a man in his thirties just comes in.

"Why are you here now?"

After seeing the man, the mean woman opened her mouth.

This man is her husband, the sales manager of Mercedes Benz.

"It's late. Let's go."

The mean woman pulls bear child to want to leave, but is pulled by her husband.

"Don't go yet. I saw a big man's car outside just now."

The man spoke excitedly.

Such a big man is usually something he would never see.

I didn't expect to meet you today.

He must seize the opportunity to say hello to this big man and try to make a good impression.

"Big shot?"

when I heard this, the mean women took it seriously.

"Let's go say hello and try to get to know some big people." The mean woman took the initiative to speak.


Looking around on the first floor, the man didn't see the big man.

"Let's go to the second floor and have a look."

With that, the man took the mean woman and bear child to the second floor.

As soon as he came up, the man noticed Jiang Hua sitting by the window.

The big man is here.


The man took the mean woman and bear child respectfully toward Jiang Hua.

On the second floor, seeing the mean woman and bear child back, many guests showed dissatisfaction.

Looking at the direction her husband took her, the mean woman's face changed.

No way.

Is it the young man or the old man that the husband is talking about?

An ominous premonition rose in the heart of the mean woman.

"Hello, general manager Jiang. I'm Yan Kaiyu, general manager of sales of Mercedes Benz and Hangzhou."

Came to Jiang Hua in front of the man's polite introduction.

He didn't notice his wife and his face became ugly.


Chu Chen and Jiang Hua look at the man.

"Mr. Yan's name is like thunder in the ears of Jiang." Jiang Hua answered coldly.

Does a big man like President Jiang know me?

Yan Kaiyu was very excited. He didn't expect such a big man to know himself. It was a great honor.


Suddenly, Yan Kaiyu recalled the tone of Jiang Hua's words.

It's not right. It's absolutely not right!

In an instant, Yan Kaiyu was worried. Something must have happened.

"Just now, madam, but Mr. Nayan has scared us all."

"I'm so scared."

Jiang Hua spoke lightly.

Yan Kaiyu's face turned pale and became very nervous!

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