As a world-class luxury, Prada's brand value is very high.

Although Prada is not as good as before, it is a world-class luxury once as famous as Hermes and Lv.

Its international status and influence are still there.

Prada's global president and CEO alone can scare people to death if the title is taken out.

Although Chu Chen's assets only increased by more than 20 billion this time, his intangible assets, identity, status and contacts will grow abruptly.

Before Chu Chen wanted to invite international jewelry design masters, he could only rely on contacts. If he became Prada's global president, he only needed a phone call.

"Prada is still full of vitality, only because of those high-level infighting, which leads to the decline of market value."

Prada's top executives are different from those of other luxury groups. Most of them are members of Prada family.

This kind of family group has great disadvantages, as evidenced by the sharp decline of Prada's market value.

Most of Prada's shares are in the hands of Prada's family members, who are constantly fighting each other.

As soon as Chu Chen becomes Prada's Global CEO and the largest shareholder, he will take action to rectify the situation.

Think about it, prada will return to the glory of the past!

"The charterer's life is about to begin."

Chu Chen murmured, began to check information, and finally determined which three buildings to buy in two different apartment communities.

Chu Chen set out, first came to the beautiful environment of the four seasons.


Sun Lina, who was driven out of the international financial center building yesterday and worships foreign countries, had no choice but to return to her former job.

I worked as a salesman in four seasons.

She hated Chu Chen.

Although I don't know why the two interviewers would listen to Chu Chen's advice.

But because of him, he was kicked out of the admission list!

"When can I meet a foreign prince charming?"

Sun Lina's heart is full of fantasy.

The men in China are too useless and incompetent for her.

"I hope I can go abroad, the United States or the west, and live a better life as soon as possible."

Domestic life is so rubbish that it is not as good as foreign life.

In her heart, everything abroad is good!

Sun Lina began to work.

Just as she was peeping at her cell phone, a pretty guy came in.


After seeing Chu Chen, sun Lina was stunned.

Is that him?

I met him again!

"Ha ha."

Looking at Chu Chen who just came in, sun Lina laughed coldly.

Today is in her territory. We must take care of this boy.

Sunlina quietly hide up, don't let chuchen find her.

See Chu Chen so handsome little brother came in, a beautiful female sales staff took the initiative to welcome up.

She took some brochures of famous four seasons for Chu Chen to see, and then she got up to serve tea for Chu Chen.

"Xiao man, give him to me."

Sun Lina went over and said to the saleswoman in charge of Chu Chen.

Soon, sun Lina with a cup of hot water, unkindly to Chu Chen.

Today, she is going to teach chuchen a lesson.

After a while, I came to him, pretended to serve him tea, and then sprinkled water on him.

Carrying hot water, sun Lina goes to Chu Chen who looks down at the data.




Just as she was about to take action, Chu Chen suddenly stood up.

This makes sun Lina in a hurry.


In the end, the water only spilled on the sofa and the floor.


At the moment, Chu Chen also noticed sun Lina.

Looking at the hot water sprinkled on the ground and sofa mountain, Chu Chen understands sun Lina's meaning.

"I'm sorry."

Sun Lina opened her mouth and sorted it out a little. She explained:

"my colleague had something to do just now, so now I am in charge."

After that, she sat opposite Chu Chen and deliberately covered up the embarrassment of sprinkling water just now.

Since the lesson that she ate yesterday is not enough, Chu Chen does not mind to let her long point memory today.

Sun Lina introduces the situation of these buildings to Chu Chen.

"No, I'll take it. I'll pay today."

Before she finished, Chu Chen suddenly opened his mouth.


Hearing this, sun Lina was a little confused.

When others buy a house, they choose it carefully. They usually come several times and spend a long time choosing it before they buy it.This kid wants to buy it directly and pay today?

Sun Lina had a smile on her face.

Although she still looks at Chu Chen very displeased, but the mood does not change from good.

His "enemy" actually took the initiative to give her money, which is a great thing.

She can get a lot of commission when she sells a suite?

It's better to make money from your enemies!

At the moment, she looked at Chu Chen, just like a fat sheep waiting to be slaughtered.

A brain wreck with money!

"When shall we sign the contract?"

Sun Lina spoke excitedly.

She wanted to sign the contract earlier and earn the money from the "enemy" earlier.

"I'll make a phone call and ask someone to deliver the money, then I can sign the contract."

Chu Chen opens his mouth and says, he goes outside and makes a phone call, ready to give sun Lina a big surprise.

"Which house did you choose?"

After Chu Chen comes back, sun Lina can't wait to kill Chu Chen.

"I recommend this duplex, or 120 square meters..."

"no need."

"I don't want a house. I want to buy a building."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"This is it."

Chu Chen pointed to building 56.


Sun Lina grew up with an incredible look.

Oh, my God!

He wants to buy a building!

A building!

Sun Lina almost jumped up in excitement.

If you sell a building by yourself, at least the Commission will be several million.

In that case, I may soon be able to live a good life abroad!

That's great.

Chu Chen is really a big fat sheep!

Give yourself millions for nothing!

The more I think about sun Lina, the more excited and happy she is.

The news that Chu Chen wanted to buy a building soon spread, and countless salesmen came to watch.


"This little brother wants to buy a building. It's amazing."

"I envy Lina. She's going to make a lot of money this time."

"We will never meet a local tyrant who has bought a building."

These salesmen looked at Sun Lina with a bright smile on her face with envy.

Especially just now that receives Chu Chen's sales clerk, was extremely regretful, she should not give this guest to sun Lina.

Enjoying the admiration of the public, sun Lina is very proud in her heart.

Knowing this, the boss was very satisfied with himself and said he would be promoted and raised.

After that, she was at least a manager.

"Come on, the money is outside. Come with me."

After receiving the news, Chu Chen takes sun Lina and a crowd of onlookers out.

In front of a big truck, Chu Chen stops.

"The money is in it. Count it."


Seeing this, sun Lina was very curious.

At this time, Chu Chen slowly opened the truck door.

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