"200 million in cash. You can count it yourself."

Pointing to a truck full of coins, Chu Chen said with a smile, a pair of harmless appearance.

It's more troublesome to count coins than paper money.

In order to give this woman a big surprise, Chu Chen specially called the bank and asked for 200 million coins.

If someone else does this, the bank will definitely refuse and say "sick".

But in the face of chuchen such super customers, no matter what the requirements of chuchen, even how excessive, they will try their best to meet chuchen.

Therefore, without making Chu Chen wait too long, the bank brought the truck.

Two hundred million coins!

Some are brand new.

Looking at a truck full of coins, sun Lina was silly.

What's the situation.

As for the onlookers, they were also stunned.


Chu Chen opens his mouth.

How about counting?

Sun Lina is a bad person!

How many coins is this?

She really can't count.

Once her favorite thing was money, but now a truck full of money is here, but she is not happy, but want to cry.

There are so many coins, she has to count when!

I can't count all the monkey years!

Those salesgirls behind her, looking at countless coins, were stunned.

With so much money, one person can be killed. No, not one, but many!

Before, some of them doubted that Chu Chen had the ability to buy a building.

Now, they believe it, they do.

So many coins, they really took it.

You are big brother!

As the salesgirls here, I'm afraid they have to take part in the work of counting money.

Before there was such a saying: count money to hand cramps.

Today, they finally want to experience once!

But why isn't this feeling right?

Once this was their dream, but from now on, it may become their nightmare!

The general manager here came in person because of the big trouble.

After all, it's the super owner who wants to buy a building.

However, even she, looking at a truck full of money, also confused.

"Manager, I do want to buy a building, but I have one condition."

Chu Chen said.

"You said

"That's my money. It's all counted by this lady. No one else is allowed to participate."

Chu Chen points at worshiping foreign women.


Sun Lina suddenly blew up.

Let her count by herself. I'm afraid she can't finish it in a few months.

The smile on her face just now had disappeared, and now there was only despair.

Although she can make a lot of money, she really doesn't want to make it this way.

"No problem."

It's about sacrificing a sun Lina.

Can sell a building, more important than countless sunlina, so after listening to Chu Chen's words, the manager agreed without hesitation.


"My little brother is so handsome!"

"Little brother, I love you so much."

Those sales ladies who are extremely scared laugh and shout excitedly.

It's great not to count them!

"Yes, I promise."

Finally, still can't stand the temptation of bonus, sun Lina clenched her teeth and agreed.

Looking at Chu Chen and sun Lina, the general manager has guessed some.

It must be sun Lina who has offended this gentleman. He is the only one to punish sun Lina so much. He actually got so many coins from the bank.

Experienced general manager, at the first glance to see Chu dust extraordinary.

"Since he doesn't like sun Lina so much, I'll take the opportunity to please her."

The general manager decided that the Commission bonus would not be given to sun Lina.

She is going to dismiss sun Lina before she finishes counting.

However, a few months later, there is no hurry.

Sun Lina didn't know that the general manager had sold her. Even if she counted, she couldn't get a cent.

If you know, sun Lina's mentality will burst!

After signing the contract, Chu Chen successfully became the owner of 56 buildings.

The general manager is not worried about money at all.

Can money go wrong for such a super big man?

Building 56 has already been built, and refined decoration, can now move in.

On the same day, Chu Chen bought two residential buildings from other places and completed part of the task.The next morning, Chu Chen looked at the task bar.

[experience task: experience 10 days of rent collection (010), add small tasks, rent 60 suites (060)]


Chu Chen brows a pick.

Another small task added?

No harm!

Don't you mean to rent 60 houses in ten days?

Thinking, Chu Chen opened his mobile phone and registered on several rental websites to attract guests.

In order to attract customers quickly, Chu Chen reduced the rent of the house by a part, and soon someone will come to inquire.

After finishing the registration, Chu Chen subconsciously opened the circle of friends.

What catches Chu Chen's eyes are some luxurious pictures.

"Rich people's life is boring. When they travel to Australia, they live in 2500 square meter villas, drive Lamborghini, and are accompanied by several beautiful women. It's boring."

With this passage, there are several pictures.

The first picture is a luxurious villa.

The second picture is a huge private swimming pool, surrounded by several beautiful foreign beauties.

The third picture is a black Lamborghini.

The other pictures are also all kinds of luxurious things in the sun...

under the circle of friends, many comments appear.

"Wow, brother Zhi is a bull!"

"Xiangche, beauties, villas, swimming pools, Zhige has been on the peak of his life since he was young. He is a model of our generation."

"There is no one in the moat. Brother Zhi is handsome."


All of these comments were made by Yang Xuezhi, who knelt down and licked the pictures.

"Average, average."

"The local tyrant is just poor."

"There is no fun in foreign countries, that is, luxury cars, villas and beauties. They are very boring."

Yang Xuezhi's reply is also "low-key" to the extreme.

It's forced, it's bound.

Chu Chen looked at it casually, then retreated.

It's really average.

Those villas of their own, luxury car out of a random, you can crush him.

Chu Chen just sent a message on the Internet, and immediately a lot of phone calls came.

Chu Chen didn't bother to reply one by one, so he sent the location of the house on the Internet and asked them to check it in person.

Chu Chen wrote a big "rental office" sign.

After that, with the sign, Chu Chen came to the 56th floor of Siji Mingjia community.

Find a set of tables and chairs, put the sign beside, Chu Chen began to wait.

Soon, a guest came in a hurry.

Chu Chen fixed an eye to see, some muddle.

Isn't that Chen Xuezhi who was forced to print pictures in the circle of friends?

Isn't he in Australia?!

What luxury house, super run, beauty, private swimming pool?!

Why is it still in China and here?

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