Is he also a traitor?

After several somersaults in a row, he went straight back to Hangzhou from Australia.

It's amazing.

Yang Xuezhi didn't see Chu Chen at first sight. He just took his mobile phone and looked around at the news of the rental website.

Finally, the location of building 56 was determined.


But the next second, he also noticed Chu Chen sitting there.

In an instant, Yang Xuezhi was extremely embarrassed.

How to see a house, also can meet acquaintances!

He just finished loading in the circle of friends, and not long after that, he just overturned?

At the moment, he regretted it.

He should be the same as usual. He'll come out of the house in a few days.

He once started a business, but lost a lot of money, but many people don't know.

He often acts as a bully in his circle of friends and hardly ever turns over.

He enjoyed the kneeling and licking.

He used to be very careful. This time, when he saw that it was very cheap to rent a house here, he was very excited. He was afraid that it would be gone when it was too late.

On the way, he comforted himself that Hangzhou was so big that he couldn't just pretend to be forced to meet an acquaintance.

As a result, we didn't meet on the road, but we met at the end.

Embarrassed to death.

At the moment, Chu Chen also noticed Yang Xuezhi.

It was too late for Yang Xuezhi to leave, so he brazenly came over.

"Aren't you abroad?"

Chu Chen opens his mouth.


as soon as Chu Chen came up, he asked this question.

Yang Xuezhi is eager to find a hole to drill in, embarrassed home.

"Well, that's the photo I took yesterday. Today I'm back in Hangzhou. I'll send a circle of friends to commemorate it."

Yang Xuezhi still has a hard tongue and refuses to tell the truth. He finds a very poor excuse for himself.

Yesterday's photos, today's circle of friends, ha ha da.

Chu Chen believed it. What the hell?

Yang xuezhifa's circle of friends just now means that he is now abroad.

"Since you are a local tyrant, living in a villa and driving a luxury car, you must not come to see my small houses."

"No more."

Chu Chen answered with a smile.

Yang Xuezhi's words stopped.

The houses here are really cheap, which makes him very interested.

But Chu Chen said that Yang Xuezhi didn't want to admit that his circle of friends was made up to pretend to be forced.


Biting his teeth, Yang Xuezhi nodded.

At the moment, his heart remorse to the extreme, bleeding ah.

He came here for nothing, such a cheap house, it's rare to meet him once a year.

Even if I didn't rent a house, I met Chu Chen instead. It's really bad luck.

In the end, Yang Xuezhi left in his eyes.

Along the way, he was paying attention to his circle of friends to see if Chu Chen had exposed his lies.

Until he went home, he didn't see any comments from Chu Chen, which relieved him.

"You're pretty smart."

Yang Xuezhi sneered.

However, when he was about to close his circle of friends, a circle of friends that had just been sent out for less than a minute immediately attracted his attention.

"Isn't this our brother Zhi?"

"Is Australia in Hangzhou?"

Here is a profile of Yang Xuezhi, just taken.

The circle of friends was not made by Chu Chen, but by another person who saw Yang Xuezhi.


Yang Xuezhi is confused.

Don't you just go out once and meet two acquaintances?

Don't use it so skillfully!

I'm not afraid.

This is just a side face, not a front face, so he quibbled that it was not himself.

Just when he was close to despair, another circle of friends appeared.

"Guess who I met. I met Yang Xuezhi in Australia. Am I in Australia, not Hangzhou?"

This circle of friends is matched with a picture of Yang Xuezhi's face.


Yang Xuezhi screamed, completely desperate!

The third saw his acquaintance.

Yang Xuezhi cried. Do you need to do this!

Soon, Yang Xuezhi's biggest worry happened.


"Scum man, still want to tease me?"

"Still rich, you are poor!"

In an instant, Yang Xuezhi received countless private letters, one of which was his younger sister who was forced by his circle of friends recently.

He almost got it.

Now it's flying.……

Little by little, Chu Chen soon rented out several houses.

At this time, a young man in a suit and shoes, shining shoes, like the elite of society, accompanied his girlfriend to come here slowly.

"Honey, we're going to rent a house."

"I'll tell you, I've found the best environment and the most expensive house here."

"Quite satisfied."

The young man in suit said triumphantly.

"Is it expensive?" My girlfriend asked.

"For others, it's not very expensive, it's very expensive, but for me, it's sprinkling water and small money."

Young men in suits show off:

"I am a white-collar worker in the company and a successful person with an annual salary of several million."

When he shows off, his girlfriend doesn't pay attention to him at all. Instead, she looks at Chu Chen sitting there leisurely.


"What a handsome little brother."

"Why didn't I meet this little brother a few days earlier? If I was late, I was just a few days late."

The girl is very heartbroken. She is just a little bit different from this handsome little brother.


After the dress, the young man in suit looks at his girlfriend triumphantly and wants to see her shocked appearance.

However, he was surprised to find that his girlfriend's eyes were not on him at all, but on the person who wanted to rent the house.


To Chu Chen, the young men in suits are full of hostility.

"Isn't it just a little white face who eats soft food?"

The young man in suit said to his girlfriend.

"How do you know that people are white faced and eat soft food?" My girlfriend asked.

"You see, he is not a small white face. Can he have so many houses to rent?"

"I don't even have a few houses in my family, can he?"

"Therefore, he must have got close to the rich woman and acted as a little white face."

The young man in the suit spoke confidently.

"Maybe his girlfriend or his wife is 50 or 60 years old?"

"At a young age, I don't want to work hard."

"What a shame for our generation."

The young man in suit said to his girlfriend with great disdain.

"There are too few elites like me who can make a difference through their own efforts."

He was confused by a series of words of the young man in suit, and his girlfriend believed it a little.

With his girlfriend, the elite said:

"rent three thousand a month?"

"It's too expensive, eight hundred."


Aren't you an elite?

I still care about the money.

A house with three bedrooms and two living rooms, and a high-grade apartment with such a good location, three thousand a month in Hangzhou is super cheap.

For others, I'm afraid it will cost more than 5000 yuan. For some, it may cost more than 7000 yuan or even more than 10000 yuan.

How can you shout 800 directly?

What about the face?

"In fact, I think 800 is too expensive. 300 is the most suitable."

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