"Brother Chen, our boss sister Lu wants to invite you to tea. Do you have time?"

The next day, Chu Chen received a call from Zhou Qian.

After Chu Chen's crazy reward, Zhou Qian's live broadcast career soared, with the full support of Lu Wei, the boss of their brokerage company.

Lu Jie wants to get to know Chu Chen, the new president, so she asks Zhou Qian.

After getting a lot of care from Lu Jie, Zhou Qian is also embarrassed to refuse.

"Where is it?"

Chu Chen asked.

"just on the side of Wutong street."

"beside the Wutong street?"

Chu Chen murmured.

When Chu Chen hesitates whether to go, the sound of the system rings again. Wutong Wutong Street Wutong street,

, the time of the task is 12 hours.

[Task Completion Award: the ownership of Wutong Street]

ownership of the Indus street? Daily attendance is the daily attendance of the Phoenix Tree Street.

See here, Chu dust a Leng, the system is also too good to oneself.

Wutong street is a famous commercial street in the state of Yangtze River. Although not long, Wutong road has a housing price of 50 thousand per square foot in downtown area.

Wutong street has about fifty or sixty shops. If the shop is 100 square meters, the entire Wutong road is worth 250 million to 300 million.

Moreover, every shop can collect rent, and it will bring a lot of income every month.

After such a calculation, Chu Chen will get more than 300 million assets at least.

"I'm tired to clock in again."

Chu Chen side, the body is very honest looking for the car key.

"I said yes."

Around 2 p.m., Chu Chen drove to yipinxuan, which Zhou Qian said.

Walking into yipinxuan, a beautiful woman in Qipao came up.

"Mr. Chu Chen, you can go directly to the third floor. Miss Zhou told you before."

"Thank you."

Chu Chen nodded and went up the stairs.

That Lu Jie seems to have the whole yipinxuan private room. There is no one on the first floor.

When Chu Chen walked into the second floor, several young men and women were waiting in front of the stairs leading to the third floor, talking constantly.

These are the anchor of Lu Jie company.

"Brother Kun, do you want us to go up?"

Jiaodidi, a female anchor in heavy makeup, asked.

Here, in the center of a few people, a spiritual guy with a pot cover, a tattoo on his right arm and black tight pants said:

"don't wait any longer."

He is Kunge, and he is also the biggest anchor among several people. He does well by shouting, renting luxury cars and pretending to be a local tyrant. He has more than two million fans.

Today, the boss didn't know why, he called the anchor of several of their companies here.

However, when they arrived, the boss didn't know what to say and asked them to wait on the second floor, while he went up to the third floor.

"Excuse me, please."

Walked past, Chu dust light said.

Several people turn head, after seeing Chu Chen, all people are one Leng.

Especially those beautiful female anchorperson are bright eyed, handsome little brother.

After seeing Chu Chen, these people regard Chu Chen as the anchor.

Chu dust through a few people, directly stepped on the stairs to the third floor.

"Wait a minute?"

Just then, a voice came.

Seeing the spirit boy, brother Kun said:

"you'd better wait here for a while. The boss didn't speak?"

Brother Kun is dissatisfied. He is the pillar of the company. Even he is not qualified to go up. How can a new person go up first?

Several other anchors were also upset.

They haven't been up yet. What's a newcomer doing?

"Brother Kun is still here. What qualifications do you have to go up there?"

Just now, the heavy makeup female anchor who asked brother Kun scolded Chu Chen.

"Don't new people know how to respect their predecessors?"

Kunge coldly said, a big anchor, superior posture.

"You don't seem to be my senior. I'm not the anchor of your company."

When he heard this, brother Kun was stunned.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

"Well... Strictly speaking, I'm your boss's boss."

Chu Chen thought for a while, light return a sentence.

"Boss's boss, you blow again!"

"Who believes that? How old are you? Come down quickly?"

Kunge didn't believe it at all. They were impatient to speak. Kunge even had to do it.

"Come down quickly."

Chu Chen didn't come down, but a voice came down the stairs.

I saw a 31-year-old young woman in a suit coming downstairs. She was Lu Wei, the manager of the agency."Ah, Mr. Chu, you're here, please."

After seeing Chu Chen, the young woman showed a charming smile on her face and quickly welcomed her.

This is the president of Shark Live. Chu Chen is her boss.

In Lu Wei warm reception, Chu Chen and she went up.

On the second floor, brother Kun, they watched the scene and were completely stunned.

What happened just now?

Is that true?

Is this younger boy the boss of their boss?

How is that possible?!

For a moment, people were shocked.

Chu Chen and Lu Wei talk for a while, ready to leave.

Chu Chen downstairs, just a few big anchor quickly apologized, especially a few female anchor almost hung on Chu Chen.

After Chu Chen left, Lu Wei's face immediately became cold.

"Liu Kun, you don't have to live in the future. You are permanently blocked."

"No, Mr. Lu."

Hearing this, the spirit of the young man instantly collapsed, a soft body, fell to the ground.

Blocked, he's done!


Wutong street is not far from here. Three minutes later, Chu dust came to Wutong street.

[Wutong street daily attendance, daily attendance card]

"punch card."

[clock in success. [

] congratulations on your ownership of the property of Wutong street. 】

at the same time that Chu Chen received systematic rewards, 58 house property certificates appeared on koniseg.

"I got another 300 million, and the life of the rich is so boring."

"It's not easy for me."

Chu Chen said with emotion.

all the shops of Wutong street have received information from the owners.

"I went to buy Wutong street at a stretch. Where did this come from?"

"It's amazing. I'll take it."

Many people who rent shops are shocked.

"Now that you're here, let's collect the rent for next month."

"Experience the life of rent collection."

Just got this street, Chu Chen naturally wants to experience the life of the charterer.

Thinking, Chu Chen walked into the first shop.

Just after reading the news, put down the mobile phone, the renter of this shop just saw Chu Chen.

"Here comes Mr. Chu."

Not much Chu dust, the owner took the initiative to next month's rent to Chu dust, and then respectfully Chu dust sent out.

One by one, Chu Chen soon collected more than one million rents.

"I'm tired of collecting rent."

Chu Chen is carrying a big bag of money. He feels his arm is so tired.

A few shopkeepers don't know how, gave Chu Chen cash, Chu Chen casually found a black plastic bag.

I work too hard.

No way, who let him be a handsome and hard-working serious man?

Keep collecting rent.

Chu Chen went into the next store.

After seeing Chu Chen, a male salesman in the shop was stunned.

Isn't that Chu Chen?

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