"Sun Kai, do you know him?"

Next to the male salesperson, another assistant asked curiously.

"Well, we're from the same village, a community."

Sun Kai explained.

"It's very handsome, but it doesn't seem to mix well?" Another employee commented.

At the moment, Chu Chen is holding a black plastic bag and wearing it casually.

Because he took a big bag of money and collected 20 or 30 house rent, Chu Chen was in a mess.

"Well, I didn't expect that Fengshui would take turns."

Sun Kai said gloating.

"At the beginning, all the girls in the whole community revolved around this boy until Zhang Da. He had countless girls chasing him, but I was single for 20 years. Before, I really envied the explosion."

Sun Kai recalled the past.

"God is fair. Now I'm getting better, but he's miserable."

Sun Kai is very talented in sales. In the store for half a year, his sales soared. With his daily basic salary and sales commission, he could get seven or eight hundred yuan.

And the people in the head office take a fancy to his ability. It won't be long before he goes to work as a store manager in his other branches. His monthly salary is as high as 30000 yuan!

One year is 360000, which is higher than the income of some white-collar workers.

At that time, he bought a Mercedes Benz, married a beautiful woman, and went to the peak of his life.

"Holding a black plastic bag, like a beggar?"

Sun Kai looked at Chu Chen and shook his head.

Once he looked up at Chu Chen on the ground. Now he wants to step on Chu Chen and let Chu Chen look up to him.

"Watch me mock him."

He said a word to his companion, and Sun Kai went over.

"Chu Chen, long time no see."

Chu Chen turns around and is stunned when he sees Sun Kai:

"you are...

Chu Chen can't remember clearly.

"Sun Kai, from a community."

Sun Kai reminds a way, at the beginning he is really humble, but now different.

"Oh, I remember. I'm sorry."

Chu Chen said with apology.

"What are you doing recently?"

Sun Kai asked enthusiastically.

"Nothing. I haven't graduated yet. I'm not sure I can find a good job after graduation."

Chu Chen tells the truth.

Before he got the system, he was really good for nothing except being handsome. His study was average and the school he entered was also average.

"That's right."

Sun Kai had a smug smile on his face.

"You can think about it. I'll be a store manager in a short time. You can come to work in my store after graduation. I won't treat you badly."

"Starting five thousand a month is a lot for college students."

Sun Kai said magnanimously.

"Thank you."

Chu Chen answers.

"Come on, I've worked hard. I've only been here for a few years. I haven't finished my little goal yet."

Sun Kai said modestly.


"Yes, it's 3000 yuan today."

This is the small goal he set for himself yesterday.

3000 yuan a day and 90000 yuan a month are out of reach for 99% of college students.

Hear here, Chu dust a Leng, in the eyes emitted a ray of light.

You see, people who earn 3000 yuan keep fighting and have their own small goals.

If you look at yourself, you are already worth 120 billion, and you don't have a small goal.

I am so degenerate!

Why can't he?

Life can't degenerate!

Although he is worth $120 billion now, it is still too little.

Looking at Chu Chen's eyes, Sun Kai subconsciously thinks that Chu Chen is scared by his salary.

3000 a day, it's really high!

Sun Kai showed a proud smile on his face and raised his head to his companion not far away.

For a moment, Sun Kai felt that the world could not let him go!

"What do you think?"

Sun Kai asked casually.

"I just thought of a small goal."

"Interesting, what little goal?"

While saying this, Sun Kai picked up the water cup beside him.

"Another billion tomorrow!"

Chu Chen a face earnest opening.

today he got all the properties of Wutong street, and he made 3 hundred million. Tomorrow is definitely more than today.

Since it's a small target, it can't be too many. Let's say one billion.

One billion, not much."Poof!"

Sun Kai had no time to swallow the water directly sprayed out.

"Cough, cough."

Sun Kai was really frightened when he coughed violently.

Not far away, Sun Kai's colleagues are also in the same place.

I have a small goal to make another billion tomorrow?

Is that a small target?

This is a big goal!

This is a goal that can't be achieved in a lifetime!

Looking at Chu Chen, Sun Kai extremely despises.

Just brag.

But you blow out the sky!

At the beginning, Sun Kai thought Chu Chen would say, make 500 yuan a day or something, but never thought of it.

"Chu Chen, you are wrong. I talk to you well, but you brag..."

Sun Kai scolds coldly.

But before Sun Kai finished, the owner suddenly came out of the room.

At the moment, the owner is holding a stack of money, at least tens of thousands of yuan.

"As soon as I saw Mr. Chu coming, I immediately went in to get the money."

"Here is the rent for next month. Please keep it."

The owner handed the money to Chu Chen and said respectfully.

Chu Chen opened the black plastic bag and let the owner put it in.

"Cough, cough."

Looking at the contents of the black plastic bag, Sun Kai coughed violently again.


It's full of money!

At least several hundred thousand!!!

For a moment, Sun Kai's heart seemed to have 10000 alpacas galloping by.

How careless it is to pack money in plastic bags.

"I'm going."

Chu Chen turned around and patted Sun Kai on the shoulder:

"thanks, let me have a small goal."

After that, Chu Chen takes a bag of money and goes out of the shop.

"Do you know Mr. Chu?"

Looking at the Chu dust that leaves, the shopkeeper asks curiously.

"Know, fellow townsman."

"Wutong, fucking great, you bought the whole Wutong street, not to mention the value of Wu Tong street. Just collecting rent, he can earn millions every month."

"Why is there such a big difference between people?"

The owner said with admiration.


Hearing this, the cup in Sun Kai's hand fell directly to the ground.

, the entire Wutong street is his.

Wutong street is worth hundreds of millions of dollars?

Just now the shopkeeper said, did Chu Chen buy it?

can buy Wutong street, which shows that Chu has more assets?

I have a small goal to make another billion tomorrow!

Suddenly, he thought of Chu Chen's words just now, completely stupid!

Is Chu Chen's words true?

I'm a poor man with a monthly salary of more than 10000, and I'm trying to show off my wealth with a billionaire?

Is he insane?

Where's the confidence?

The breeze is blowing.

Sun Kai is completely disordered in the wind...

he feels that the whole life and the whole world are dark!

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