It's just starting a company and managing assets.

Chu Chen likes to keep a low profile and doesn't like to show off, so he doesn't prepare for big celebrations.

It's just a small banquet. There won't be many guests. It's almost like Jiang Hua, Luo Yongning and others.

Chu Chen so quickly in Hangzhou to do all the things of the new company, also thanks to the contacts of Jiang Hua and others.

On this day, chuchen company opened.

"Congratulations to President Chu."


Several bosses come here. Congratulations to Chu Chen.

"You're welcome, everyone."

Soon, Jiang Hua came with a middle-aged man with a big stomach.

"Congratulations, brother Chu."

Jiang Hua held his fist and congratulated Chu Chen.

"I'd like to introduce you to Mr. Chu. This is Mr. Mu Kunyu, President of the domestic branch of rosenna international group."

Jiang Hua introduces chuchen to a middle-aged man with a big stomach.

Chu Chen and Mu Kunyu get to know each other, and Mu Kunyu and Jiang Hua go in.

In a few minutes.

"What, the capital management company of Chu Chen?"

Mu Kunyu was surprised.

He didn't pay much attention before.

You know, the full name of rosenna International Group is rosenna capital and management group.

One of their main projects is capital management.

It is said that peers are enemies. Today, he actually came to congratulate a company that will compete with him for opening.

Is he ill?

Before, he just heard Jiang Hua say that there is a company opening, the boss is a young and promising talent, he wanted to come.

I didn't expect that.

And Mu Kunyu looked around. Although the guests were not big, they were mostly heavyweight.

There is a chance that this company will be his competitor in the future.

For a moment, Mu Kunyu was upset with Chu Chen.

After years of hard work, rosenna International Group has almost occupied half of Hangzhou asset management.

It is the first asset management company in Hangzhou.

Now status may be about to be shaken.

Mu Kunyu absolutely can't tolerate such things, and the domestic market of rosena group can't be impacted.

Otherwise, he will not have the opportunity to transfer to the foreign headquarters.

For a while, I'll try to frighten Chu Chen.

It's no problem for him to start a company, but let him know that no matter how powerful he is, he can only be second in the industry of Hangzhou asset management!

First, it can't be his.

If you drink some soup with yourself, it's no problem, but if you want to compete with yourself for the boss of Hangzhou asset management industry, you will die miserably.

You don't have a big background, but behind him, you stand in a large multinational group, with terrible financial resources and strong network of contacts, which you can't provoke!

The banquet begins.

Just came up, Mu Kunyu did not open his mouth, but waiting for Chu Chen to flatter him or offer him a toast.

After all, I am the president of the domestic branch of grand rosenna international group and the largest capital management company in Hangzhou.

From the beginning, Mu Kunyu waited, but he did not wait until the end of the banquet.

This makes Mu Kunyu very angry. Is he so unruly?

Forget it, since you don't take the initiative, I'll take the initiative.

Let Chu Chen have a long memory!

"Brother Chu, I don't know how you are going to develop after the opening of the company."

Mu Kunyu said:

"if you don't know anything, you can ask me that in the capital management industry, you still have some status."

After hearing Mu Kunyu's words, several managers spoke.

"Mr. Mu is modest. Who doesn't know that in Hangzhou, you rank second in the capital management industry, and no one dares to rank first."

"Rosenna group is a large multinational group, and it is also very powerful internationally."

"If there is any problem with President Chu, you must consult president Mu."

Hearing the praise from these people, Mu Kunyu showed a smile on his face.

This, Chu Chen should know, he is Hangzhou asset management boss.

However, when Mu Kunyu looked at Chu Chen, he was surprised to find that Chu Chen was eating and didn't care.

Mukun Yu suddenly exploded and drank several glasses of Baijiu in succession.

He thought he was ignored by Chu Chen.

After a few drinks, Mu Kunyu went up and said drunkenly:

"I want to say that these domestic enterprises, except for individual ones, are all rubbish."

Hearing this, other people's faces changed.

What do you mean?

Say their company, are they all rubbish?!Being watched by so many people, Mu Kunyu hastily explained:

"I don't mean anything else. I just say that in the capital management industry, all domestic companies are rubbish and waste."

Chu Chen's face slightly changed, and he understood Mu Kunyu's meaning.

Is mu Kunyu "showing his muscles"?

Afraid of competing with him.

He really thinks too much.

"I don't know which companies do you want to cooperate with later, brother Chu?"

Mu Kunyu boasted: "if you don't have any contacts, I can help you. Our company has cooperation with Weizhi group, Yiyao company, Haishi group and so on."

"As long as I open my mouth, any one of them will cooperate with you. A small company like you can develop very well."

"Not interested."

Chu Chen shook his head.

Looking at Chu Chen shaking his head, Mu Kunyu thought Chu Chen disliked these company groups?

"Young man, do things step by step, don't want to go to heaven step by step!"

Mu Kunyu, like an elder, teaches Chu Chen.

"I just want to manage my own assets." Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"Manage your own assets?"

"How many assets do you have?"

Mu Kunyu looked scornful.

Why don't you just manage your own assets?

I don't want to die.

"There are not many assets, such as the international financial center building, ten sets of Star River Villa and so on."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Is the international financial center building Chu Chen's?

Hearing this, Mu Kunyu was stunned and stopped talking for a while.

How awesome!

"It's OK to manage these for the time being, but without cooperation with large groups, the company will definitely not be able to support itself after a long time, and it will go bankrupt."

Mu Kunyu spoke confidently.

"Just like we, rosenna, also cooperated with several big companies, which occupied the position of...

Mu Kunyu.

But before he finished, a woman stood up.

"Chu is always the vice president of Hilton International Hotel Group. He has the right to sign contracts with his own capital management company on behalf of Hilton if he wants to."

This woman is Liu Ruobing's best friend, Cui Junhui, Hilton's vice president of Greater China.

On behalf of Hilton Group, chuchen came to celebrate the opening of chuchen company.

Vice president of Hilton International Hotel Group?

Hearing this, Mu Kunyu almost fell to the ground with his chopsticks.

Did he hear it right?

One of the top ten hotel groups in the world?

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