As the president of a branch of a multinational group, Mu Kunyu naturally knows the strength of Hilton International Hotel Group.

More know, Hilton International Hotel Group behind the super chaebol Blackstone Group.

Compared with Blackstone Group, even their rosenna head office is a younger brother.

However, how can Chu Chen be the vice president of Hilton International Hotel Group?

This is incredible!

How can there be more than 20 young people in a big group, such as vice presidents and senior executives, who are not all middle-aged people in their 30s or 40s or even older?

Hilton International Hotel Group is one of the top ten hotel groups in the world.

Mu Kunyu looked at it in a daze, and his words stopped for a moment.

He has just installed the force, and said how they cooperate with several large groups in China.

The result next second, but know Chu Chen is the vice president of Hilton International Hotel Group?

Hilton International Hotel Group wants to sign a contract with chuchen's capital management company?

It's embarrassing.

The guests around were also stunned when they heard Cui Junhui's words.

Most of them know that Chu Chen is the vice president of Tianyun jewelry company, but no one knows that Chu Chen is also the vice president of Hilton International Hotel Group?

The two are not at the same level.

"I'll go. President Chu is really low-key!"

"At a young age, general manager Chu has already been distinguished. He is powerful."

"That's Hilton International Hotel Group, an enterprise under the name of Blackstone Group, a super plutocrat. We can only look up to it."

"Mr. Chu is hidden."

These bosses open their mouths one after another and praise Chu Chen. Chu Chen's identity is worth doing.

Even Jiang Hua and Luo Yongning were very surprised.

"Master Chu is powerful."

Leng for a long time, Mu Kunyu said biting his teeth, he still didn't want to admit defeat.

"It turned out to be the vice president of Hilton International Hotel Group, which Mu admired."

"But there are mountains outside the mountains and people outside the people."

"Some time ago, I have already contacted the president of Prada Greater China. Later, I will go to see him personally to discuss cooperation."

Mu Kunyu has a hard tongue.

"As one of the world's famous luxury brands, prada is more powerful than Hilton International Hotel Group."

"Mu left, never to be seen again."

Once again, Mu Kunyu got up and left.


Looking at the figure of Mu Kunyu leaving, Chu Chen's eyebrows are slightly picked.

It's good to have contact with Prada's president of Greater China.

In a few days, Prada's global president and CEO will be him.

Maybe we'll meet soon?

No more. You think too much.

The banquet continued.

In the end, chuchen's asset management company successfully opened, chuchen as the chairman, Mo Yuwan as the general manager, managing all kinds of things of the company.

With the company to help manage all kinds of assets, Chu Chen is much more relaxed.

The next day, Chu Chen woke up.


[check in task, check in or not]

hearing the very familiar voice, Chu Chen suddenly came to the spirit.

Just a few days ago, I checked in and got a world-class super car, son of wolf. I don't know what the system's check-in reward will be today?

Chu Chen has some expectations.

"Sign in."


[successful check-in]

[congratulations on the acquisition of a private aquarium, in which there are killer whales, sharks, dolphins and other marine life, legally raised]


Seeing this reward, Chu Chen was silly.


How can you reward yourself with a private aquarium and marine creatures such as whales and sharks?

I'll go. The system is awesome!

At the same time, the location of the aquarium appeared in Chu Chen's mind.

Originally, the system bought an aquarium in Hangzhou, but now it has become Chu Chen's private industry.


Chu Chen sighed.

Before that, he had heard that some rich people abroad raised lions, cheetahs and tigers as pets.

Now, he has his own aquarium.

All kinds of marine life!

There are other super rich people abroad who like to raise sharks at home.

Sorry, I raise whales.

According to the system, there are two whales in the aquarium.

Of course, not the biggest blue whale, but two killer whales.

The average length of adult male killer whales is 8 meters, with the largest record of 9.75 meters.The body is spindle shaped. The color of the body is black and white. The back is lacquer black. There is a saddle shaped gray spot behind the fins. There is a shuttle shaped white spot behind the eyes. Most of the abdomen is snow-white.

It's definitely one of the most aggressive marine creatures.

"You can go and have a look when you have time."

Chu Chen murmured.

At noon, chuchen and moyuwan are walking in Xinghewan. A middle-aged man in casual clothes is fishing on the bank.


Chu Chen is a little surprised. Is there anyone fishing here?

After seeing Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan, the middle-aged people were also surprised.

"Are you new owners?" Middle aged people speak.

"Yes, you are?"

"I am the owner of Lake Island Villa No.11."

The middle-aged man spoke warmly.

Finally, at the middle-aged people's warm invitation, Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan follow him to No. 11 lake island for tea. After all, they are neighbors.

Not long after entering the No. 11 island in the middle of the lake, Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan saw a huge fish pond.

"This man has no other hobbies. He just likes to raise fish, so he made such a fish pond to raise some Koi."

Middle aged Jiang she spoke.

Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan walk in and have a look. In the big pond, there are countless precious fish, such as Koi and golden dragon fish.

I'm afraid the smallest Koi in it is half a meter.

"How many fish is this?"

Moyu Wan is curious.

"Not much. There are more than 300 golden and silver scale Koi, red and white Koi, Dazheng three color Koi, more than 100 golden dragon fish, red dragon fish, and some other fish."

Jiang she said ostentatiously.

He likes to bring people to his home to show off his fish pond.

This fish pond is his painstaking efforts, not to mention the price of the fish in it. The maintenance of this fish pond alone costs nearly ten million yuan a month.

As for the fish in it, the cheapest is hundreds of thousands.

Among them, there are several valuable fish, such as blood dragon fish and Red Crowned Koi, which are worth millions.

Today, he invited chuchen and moyuwan to come here. There was no malice, but he made the old problem again.

Seeing people, I can't help showing off his fish pond.

Just when he was ready to accept Chu Chen's exclamation and shock, he suddenly noticed that Chu Chen was a little distracted.

This makes Jiang she very surprised. What's the matter.

"Brother Chu, what do you think?"

Jiang she asked curiously.

"Nothing. Today I saw brother Jiang's fish pond. I have some feelings. Should I get one and decorate it?"

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"That would be trouble."

"It's almost impossible to build a fish pond like me," Jiang she said

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