Chu Danyun finally said his intention:

"today is a birthday party for one of my classmates. Let me show you."

"It's not that simple, is it?" Chu Chen asked.

It's so simple. My cousin has already said that she can't keep it from herself.

"Haha, to tell you the truth, today's birthday party, our biggest beauty at school will also come."

"Whether it's beauty or temperament, at the beginning, she was crushing everyone."

Cousin helped herself such a big favor, she also wanted to repay Chu Chen something.

Therefore, she thought that Chu Chen seemed to be single.

Cousin's own conditions are good, and his natural vision is also very high.

Since the ordinary beauty can't satisfy my cousin, I'll introduce you a top-level one.

Originally, Chu Danyun didn't want to come to the birthday party, but she decided to bring Chu Chen when she saw the news from Lin Da Mei.

"I tell you, Miss Lin has learned to dance. She has a very good figure."

Finally, Chu Danyun whispered in Chu Chen's ear.

Today, she is going to match Chu Chen and Lin Da Mei.

In school, Lin Da Mei is also known as Gao Leng. No matter how excellent the boys are, they don't get into her eyes.

Chu Danyun believes that with his cousin's beauty and connotation, she can definitely get the beauty of Lin Da.

"So it is."

Chu Chen nodded, early said, early said that he could not refuse.

Of course, Chu Chen agreed to come because it was the good intention of his cousin.

It's definitely not because of Lin Da's high beauty, good temperament, good flexibility and so on.

Chu Danyun brings Chu Chen to the big private room ordered by his classmates.

"Here comes Dan Yun?"

After seeing Chu Danyun, Yao ya, the protagonist of today's birthday party, welcomed him and said enthusiastically.

"Happy birthday."

As he handed Yao Ya the birthday present he had prepared, Chu Danyun introduced Chu Chen:

"this is my cousin. I've come to hang Cheng to play with him, too."

"Welcome, welcome."

With Chu Chen's coming in, it caused a great sensation.

Chu Chen and Chu Danyun sit down. In a moment, many girls surround them and ask for help from Chu Chen.

Soon, a little girl with short hair came in.

"Happy birthday, sister."

This girl with short hair is no other than Yao Ya's own sister, Yao Xiaolei.

"Chu Chen?"

Standing at the door, Yao Xiaolei saw Chu Chen at a glance.

Yao Xiaolei's eyes are full of resentment.

She is also a student of Jiangzhou University and was once a pursuer of Chu Chen, but she was rejected by Chu Chen.

Since then, Yao Xiaolei has hated Chu Chen.

Once you ignored me, today I let you down.

In school, Chu Chen is the school grass, but now out of school, you Chu Chen is handsome, the rest is a fart.

In the past few years, their family has been lucky and has gradually become rich.

Her sister Yao Ya is looking for the son of the president of a domestic branch of a fortune 500 company to be her husband.

Since the brother-in-law is so cow, how can it work if he doesn't take revenge on Chu Chen today and find his face?

"Xiaolei, do you know him?"

Found sister looking at Chu dust in a daze, Yao Ya curiously asked.


"When I was in college, he was a suitor of mine. I don't know how many times I refused him. He was still shameless."

"Every day to bother me, pester me, a hypocrite, disgusting people!"

Yao Xiaolei said maliciously, she directly put the truth of the matter, to a 180 degree reversal, the identity of her and Chu Chen transferred.


Keep pestering my sister?

Yao Ya is on fire in an instant, but she is a person who helps her relatives but ignores them.

How dare this kid pester her sister?

At the moment, Yao Ya also doesn't care what thing is true, instant hate Chu dust.

"What does that boy do at home?"

Just in case, Yao Ya asked.

"Ordinary people, I heard that he seems to be rich, but he is not as powerful as his brother-in-law."

Yao Xiaolei promised.

Who's her brother-in-law? He's one of the top 500 in the world!

Can Chu's identity and status be compared?

"Well, let your brother-in-law teach him a lesson later." Yao Ya nods and agrees with Yao Xiaolei.

The elder sister agreed, and Yao Xiaolei went to find her brother-in-law.


Listen to Yao Xiaolei finish, Yao Xiaolei's brother-in-law Xu yinglang nodded."I'll take care of this little thing."

After that, Xu yinglang and Yao Xiaolei stride to Chu Chen.

"Boy, pay attention later."

To Chu Chen, Xu yinglang coldly said to Chu Chen.

He's the son of Huaxia branch of Fortune 500. Do you need to be polite to a boy?

Does he deserve it?

"In the future, don't pester my sister."

Xu yinglang pointed to Yao Xiaolei and said.


Everyone was confused.

Several girls around Chu Chen look at Yao Xiaolei one after another.

What an ugly little girl.

A few girls feel disgusted in their hearts.

"Yes, Chu Chen tells you that it is impossible between us. Please stop pestering me and harassing me."

Yao Xiaolei also stood up, filled with righteous indignation and scolded Chu Chen:

"you don't deserve me at all."

Is that so?

I didn't expect that this little brother is a heavy flavor, and actually likes such a little sister.

Listen to Yao Xiaolei finish, the girls around Chu Chen get up one after another and leave.

They can't agree with this kind of aesthetics.

It's disgusting.

In the same place, Chu Chen was confused.

Pestering and harassing her?

After thinking for a long time, Chu Chen remembered who this little sister was.

At the beginning, Yao Xiaolei was more social than she is now. She confessed Chu Chen, but Chu Chen refused.

So many girls like Chu Chen. If he agrees casually, doesn't he want to change a girlfriend every day?

It's tiring like that.

"I know my sister is very beautiful. You are a toad. You want to eat swan."

"Wake up."

"Let's have a look. It's ridiculous that a poor man even wants to chase my sister."

Xu yinglang, with the arrogance of a childe, cried out.

In an instant, everyone's eyes all gathered on Chu Chen's body.

Both men and women can't help shaking their heads.

Is that disgusting?

This aesthetic?

"If you dare to pester Xiaolei again, can you believe me to let you lie down and leave Hangzhou?"

Lazy and Chu dust such a small person to waste more words, Xu yinglang direct threat Chu dust.


"What do you mean?"

Chu Danyun was angry and dared to threaten her brother.

"What do you mean, that's what I mean."

As a childe, he needs to be afraid of Chu dust.

After that, Xu yinglang leaves with Yao Xiaolei, who is smiling arrogantly.

At this moment, Yao Xiaolei's heart is full of laughter.

Chuchen, you're a big shame!

Let you ever refuse me.

Ha ha ha.

Just as Chu Danyun is about to leave with Chu Chen, a group of dandy boys come in at the door of the private room.

Seeing this group of dandies, Xu yinglang rushed to meet them.

This is a big shot.

The leader of this group of dandies is Jiang Hua's son, Jiang Feilong.

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