It took Xu yinglang nine oxen and two tigers to invite them.

See Xu yinglang past, Yao Ya and Yao Xiaolei also follow up.

"Let me introduce you."

"This is the son of the boss of Taiquan group. He has little money."

Xu yinglang opened his mouth, although he said it to Yao Ya and Yao Xiaolei on the surface.

But his voice was so loud that the whole box could hear him.

Show off, make no secret.

Taiquan group?

That's a local enterprise in Hangzhou, with a total asset of $230 billion?

Even the son of the boss of Taiquan group came to this birthday party.

Yao Ya and Xu yinglang are very good.

The feelings of men and women in the private room.

"Who is she, so ugly, let her go."

Xu yinglang just finished, Qian Shao opens his mouth, points to Yao Xiaolei, and says with great disgust.

Yao Xiaolei is extremely embarrassed.

"Get to the back." Xu yinglang scolds Yao Xiaolei.

In front of these young people, Yao Xiaolei's brother-in-law didn't know where he had gone.

In the heart is extremely angry, but in the face of these Hangzhou young people, Yao Xiaolei also dare not mess.

Had to come to the back of the gray.

"How are you with less money." Yao Ya greets Qian Shao with a smile and abandons her sister.

"This is Li Shao. His family owns shares in several heavy industry groups, and his father is worth nearly 50 billion."

Xu yinglang introduced again.

Worth 50 billion?

This one is much less than the one just now.

It's the son of 50 billion people.

Xu yinglang is very powerful.


At last, Xu yinglang said:

"Jiang Feilong, Jiang Shao, is the prince of Tengzhi group."

Knowing the identity of Jiang Feilong, people were shocked to the extreme.

Tengzhi group?

Isn't that the famous 100 billion group?

Is he the prince of the hundred billion group?

This identity is too strong!

The Grand Prince of the hundred billion group came to celebrate Yao Ya's birthday!

Xu yinglang really has a face.

After introducing Jiang Feilong, Xu yinglang suddenly finds another young man standing next to him.

"You may not know this one."

Jiang Feilong said:

"this is Yu Shao, the son of the Yu family."

Rich family?

That's a famous family in Hangzhou. It's a real rich family with a total assets of more than 100 billion yuan, and even has industries abroad.


Xu yinglang said in a hurry.

As for the others in the private room, they have been shocked to numbness. The identities of these young people are terrible.

"Sit down, everyone."

Xu yinglang immediately asked these young and old people to sit down.

With the arrival of these people, the box seemed a little crowded for a moment.

After looking around, Xu yinglang puts his eyes on Chu Chen and Chu Danyun.

"You two, what are you doing here?"

"Get out of here!"

Xu yinglang harshly scolds Chu Chen and Chu Danyun.

"Go away." Yao Xiaolei echoed and pretended to be powerful.

"What do you say?"

A voice of fury came.

Xu yinglang whole body trembles, just saw the complexion is not good to come over Jiang Feilong and Li Shao a few people.


"Jiang Shao, Li Shao, I don't mean you, but he?"

Xu yinglang pointed to Chu Chen.

"You let brother Chen go, you ate leopard gall today!"

Jiang Feilong was even more angry and yelled at Xu yinglang.

"Brother Chen?"

Jiang Shao, they are called Chu Chen, brother Chen?

Is there anything wrong with his ears?

Not only Xu yinglang, but also many people in the box, like Xu yinglang, think that there is something wrong with their ears.

"I tell you, this is brother Chen, our elder brother."

"You let brother Chen go. I think you are impatient."


Having said that, Jiang Feilong directly slapped Xu yinglang in the face.

Dare to talk to brother Chen like this, and seek death.

"Brother Chen, please sit down."

Jiang Feilong gives up his position to Chu Chen and asks Chu Chen and Chu Danyun to sit down.

Covering his face, Xu yinglang is still extremely surprised.

Is this Chu Chen the eldest brother of Jiang Feilong and his brothers?

Damn it!

No kidding.

Pop!When Xu yinglang was stunned, he slapped him hard.

In an instant, Xu yinglang woke up.


Xu yinglang kneels directly in front of Chu Chen, shivering.

He doesn't know Chu Chen's identity, but Jiang Feilong actually calls Chu Chen elder brother. Chu Chen is absolutely the existence that he can't provoke.

"I'm sorry, brother Chen. I'm sorry."

"It's Yao Xiaolei who instigated me. It's Yao Xiaolei and Yao Ya who made me disrespect you."

Xu yinglang repeatedly apologized and, by the way, put the blame on Yao Xiaolei and Yao ya.

To tell the truth, it's really because of Yao Xiaolei that he offended Chu Chen.

"A bitch like Yao Xiaolei, what she said must be a lie. Brother Chen, how can you chase such an ugly man?"

"I was cheated by her."

At this time, Xu yinglang also fully understood.


After taking a look at Yao Xiaolei, Jiang Feilong is furious and gives Xu yinglang a few feet.

Isn't this an insult to brother Chen's aesthetics?

Are there few beauties around brother Chen?

"Your mouth stinks, and hers stinks even more. Well, you and Yao Xiaolei slap each other in the face. I'm a generous person, 200 for each."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Yao Xiaolei disgusted Chu Chen this time.

"Yes, yes, yes."

Xu yinglang did not dare to have a little hesitation and went directly to Yao Xiaolei.

They slapped each other in the face.

Chu Chen, Jiang Feilong and others sit there chatting.

At the moment, in the private room, there is no noise except the slap of Xu yinglang and Yao Xiaolei, and the chat of Chu Chen and Jiang Feilong.

Other people in the private room are standing there motionless at the moment.

They dare not make any noise.

It turns out that Chu Chen, who was "suspected" of having aesthetic problems just now, was actually a big man.

It's terrible.

"Brother Chen, this is Yu Jie."

Jiang Feilong introduces Chu Chen to the son of the rich family.


They said hello to each other.

Looking at Jiang Feilong who keeps flattering Chu Chen, Yu Jie doesn't think so and disdains him very much.

He regarded Chu Chen as a boy from other places.

Everyone has the same identity. As for being so flattering?

If it was Yu Jie, it would not be like this.

He won't please anyone!

"Brother Chen, I heard that you bought the Hangzhou International Financial Center building. Is that true?"

Jiang Feilong asked curiously.

"Well, I bought it some time ago." Chu Chen nodded.

"I'll go. Brother Chen is very powerful. It's just the acquisition of an international financial center building. It's definitely a small idea for brother Chen."

Jiang Feilong praised it.

"Xiaoyi is not low-key. It seems crazy to say that."

"The acquisition of an international financial center building, to me, is medium meaning."

Chu Chen indifferent answer.


Yu Jie, who just took a sip of wine, sprayed out in an instant!

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