It's a tried and tested superpower!

He is a master of the great method of pretending to be a pig and a tiger. Looking back on his pretending to be a tiger, it's so low and rubbish.

It's best to be a pig and a tiger!

Now, even if his father asked him to leave, let him continue to be a rich second generation and a dandy, he would not.

In any case, whether he is a rich second generation or a security guard, his life is always pretending to be forced and flirting with his younger sister. It doesn't matter.

Or is it better to be a security guard, to dress up as a pig and eat a tiger, or to force a girl to tease her? Maybe she can still tease the beauty's heart?

As soon as his mind turned, he had a way.

This time, he is ready to take the initiative to provoke Chu Chen, to shape Chu Chen into a rich villain, rich second generation.

It's the kind of villain, whether it's a novel, a movie, or a TV play.

Let Chu Chen taunt him, taunt him poor, cause the injustice of passers-by.

Finally, he showed his identity and acted as a pig to eat a tiger.

In this way, whether the beauty worship gold or not, she will be attracted by herself.

If this beautiful woman worships money and knows her identity, she will take the initiative to send her to the door.

If she doesn't worship money, it's better. She knows that her boyfriend is a rich man, but she looks down on the laborer who makes money by herself.

Beauty is sure to break up with her boyfriend!

At that time, with a high background and identity, but a low-key, independent of his parents and relying on his own hard work, he will stand up.

At that time, beauty will naturally choose him as an excellent person.

Thinking, his face showed an excited smile, he is really a talent.

"Fan junnian, you really deserve to be the king."

The youth murmured, incomparably proud.

After finishing his clothes a little, fan junnian went to Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi.

Of course, fan junnian didn't start to do things as soon as he came up. Instead, he was waiting for the right time.

Beauty into the store, and her boyfriend is a bit slow, between the two people opened a certain distance.

It was at this time that fan junnian suddenly came over and grabbed Chu Chen.

"Wait a minute."

Fan junnian said to Chu Chen with an unquestionable command.

"You can't go in."

Hear here, Chu dust eyebrow a pick, some surprised, this security guard stop oneself do what.

"Not only can't you enter this store, but you have to get out of Baiqian Shopping Center for me!"

Fan junnian deliberately angered Chu Chen.

After all, his current identity is just a small security guard.

A security guard, however, impertinently ordered the guests not to enter the shop, and even asked them to get out.

When most people hear this, they will get angry and yell at the security guard:

"what qualifications do you have as a smelly security guard? Do you have to order me to go out?"

What fan junnian wants is to let Chu Chen scold him like this and say similar words.

Just now when he ordered Chu Chen to roll out, his voice was very low. No one would hear him except Chu Chen.

But once Chu Chen get angry, so say, the voice will be very big, will cause passers-by, and that beauty's attention.

Just listen to such a sentence, do not know what happened before, everyone will understand wrong!

He thought chuchen was a hateful rich man and looked down upon the working people who made money by their own hands.

Passers by and Xia Mengqi misunderstand Chu Chen one after another, sympathizes with themselves and condemns Chu Chen.

At this critical moment, fan junnian showed his identity and pretended to be forced.

Everything is perfect.

However, he waited for a while, did not hear Chu Chen said similar words, which made fan junnian a little impatient.

At the moment, Chu Chen holding a mobile phone, looking at fan junnian.

There must be demons.

No matter what, all need evidence, so Chu Chen just secretly turned on the mobile phone recording function, be prepared.

See Chu Chen didn't scold him, fan junnian ready to a more excessive, let Chu Chen can't help but scold him.

However, before he could speak, a clear voice came.

"Chu Chen, why don't you come in?"

In the shop looked for a while, did not see Chu dust, Xia Mengqi turned, curious to see Chu dust.


Fan junnian thought that he had been hurt!

He hasn't had time to provoke the boy again and let him say something about himself?

In this way, if Chu Chen tells Xia Mengqi what happened just now.

Then, don't all your plans come to nothing?

No way!

Absolutely not!


"How can you say that the security guard is inferior and does not deserve to enter this shop?"

Fan junnian's mind was spinning rapidly. The next second, he suddenly cried out that he was wronged to the extreme.As soon as this remark was made, all the other customers, shop assistants and passers-by in the shop paid attention to fan junnian.

At the moment, he is the security guard, the working people at the bottom, the vulnerable group.

"How can you say that!"

"What's the meaning of the lower class? Other people's security guards and their own labor should be respected!"

"You look so handsome, but your mind is so ugly!"

"It's too bad to be such a handsome man. It's disgusting."

Hear fan junnian's words, all passers-by preconceived, and saw the extremely aggrieved fan junnian, have denounced Chu Chen.

"What are you? Why do you scold the security brother?"

"Brother, you come in and I'll pay for what you like!"

In the store, a straightforward customer helped fan junnian and scolded Chu Chen.

For a moment, Chu Chen became the object of public condemnation, as if Chu Chen were a heinous villain.

"Brother security, don't be afraid, we'll support you!"

"Blame this heartless scum!"

Some passers-by comfort the "wronged" fan junnian.

"No way."

"There must be some misunderstanding. He's not like that."

Xia Mengqi stood up and explained to the public that she firmly believed that Chu Chen didn't look down on the working people like that!

You know, when she first met Chu Chen, Chu Chen was still delivering takeout.

At that time, Chu Chen was already very rich. He lived in a villa, but he still gave away food to experience life.

"There can't be any misunderstanding. We all heard it with our own ears!"

"Just now, this little security brother said it. Can we hear it wrong?"

"Beauty, you must have been cheated by this scum man!"

"Beauty, break up quickly, such scum man, no, it's scum, it's not worth your life!"

Xia Mengqi just finished, many passers-by began to refute her and persuade her to break up with Chu Chen.

At this time, Chu dust also from slag male, directly into scum.

Looking at these passers-by criticizing Chu Chen, fan junnian's smile flashed by.

It's good. It's going like he thought.

Now, this boy has been called scum by others.

The foreshadowing is enough, and then it's time for him to show his identity!

The best part of playing pig and eating tiger is coming!

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