It is also important to show one's identity.

If you suddenly say that you are the future owner of this shopping center, it will be very embarrassing and not so natural.

Just now, he has sent a message to his younger brother. In the past few months, fan junnian has accepted a younger brother, xiaosun, in the security team.

Xiaosun doesn't have to do anything else, so he cooperates with him and comes to him at the critical moment to expose his identity.

This move has been tried many times.

Because Xia Mengqi defends for Chu Chen, many people begin to persuade Xia Mengqi to leave Chu Chen.

"Brother, we'll support you. What happened to the security guard?"

"You make money by your own efforts, no lower than others!"

Several passers-by stood by fan junnian and defended him.

In the distance, a security brother trots over. He is fan junnian's younger brother, xiaosun.

"Brother Nian, your father, the chairman of our Baiqian shopping center, wants you to go to his office."

Xiao Sun stopped and said to fan junnian.

The scene became silent.

Your dad?

Chairman of Baiqian shopping center?!

The crowd gaped.

The father of the security brother is the chairman of the big Baiqian shopping center?

I'll go?!

"I'm the owner of this Baiqian shopping center."

"It's too low-key. I'm a rich man. I can inherit hundreds of millions of property without doing anything."

"But I have to rely on my own efforts. It's really admirable."

Passers by all sigh.

For a moment, in everyone's eyes, fan junnian's image suddenly became extremely tall.

Nowadays, there are many kinds of dandies and the rich second generation who eat, drink and play.

Today, I suddenly see a rich second generation who can inherit hundreds of millions of property without doing anything, but still make money by their own labor.

They felt a twinkle in front of them.

"I didn't expect that people can't judge their appearance."

A passer-by looked at fan junnian and glanced at Chu Chen. If he had a point, he said.

"I don't see a lot of young people like Xiaoge. Beauty, I think you'd better break up with your boyfriend. This Xiaoge is the best choice."

Some people want to be a Yuelao, said to Xia Mengqi.

"It's not like some beast in clothes."

Xia Mengqi instantly angry, ready to refute.

But he was stopped by Chu Chen.

"I hope you're still so confident for a while."

Say, Chu Chen opened the mobile phone recording just now.

"You can't go in."

"Not only can't you enter this store, but you have to get out of Baiqian Shopping Center for me!"

"How can you say that the security guard is inferior and does not deserve to enter this shop?"

"How can you say that!"

"What's the meaning of the lower class? Other people's security guards and their own labor should be respected!"

The recording lasted until the passers-by began to scold Chu Chen.

In addition to the voices of passers-by, there was only one voice in the recording.

After listening to the recording, everyone was embarrassed.

For a moment, everyone looked at each other, completely confused.

It turns out that all this is a play directed and performed by the security brother himself?!

"What do you have to say now?"

Xia Mengqi questioned people, these people are too hateful.

Instantly, the passers-by and customers who just scolded Chu Chen blushed and lowered their heads in shame.


What a shame they are!

Originally, they thought that they were "upholding justice" and defending the working people, but in the end, they became the people who made trouble for the tiger.

Oh, what a slap!

It's really...

in a flash, these people were red eyed at fan junnian and gnashed their teeth with hatred!

"You bastard, you take advantage of our kindness and sense of justice."

"A man like you is bound to die hard!"

This time, all passers-by began to denounce fan junnian.

Fan junnian has become the target of public criticism. Being watched by so many people, fan junnian is a bit creepy. He can't stand still and is ready to run away.

"Brother Nian, the chairman is really looking for you."

At this time, sun spoke again.

Just now, when I saw fan junnian acting as a pig and eating tiger, he couldn't say anything. Now he can speak.


He is also the prince of Baiqian shopping center and the future owner.

Who is he afraid of in his own territory?!

Thinking of this, fan junnian straightened up again.

"You fools, shut upFan junnian reprimanded everyone.

"I just use you. What can you do with me?"

"If you don't want to make trouble, just go away. Don't forget that I am the future master here."

Once a dandy's domineering, reappeared in fan junnian's body.

If he fails to pretend to be a pig and a tiger, he will pretend to be a tiger!

After listening to fan junnian, all the passers-by immediately shut up.

Although fan junnian is extremely angry, it is true.

They can't provoke fan junnian.

"Beauty, there is no future with this boy, or follow me."

Fan junnian glances at Chu Chen and throws an olive branch at Xia Mengqi.

"As long as you follow me, you will be the hostess of this shopping center."

"What's the boy like? Can he compare with me?"

Looking at Baiqian shopping center, Chu Chen said faintly:

"compared with the whole international financial center building, your shopping center seems nothing?"

Fan junnian was a little confused and didn't understand what Chu Chen's words meant.

"Boy, what are you talking about?"

The next second, fan junnian suddenly realized.

The boy said, the international financial center building, is his!

Compared with the international financial center building, Baiqian shopping center is really nothing.


This young man is also a super rich man hiding his identity?

They were stunned by the reversals one after another.

"Boy, you can't make a draft by boasting!"

"Also, the whole international financial center building is yours. Why don't you say that you are a hundred billion millionaires, super tycoon?"

Fan junnian sniffed Chu Chen's words. What.

"Son of a bitch, what are you doing?"

At this time, a serious middle-aged man, led by several security guards, came from afar.

He is the owner of Baiqian shopping center, fan junnian's father, fan Lei!

After waiting in the office for a while, he didn't see his son, so fan Lei came to the security room.

Under the leadership of several security guards, according to the monitoring, fan Lei found here.

Fan Lei just wanted to teach his son a lesson. He suddenly noticed Chu Chen standing there, and his eyes widened.

Mr. Chu?

Isn't this the owner of the international financial center building?

"Hello, Mr. Chu."

Fan Lei quickly goes to Chu Chen and says hello to Chu Chen respectfully.

"Junnian, come here and meet Mr. Chu."

Fan Lei turned his head and said to his son.

He wants to let fan junnian know Chu Chen and leave a good impression on Chu Chen, so as to facilitate the future.

Hearing his father's words, fan junnian was too weak to stand.

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