Wang Hongming, in particular, seems to have 10000 grass mud horses galloping by in his heart at the moment, constantly stepping on his little heart.

At the moment, he can't describe his mood. He thinks about it and seems to have only one word - miserable!

Han Shishi and Zhao Xuan were shocked when they looked at Chu Chen.

They never thought that brother Chu lived in a villa.

The villas here look like hundreds of millions!

"Don't you want to see linyue lake?"

"I'll take you."

Chu Chen came to several people.

"Ah, is that it?"

Han Shishi was very surprised.

Under the leadership of Chu Chen, Han Shishi walked into Yuetan garden.

Seeing this, Wang Hongming also wanted to follow him. However, before he entered, he was stopped by two tiger backed security guards.

"You can't go in."

"No, I'm with them."

Wang Hongming pointed to Han Shishi in the distance and explained.

"It's a friend of the owner."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chu just said that he invited the three ladies, but not you."

The guard shrugged.

Hearing this, Wang Hongming is in a mess.

For a moment, Wang Hongming felt abandoned by the world.

It's clearly he who brought them. Now they are inside, but they are alone outside.

"Chu Chen."

"Chu Chen."

Now that he's here, Wang Hongming wants to go in and have a look, so he shouts Chu Chen.

"Oh, you can go back first, and then I'll be in charge of them. Thank you."

After that, Chu Chen leaves with Han Shishi.

Wang Hongming's tears are coming down.

Thank you!

I'm really a good man. I took the initiative to send them.

With endless pain, Wang Hongming had to leave.

"Wow, it's so beautiful."

"Is this linyue lake?"

Looking at the huge linyue lake, Han Shishi and others were intoxicated for a while.

Of course, at the moment, what they are more right about is their emotion.

Is this the life of the rich?

It turns such a large scenic spot directly into a private lake.

I'm envious.

After visiting linyue lake, several people came to chuchen's villa.

As soon as they came in, the girls turned around like curious kittens, constantly sighing.

From time to time pick up the mobile phone self portrait, they are the first time into the villa?

Within a few minutes, three girls coincidentally made a circle of friends.

In an instant, comments appeared in the circle of friends.

"I'll go. Is this a villa?"

"What a beautiful villa. I envy you so much."

"That private pool is my dream."

Just after returning, Wang Hongming picked up his mobile phone and was ready to relax and brush his circle of friends. However, when he saw the circle of friends that Han Shishi and the three of them sent, his face suddenly turned black.

He's hit again!

Although his family is also rich, but only live in duplex, can not afford to live in a villa.

Looking at the pictures sent by Han Shishi, Wang Hongming is both envious and envious.


Chu Chen's villa is very big, and there are more rooms, so Han Shishi's people naturally live in it.

[check in task]

[check in? 】

seeing this, Chu Chen was stunned. There was a sign in task and a sign in task, which was great.

This is probably the easiest task.

While thinking, Chu Chen did not hesitate to point.

[congratulations, I got a 16cgalibier from Bugatti]

[now it's in the garage, please check it]

"Bugatti 16cgalibier?"

Looking at the reward of the system, Chu Chen showed a satisfied smile.

What's the lack!

Bugatti's 16cgalibier is known as the most powerful sedan car in the world. It's the latest Bugatti company's main car.

Bugatti 16cgalibier is a top four door business car. It not only has the majestic atmosphere of a top business car, but also has the speed of a top sports car. It is a perfect combination of the two.

Its price is even higher than the standard, the price is 30 million!

You know, and it is similar to the type, people are familiar with the price of Rolls Royce phantom is only 6 million.

And Bugatti's 16cgalibier is five times as big!

I'm afraid there are not many cars in China.

Before Chu Chen because of koniseg can only sit two people headache, but more girls, it is very troublesome.The system is so sweet.

He took the initiative to send a Bugatti 16cgalibier, which can seat many people.

"Brother Chu, how can we get out today, to call a taxi or not?"

After breakfast, Han Shishi asked.

"Be my car."

Under the shock of several people, Chu Chen opened the 16cgalibier of Bugatti who had just signed in.


After seeing Bugatti, several little girls suddenly made a shocked voice.

Although I don't know what kind of car it is, I know its price is absolutely not low by looking at its magnificent appearance.

"Brother Chu, how much is this car, five million?"

Zhao Xuan asks curiously.

"No, 30 million."

Chu Chen light answer.

Now 30 million is really not expensive for Chu Chen.

30 million?!

Isn't that expensive?

For a time, several little girls suspected their lives.

I'm afraid they can't make money in their whole life. Isn't it expensive?

Looking at Chu Chen's indifferent appearance, they are sure that what brother Chu said is true.

30 million is nothing to brother Chu?

How rich brother Chu is.

Chu Chen first takes Han Shishi and they come to Jiangzhou University and meet Han pangzi and Han Yuan.

Having lunch nearby, Chu Chen prepares to send Han Shishi to his classmates.

Let a few girls on the car, Chu Chen and fat came to the side.

"What has happened recently?"

Looking at the fat man's absent-minded appearance, Chu Chen asked.

"No big deal, just my girlfriend..."

the fat man said helplessly.

Hearing this, Chu Chen didn't say much.

"Call me if you have something to do."

Said a sentence to the fat man, Chu Chen takes Han Shishi they leave.


After a sleep, Wang Hongming felt much better.

Yesterday's matter all passed, oneself no longer pay attention to that Chu dust to go, so he still can hit oneself?

The big deal is not to tease Han Shishi, but to tease Zhao Xuan, or another best friend of Han Shishi.

Sleep in the morning and travel in the afternoon.

Ready, Wang Hongming and his classmates walked out of the hotel.

Just at this time, Chu Chen drives Bugatti and stops in front of several people. Han Shishi and them get out of the car.

Looking at Bugatti in front of us, everyone was stunned.

"Bugatti, this is Bugatti."

This time, someone finally recognized Chu Chen's sign and exclaimed in surprise.

"Most of Bugatti's cars are more than ten million. I'm afraid this car is not cheap either."

Swallowed a mouthful of saliva, the man added.

More than ten million?

Hearing this, people were even more shocked.

Yesterday, I drove a super car. Today, I drive a luxury car of more than ten million?!

Isn't that arrogant?

Wang Hongming was deeply hit again.

Why is the gap between people so big?

He is more handsome than himself. Why is he richer than himself?

Let people live or not?

Thinking of Wang Hongming turning to the hotel, he is not ready to leave the hotel these days.

Perhaps only in this way, his care will not be ruthless blow!

Tiao Mei, to Tiao Mei of Temo, now he just wants to leave Jiangzhou.

He is too hard to go home.

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