Today is Saturday. At noon, Yan Luoshui, chuchen's beautiful neighbor, came to chuchen's house to look after the baby puppet cat.

"You see, the baby is more and more like a ball."

Looking at the baby's horizontal development, Chu Chen can't help opening his mouth.


"I think the baby is still very thin. Eat more, baby."

While saying that, Yan Luoshui is feeding baby dried fish.

Hear here, Chu dust full head black line.

At this time, Chu Chen's mobile phone rang.

Chu Chen took a look at the mobile phone, it was actually mom.

"Xiaochen, what's the matter with the 500000 you called?"

Turn on the cell phone, mom's voice comes.

"Mom, I'm lucky in the stock market. I've made some money."

Of course, Chu Chen couldn't say it clearly, so he found an excuse.

My mother doesn't know much about stock speculation. She only knows that stock speculation is very risky. She subconsciously thinks that stock speculation is like buying lottery tickets. It depends on luck.

After he got the richest man system, he transferred his parents' jobs to a relaxed position through various relationships.

Although Chu Chen can give his parents hundreds of millions, let their life become extremely rich.

But in this case, Chu Chen is really unable to explain, and once the honest parents get so much money at once, they will be extremely worried about themselves.

It's better to find a relaxed post for mom and Dad, so that they can live a comfortable life.

"Well, Ma knows you're promising."

After hearing Chu Chen's words, my mother said happily.

"By the way, Xiaofan, your aunt introduced you to a girlfriend. In Jiangzhou, it is said that she is gentle and beautiful."

Finally, mom added.

"How about going on a blind date again?"

Hear here, Chu dust is full of black lines.

The last time the neighbor's aunt introduced her to her, she asked her to go on a blind date, but the result was unbearable.

This time, Chu Chen really didn't want to go.

"Mom, I don't want to go." Chu Chen resolutely opens his mouth.

"Xiaochen, you'll go this time for the last time."

Mom doesn't want to give up, but she's looking forward to having grandchildren?

Hearing this, Chu Chen didn't know how to answer for a moment.

"Mom, let me tell you the truth, I actually have a girlfriend."

Finally, in order to avoid blind date, Chu Chen can only use white lies to explain.


At the other end of the phone, hearing Chu Chen's words, my mother was extremely surprised.

Villa, is teasing the baby Yan Luoshui heard here, do not know why, there is a trace of loss in the heart.

He has a girlfriend?

I don't know.

"Who, what's her character, where she comes from, and what does she do at home?"

My mother was interested in it and asked repeatedly.


Chu Chen fell into thinking.

Soon, Chu Chen had a flash of inspiration.

"She is a top-level Bai Fumei. Now she manages a company with a value of 10 billion. When she is the president there, I also learn from her in stock speculation ability."

Chu Chen answers.

He suddenly felt that this was a good opportunity.

In this way, you can find a reasonable explanation for your money - from your girlfriend.

So Chu Chen made up such a girlfriend. As for the 10 billion group, of course, it was his own Junlin group.

Chu Chen even thought about the next step. If his mother told him to take his girlfriend home, he would take his Beauty Secretary Mo Yuwan back.

Let her pretend to be her girlfriend, whether it's temperament or other, Mo Yuwan is really like a female president.

And Chu Chen believes that Mo Yu Wan won't refuse. He is her boss, hee hee.

Beside, after listening to Chu Chen's words, Yan Luoshui is stunned, she misunderstands.

Bai Fumei?

Ten billion group?


Isn't that her?

Chu Chen and his mother said he was her girlfriend?

In a flash, Yan Luoshui was nervous, his face was slightly red, and his heart beat faster.

If someone else said that, she would be angry, but Chu Chen said that, Yan Luoshui was not angry, but a little excited.

What does chuchen mean?

Is this an opportunity for him to express himself in a special way?

Think of here, Yan Luoshui more nervous.

If so, what should I do? Do you agree?

Is Chu Chen Hang up the phone to promise, or consider a period of time in promise?

In addition to the possibility of taking the opportunity to express, will it be Chu Chen who hints at himself?

Let yourself take the initiative to express him?If so, he must be interested in himself, but he is too thin skinned to speak.

For a moment, Yan Luoshui thought about it.

"That sounds good, but how can a woman president, Bai Fumi, be with you?"

Mom asked.

"Why else, your son is handsome?"

Chu Chen shrugged and replied.

Beside, hear Chu Chen say so, Yan Luo water secretly saw Chu Chen one eye.

Handsome, Chu Chen is really more and more handsome, and there is a kind of inexplicable temperament, like the kind of top rich he once met.

"All right."

My mother expressed deep doubt.

"Well, after a while, you'll find a chance to take that girl home for me and your father to see and give you advice."

"Also let those relatives see that my son is promising and has found a beautiful white rich friend."

Mother said uneasily.


Mother actually doubts her beauty and charm. Chu Chen is very unhappy.

Finally, my mother told me many times that when I was alone outside, I must take good care of myself.

Hang up the phone, Chu Chen just saw Yan Luoshui come to him.

Now Yan Luoshui looks strange.

"What's the matter with you?"

Chu Chen doesn't understand. She was fine just now.

Isn't it comfortable.

"Drink plenty of hot water and rest." Chu Chen kindly reminds.


Hearing that he drank more hot water, Yan Luoshui was not angry but excited. Chu Chen was concerned about himself.

People with high face value say that they drink more hot water. How can they be called straight men?

It's called warm man!

"Chu Chen, I haven't thought about it. Let me think about it."

Yan Luoshui thinks that it's too sudden to catch her by surprise, so she whispers and leaves in a hurry.

Looking at the "escape" out of Yan Luoshui, Chu Chen stunned, what's the matter?

He doesn't understand a woman's mind. Who makes him an honest and serious man?

At this time, Chu Chen suddenly received a call from fat man.

"What, I'll be right there."

Chu Chen nodded and immediately drove koniseg to the hospital.

It turned out that last night, fat man's father had a car accident, because their home was in a small place, and the medical equipment was very poor, so they were sent to the nearest Jiangzhou.

Because of the high cost of surgery, the fat family has been desperate, helpless, fat had to call Chu Chen.

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