Chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen chuchen Chu.

Driving koniseg, chuchen rushes to the hospital.

[system task release]

[punch in task: go to Jiangzhou airen hospital to punch in. Task time: one hour]

[reward for completion: 10% shares of Lingyun capital]

"airen hospital, Lingyun capital?"

After seeing the task, Chu Chen brows a pick, what is the connection between the two?

AI Ren Hospital is the hospital where fat man's father went. Although it is a private hospital, it is very famous in Jiangzhou, where experts gather.

Why go to AI Ren Hospital to punch in and give Lingyun capital shares?

Half way, Chu Chen found a time to take out a mobile phone search, do not search do not know, a search Chu dust a Leng.

"Didn't expect Lingyun capital to be so powerful, with a total market value of more than 30 billion?"

Chu Chen was very surprised.

It turns out that Lingyun capital is one of the top ten investment companies in the south, specializing in various enterprises.

In the southern investment company, Lingyun capital is famous, with a total market value of more than 30 billion.

The 10% share of Lingyun group is more than 3 billion yuan. With this 10% share, Chu Chen has become the fourth shareholder of Lingyun capital.

On the one hand, as one of the top ten investment companies in the south, Lingyun capital has invested in numerous large enterprises and groups, with unimaginable connections.

Among them, Irene hospital is invested by Lingyun capital and is the largest investor.

More than ten minutes later, Chu Chen came to AI Ren Hospital.

Stop, Chu Chen suddenly saw the black plastic bag next to the seat.

That's the hundreds of thousands of cash that Chu Chen collected before. It's just hundreds of thousands. Chu Chen didn't bother to go to the bank for such a little money, so he kept it here all the time.

Now it's useful.

Thinking, Chu Chen picked up a black plastic bag and went into the Irene hospital.

[punch in or not when you arrive at Ai Ren Hospital]

sign in.

[congratulations, 10% shares of Lingyun capital]

Chu Chen has become the fourth largest shareholder of Lingyun capital.

As Chu Chen owns 10% of Lingyun capital, Lingyun capital immediately held a high-level meeting.

"I'm afraid you already know that we are in such a hurry to get you here."

"Mr. Qin, the fourth largest shareholder of our group, has sold his shares to a man named Chu Chen."

In the conference room, Zhao Guangji, the current president of Lingyun capital, pointed to the big screen as he spoke.

At the moment, the picture of Chu Chen is on the big screen.

"So young?"

"He looks like he's only 20 years old. He bought the shares from Mr. Qin. It's amazing."

Looking at Chu Chen's photos, these high-level people are extremely shocked.

"He must be a member of a big family or a rich family. Otherwise, he can't have so much energy."

"Yes, if you want to buy shares from Mr. Qin, you can't just have money."

Among them, president Zhao Guangji and vice president sun Dian started their own plans.

Lingyun capital, Zhao Guangji holding 20% of the shares, is the first shareholder, vice president sun Dian holding 15% of the shares, is the second shareholder, the two have been fighting.

Although the third shareholder of Lingyun capital holding 12% shares is sun Dian's party.

But because Mr. Qin, the former fourth shareholder, is close to Zhao Guangji, sun Dian has always been in the downwind.

Now, Mr. Qin has sold his shares, which is an excellent opportunity.

No matter sun Dian or Zhao Guangji, as long as they get the support of Chu Chen, they can sit on the position of president.

"Immediately check Chu Chen's information, at all costs, hand him over and bring him to my side."

Sun Dian secretly sent a message.

Zhao Guangji naturally will not be idle, before the meeting, he has begun to find ways to send people to woo Chu Chen.


In front of the operating room on the third floor of airen hospital, the fat family had already been waiting there.

In the operating room, the fat man's father is being rescued.

Outside, the fat man anxiously walks back and forth. The fat man's mother sits there and cries sadly. Han Shishi comforts her mother.

"Don't worry, mom. Dad will be OK."

Although he comforted his mother, Han Shishi was red eyed and forced to endure tears.

Just now, they paid 200000 yuan for the operation, which is the limit for families from rural areas.

However, it seems that 200000 is not enough.

For a time, the family was in a desperate situation. They had borrowed all their relatives and friends. They really had no money.


The door of the operating room was pushed open.A doctor with glasses came out.

He's the surgeon in charge of this operation, Dr. Ning.

"How's it going, Dr. Ning?"

Seeing that doctor Ning came out, the fat family rushed forward and asked eagerly.

"Listen to me, the previous operation was very successful, but..."

hearing the previous sentence, the fat family was a little relieved, and when doctor Kening said "but", everyone's heart suddenly hung up.

"When we had the operation just now, we found other diseases of the patient, which required a second operation."

"Now for your opinion, do you need a second operation?"

Hear here, a few people answer without hesitation.


"Of course, Dr. Ning."

"Well, we'll have the second operation right away. You should pay the operation fee quickly, not more than 500000."

Doctor Ning nodded and said.

Half a million?

What's wrong with the fat family?

Need so much?

They have all the money out. How can they have the money?

"Doctor Ning, can you operate first and then pay?"

Asked the fat man's mother in a low voice.

"No way."

Unexpectedly, Dr. Ning immediately vetoed it, and his attitude was extremely firm.

Hearing this, fat mother almost fainted in front of her eyes.

"What to do, what to do?"

The fat man kept saying.

"Dr. Ning, the patient is dying."

A nurse came out of the operating room and cried anxiously.


Hearing this, the fat family is even more nervous.

"Dr. Ning, I beg you."

The fat man pleaded.

"You operate first, and I'll pay the operation fee."

"No way."

Doctor Ning still coldly refused.

"Dr. Ning, please help him."

Fat mother collapsed and knelt down in front of doctor Ning.



Seeing this, the fat brother and sister immediately went to help their mother.

"No way!"

Doctor Ning is still extremely indifferent to refuse.

At this time, even the nurse couldn't look down and advised: "Dr. Ning, our hospital doesn't have the rule of paying the operation fee before the operation, so you should operate first."

Hearing this, Dr. Ning snorted coldly:

"the hospital is a hospital. I have my own rules. There is no operation fee. I will never operate!"

Even if the nurse said so, Ning Lixuan still refused to operate, extremely cold.


Hearing this, the fat man's mother completely collapsed.

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