"With the company's ability, there is really no other place in Hangzhou to hold a concert."

The vice president spoke helplessly.

Hangzhou is not comparable to Donghai. In Donghai, angel entertainment group, with a market value of more than 30 billion, is already a big enterprise.

But in Hangzhou, angel Entertainment Group is nothing at all.

For Xia Shiyun's concert, angel entertainment group took pains to rent Shengli stadium, which can accommodate 20000 people.

Now Shengli stadium can't work. They can't help renting other large stadiums.

Finally, they can only contact Chu Chen and ask how to solve this problem.

"That's right."

Chu Chen understood why Xia Shiyun was so angry after answering the phone just now.

"Leave it to me."

After that, Chu Chen hung up.

"This yuan daiqiu is really abominable." Xia Mengqi opens her mouth.

As a rookie who has just been on the stage for one year, Xia Mengqi has become a leading singer.

This has caused a lot of attention and jealousy of peers, especially some female singers.

As an old singer, yuan daiqiu is one of those who can barely be regarded as the queen of heaven.

As the saying goes, peers are enemies. Yuan daiqiu had been looking forward to Xia Mengqi's coolness for a long time. He once said Xia Mengqi's bad words many times in public.

This time, yuan daiqiu also set the venue of the concert in Hangzhou, the time is also on the 20th, naturally for Xia Mengqi.

Just after Chu Chen thought about what to do, there was a lot of noise from Shengli stadium.

A middle-aged woman with sunglasses and a black suit, like a big sister, came out with a crowd.

She is no other than yuan daiqiu!

Like Xia Mengqi, yuan daiqiu also brought people to the scene to check for the success of the concert.


Yuan daiqiu recognized Xia Mengqi from a distance.

Yuan daiqiu's disdainful eyes came to Xia Mengqi.

"I'm sorry to take up your space."

Although he apologized, yuan daiqiu was not ashamed at all. Instead, he was extremely arrogant.

"This time, you can't hold a concert in Hangzhou."

Yuan daiqiu sneered.

Before she did, she found out that several major stadiums in Hangzhou had activities recently, but Xia Mengqi couldn't rent them at all.

"What a pity."

"Sister Xia, you can only put off the concert until next month."

"I feel sad for those fans who are waiting for your concert."

Yuan daiqiu is a strange man.

Xia Mengqi was angry, but she could not refute.

If the concert doesn't open, then she is really ashamed of those fans.

"Shengli stadium is not good. Hangzhou is so big. Why can't it be in other places?"

Chu Chen cynically replied to yuan daiqiu.

In Hangzhou for some time, Chu Chen has known many people, with Chu Chen's current contacts.

It's easy to find a new place to hold a concert.


Yuan daiqiu glanced at Chu Chen in surprise, as if Chu Chen was a joke.

"You think Hangzhou is your second - and third tier small city. It's extremely difficult to rent a place that can accommodate tens of thousands of people."

"Not to mention a place like Shengli stadium that can hold 20000 people."

Yuan daiqiu retorts.

"I don't know what your brain is for."

"I advise you to go back to that little place in the East China Sea."

"In entertainment, you're not qualified."

After that, yuan daiqiu left with high heels.

Yuan daiqiu's assistant, a mean woman, stayed.

"Fight with our sister yuan, you are still young."

Some words, yuan daiqiu does not say, then there is this female assistant.

"In the entertainment industry, sister yuan's status is not compared with that of a new singer."

"After a while, sister yuan is going to be a judge. She has no time to fight with you."

"Otherwise, sister yuan wants to kill you every minute."

"Pay attention later."

Having said that, yuan daiqiu's female assistant is also ready to leave.

But she just took two steps, suddenly stopped, turned to Chu Chen and Xia Mengqi and said:

"even if you find a new concert site, your audience will be very small."

"She invited Jiang Wenshu, Yu can and Guo Kunrui to her concert And these stars will help

"At that time, all your fans will go to sister yuan's concert."Jiang Wenshu, a diva singer, even has more fans than yuan daiqiu.

Yu can is a movie star with a box office of nearly 8 billion.

Guo Kunrui, a famous little fresh meat.


These people add up to a terrible number of fans.

Looking at yuan daiqiu and others who left, Xia Mengqi was not reconciled, but said helplessly:

"ah, if it was true that yuan daiqiu's assistant just now, yuan daiqiu really invited so many stars to help."

"Even if we find the venue for the concert, the audience will be cut down."

If she only compares with yuan daiqiu, she is confident to surpass yuan daiqiu in all aspects.

But in terms of contacts, she has just been on the stage for one year, which is really not as good as yuan daiqiu, who has been in the entertainment industry for 20 years and has strong contacts.

Yuan daiqiu really has the ability to invite so many stars.

After thinking for a while, Chu Chen's eyes brightened.

"It's a star. You've got a superstar."

"Enough to crush them."

Chu Chen light mouth.


Xia Mengqi is very puzzled, does not understand Chu Chen's words, she invited a person, how does she not know?

"Who did you invite?"

"Back man."

Said a, Chu Chen opens the car door, sits on the car.


Xia Mengqi a Leng, the face showed a happy color.

If Chu Chen is willing to go, even if the audience is less, what?!

Xia Mengqi quickly sat on the co pilot and asked:

"do you really want to go?"

"Of course."

Chu Chen started the car and nodded.

With his current popularity, once he announced that he would appear in Xia Mengqi's concert and play, he would definitely attract countless fans.

Certainly not weaker than those superstars invited by yuan daiqiu.

What's more, even if he doesn't have so many fans, he still has "cash ability".

There are not enough fans, not many spectators, what if there is no venue?

The ability to solve everything!

Back home, when Chu Chen is ready to use his contacts to find the address of the concert, his mobile phone suddenly rings.

It turned out that Wu YaoFa, the prince of Hangzhou, came to the video.

That's the video clip of his race with Wei Ziying.

For that race, they shot it all with an aerial drone, and now it's edited into a video.

In the circle of Hangzhou childe brother, this video is very popular.

Wu Yao is one of the oldest and youngest people in Hangzhou. He knows Hangzhou very well, so Chu Chen asks curiously.

Unexpectedly, the result surprised him.

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