"Brother Chen, you know the future owner of Yunshan sports center."

Wu Yao returns to Chu Chen.

Yunshan Sports Center, one of the largest stadiums in Hangzhou, covers an area of more than 400 hectares and can accommodate more than 66000 people.

Even some superstars, want to rent Yunshan sports center to hold a concert, are very difficult.

Even a veteran front-line singer like yuan daiqiu doesn't have that ability.

"And who?"

After hearing Wu Yao's words, Chu Chen was very surprised.

"Wei Ziying, Yunshan Sports Center was funded by her father Wei Xun."

Wu Yao replied.

It turned out to be Wei Ziying's industry.

After understanding, Chu Chen contacted Wei Ziying and explained the reason.

"That's right."

Wei Ziying understood, but she didn't take part in the family affairs. She didn't know if Yunshan sports center had any other arrangements on the 20th.

"Wait for me."

Wei Ziying went to check, a few minutes later, Wei Ziying came back.

"On the 20th, Yunshan sports center seems to have made arrangements."

"But there is hope."

Wei Ziying's father, Wei Xun, is a very strong man. Once he makes a decision, it's hard to change it.

Although Wei Ziying wants to help Chu Chen very much, she can't persuade her father by herself.

Therefore, Wei Ziying tries to find a way for Chu Chen. She arranges Chu Chen to meet her father.

As long as Chu Chen shows enough strength and agrees with him, his father should agree.

Now, my father happens to be at home.

"Well, I'll see you later."

Make an appointment with Wei Ziying, Chu Chen drives straight to Wei's villa.


Today, Wei Xun is at home, not resting, but waiting for the guests he made an appointment with before.

Soon, a Maybach stopped in front of Wei's villa.

A father and son came out.

"Mr. Jin, welcome, welcome."

Seeing the guests coming, Wei Xun came out to greet them.

Among the father and son, his father's name is Jin Zhishang. He is the boss of an investment institution, and he is very valuable.

This time, Jin Zhishang rented his Yunshan gymnasium for three days from the 19th to the 21st.

"Mr. Wei is very polite."

Jin Zhishang and Wei Xun shake hands.

"Introduce Mr. Wei. This is the dog, Jin Mengjun. Say hello to Uncle Wei."

"Hello, uncle Wei." Young people speak.

"Mr. Jin's son is a real talent."

Under the leadership of Wei Xun, several people went into the villa.

This time, Jin Zhishang and his Son Jin Mengjun came to visit Wei Xun, but they had deep meaning.

He heard that Wei Xun's daughter and son are about the same age.

Wei Xun is one of the bigwigs in Hangzhou. If his son can marry Wei Xun's daughter, it will be like a tiger.

Wei Xun understood what Jin Zhishang meant and did not object.

My daughter is getting married, so it's OK to get to know her. If she doesn't like it, it's OK.

"Ziying, come down quickly."

Wei Xun shouts to Wei Ziying's room on the second floor.

Wei Ziying surprised came out, is Chu dust.

On the first floor, Wei Xun pulled his daughter to his side and said:

"this is Wei Ziying, the little girl, and this is uncle Jin."

Wei Ziying said hello, slightly aware of a trace of abnormality.

"You're about the same age as Xiao Jin. You talk. We'll go to the study with Uncle Jin to talk about things."

After that, Wei Xun and Jin Zhishang left.

In the living room, only Wei Ziying and Jin Mengjun were left.

Wei Ziying took a look at the time, Chu dust almost came, and sat down.

Looking at Wei Ziying, Jin Mengjun is a little excited.

In terms of appearance, Wei Ziying is top class, and has an indescribable temperament, Sassou yingzi, which makes Jin Mengjun very satisfied.

"What constellation is Miss Wei?"

They are all children of rich families. It's impossible to talk about houses and cars when they meet.

So Jin Mengjun tried to use the constellations that girls like very much to open up the topic. This is his experience of teasing his younger sister.


Wei Ziying casually replied, and did not intend to talk with Jin Mengjun.

She's not interested in the constellations or anything.

If Jin Mengjun and her talk about drag racing, maybe Wei Ziying will talk for a while, but actually talk about the little girl's favorite constellation, which makes her "female devil head" how interested?

Besides, she has a mission today.

She really wants to help Chu Chen, because only in this way can Chu Chen possibly teach her own drag racing drift."Aquarius, that..."

Jin Mengjun talks with great enthusiasm and looks very familiar with the constellations.

This is one of his invincible ways to seduce his younger sister.

However, what he said was very exciting, but Wei Ziying was absent-minded, which made Jin Mengjun a little upset.

Just then, the special roar of sports cars came from outside.

Wei Ziying immediately got up and rushed out.

Seeing this, Jin Mengjun was dumbfounded.

Chu dust from the super run down, and Wei Ziying will and.

Wei Ziying tells Chu Chen about Jin's father and son.

Yunshan Sports Center on the 20th was rented by the Jin family.

Chu Chen knows something in his heart and walks into the villa with Wei Ziying.

Hearing the sound outside, Jin Zhishang and Wei Xun came out of the room.

"To introduce you, this is my friend, Chu Chen."

Wei Ziying introduced to several people.

Jin's father and son's face slightly changed, especially Jin Mengjun was extremely alert and hostile looking at Chu Chen.

He mistook Chu Chen for his rival.

"Oh, please sit down."

Wei Xun a little confused, please Chu Chen sit down, Wei Xun and Jin Zhishang also sat down in the living room.

Chu is ready to explain his intention and wants to rent Yunshan sports center.

At this time, Jin Zhishang suddenly gave his son a look.

After seeing this, Jin Mengjun was stunned. After thinking for a while, he suddenly realized.

"Uncle Wei, I've brought you a present. I think you'll like it."

After that, Jin Mengjun left and took out a brocade box from the outside Maybach.

"Uncle Wei, this is a blue and white alum red cloud dragon pearl pattern bottle. As a gift, it's for uncle Wei."

In fact, Jin Zhishang got the treasure at noon. He wanted to take it home for collection.

Unexpectedly, now half way out of a Chu dust, so in order to enhance the son's status in the heart of Wei Xun, Jin Zhishang just let his son do so.

This is a blue and white porcelain with a price of about 25 million!

Who can not be moved!

After seeing this blue and white porcelain, Wei Xun stood up excitedly. This is a rare collection.

These middle-aged managers are not interested in super cars and luxury cars. They prefer to collect antiques.

"Thank you so much, nephew Kim."

Wei Xun couldn't put down the blue and white alum red cloud dragon pearl pattern flask.

Seeing this, the faces of the Jin family and their sons all showed proud smiles.

Jin Mengjun, in particular, glanced at Chu Chen arrogantly, as if showing off.

Yes, the greeting.

Chu Chen a Leng, oneself is to visit Wei Xun of, really need to meet a gift.

But he didn't bring it.


Suddenly, Chu Chen noticed the emerald finger on his hand.

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