"Mr. Chu is the biggest owner of Star River Villa area. He owns half a villa area by himself. I've long wanted to see Mr. Chu, but I didn't expect to meet him today."

When Cao Qiankun said this, the whole villa became silent.

The biggest owner of Star River Villa?

Has half a Star River Bay Lake Island villa area?!!

The crowd seemed to be struck by thunder and stood there.

It's a villa in the middle of the lake!

Even if they want to get one, it's very difficult.

And Chu Chen, there are half villas, ten villas in the middle of the lake?!

You know, the people who can get the villa in the middle of Xinghewan lake are detached, not money.

Before, before looking for Cao Qiankun to buy a luxury house, Jin Zhishang also had the luxury of looking for a villa in the middle of the lake in Xinghewan.

As a result, Cao Qiankun said a little, he immediately gave up, he did not deserve, his identity is not worthy of the Lake Island villa of Star River Bay.

But now, Chu Chen has half a Star River Villa?

Chu Chen's identity, how terrible his contacts are!

Just now, he thought chuchen was a rich man without any background?

Results now...

"Mr. Jin, what did you say just now?"

"If I want to rent, what do I need?"

After greeting Cao Qiankun, Chu Chen asks Jin Zhishang faintly. Now he is most concerned about the Yunshan sports center.


Jin Zhishang was stunned.

Just now, I didn't know Chu Chen's identity and contacts were so terrible. Did he want to kill Chu Chen?

Now, he knows that Chu Chen owns half a villa in the middle of Xinghewan lake. With his ten courage, he doesn't dare to pit Chu Chen.

"Nothing, nothing!"

Jin Zhishang's attitude changed greatly, and he repeatedly said:

"Mr. Chu, I've packed the Yunshan sports center from the 19th to the 21st, and the money has been given to Mr. Wei."

"Now, I give it to Mr. Chu for free."

"Mr. Jin is very polite."

Chu Chen opens his mouth. Since Jin Zhishang says so, he doesn't pursue anything.

"Where, where?"

Jin Zhishang was relieved.

"By the way, what does Mr. Chu rent Yunshan Sports Center for?" Wei Xun asked.

At this moment, Wei Xun's address to Chu Chen changed from "nephew of Chu" to "Mr. Chu".

"Nothing. A friend of mine is going to give a concert there."

Chu Chen explained.

"So that's it. I'll send more people right away, where to arrange it."

"When the time comes, I will take all the staff to the concert of President Chu."

Wei Xun spoke.

"Yes, me too."

"Me too."

Seeing that Wei Xun said so, Cao Qiankun and Jin Zhishang agreed.

"Thank you very much."

Wei Xun immediately called and sent more people to Yunshan sports center to help Xia Mengqi arrange the concert.

Chu Chen also contacted Angel entertainment group and asked them to send people to Yunshan sports center.

"It's the president. It's amazing."

"Yunshan Sports Center, which is one of the biggest stadiums in Hangzhou, can hold more than 60000 people?"

"It's more than three times as much as the previous Shengli stadium!"

Received Chu Chen's notice, many Angel entertainment employees are very emotional.

Their president is a bull!


After leaving the Wei family, Chu Chen finds Xia Mengqi.

"It's all done. After a while, you tweet and tell your fans that the venue of the concert has changed."

Chu Chen has asked Angel entertainment to inform those who have bought tickets that the venue of the concert has changed.

But this kind of thing, or Xia Mengqi personally said better.

"By the way, you send another microblog, saying that your concert has invited back man God."

Chu Chen added.

Yunshan sports center can accommodate more than 66000 people. If only relying on Xia Mengqi, it can't match yuan daiqiu, who is supported by many superstars.

If now the explosion of their own fire, playing a song, absolutely can attract countless fans to come.

Maybe through this concert, Xia Mengqi may become the "Queen"!

Angel Entertainment Group will also be famous, chuchen's value will increase.

There is no harm in all profits.


Xia Mengqi tweeted.

Because after the last "Framed back man God" incident, the high-level microblog always paid attention to the news of back man God.

Now I suddenly see the news of the male god of the back -- the male god of the back is going to participate in Xia Mengqi's concert.

So the microblog quickly took action. Soon, Xia Mengqi's two microblogs rushed to the top and second of the hot list.Originally, the popularity of "back man God" is now at its peak. When you see this hot search, you can see it.

Countless female fans of the male god in the back are crazy and extremely excited.

They finally have a chance to see the male god with their own eyes, great!!!

"Hangzhou, Yunshan Sports Center, here I am!"

"Male god, we support male god!"

"I'm also in Hangzhou. I must go to see the male god. Do I have sisters together!

I'm going.

One more.


Xia Mengqi's microblog, whether it's like, or comments are crazy rise.

Just in the past few minutes, there have been over 100000 comments and 300000 likes.

Half an hour later, there were millions of comments and two million likes!

If Weibo hadn't made preparations, I'm afraid Weibo would collapse again because of this news.

In a five-star hotel in Hangzhou, yuan daiqiu heard from his assistant.


"Xia Mengqi tweeted that she rented Yunshan Sports Center?"

Yuan daiqiu was shocked.

That's a large stadium that can hold more than 60000 people, more than three times larger than the Shengli stadium snatched from Xia Mengqi?

"How, how?"

Yuan daiqiu's face was gloomy and he kept muttering.

"By the way, there are so many big people in Hangzhou. Xia Mengqi must have colluded with some big people and said no. now she has become someone else's junior."

"If someone comes out for her, she will be able to rent Yunshan sports center."

Yuan daiqiu thought maliciously.

"Xia Mengqi is such a bitch!"

"By the way, sister yuan and Xia Mengqi also tweeted that she invited the male god of back, who would play with her that day."

"Now this news has reached the top of microblog hot search list."

The assistant added.

"Back man, what is that?" Yuan daiqiu asked.

"A hot star recently..." the assistant explained.

After hearing this, yuan daiqiu even more disdained:

"I thought he was a big man and a star. If you look up at him, that male god in the back is just a garbage net red."

"Xia Mengqi really nobody invited, unexpectedly invited a garbage net red to support?"

"It's killing me."

"She thought it would attract the audience. It's a dream."

"By the way, we also tweet."

Yuan daiqiu is not willing to show weakness.

Is not hot search list first? I can get Xia Mengqi down immediately.

With that, yuan daiqiu began to contact the superstars she invited, asking them to tweet and comment on themselves.

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