"The number one hot search list must be mine!"

After the call, yuan daiqiu put down his mobile phone and said with arrogance.

Xia Mengqi that little bitch, thought that he invited a hot garbage net red can get the hot search list first, can compare himself in the future concert, it is too naive.

She's been in the entertainment industry for 20 years, but she hasn't seen any Internet Celebrities, whose influence can surpass any superstar?!

Yuan daiqiu's microblog has been posted, and the content is very simple. That is to say, he will also hold a concert in Hangzhou on the 20th. I hope you can support me a lot.

After all, yuan daiqiu is a singer of the "Queen of heaven" class, and he has been in charge of renshe for many years, so he naturally has a group of diehard fans.

Soon, yuan daiqiu's Micro blog's praise and comments grew rapidly.

Under the operation of yuan daiqiu's brokerage company, he quickly rushed to the hot search list.

Slowly, some fans of yuan daiqiu found something unusual.

The time of microblogging is almost the same, and the concerts are all on the 20th, all in Hangzhou. It's a coincidence.

"It must be Xia Mengqi who deliberately provoked sister yuan!"

"Xia Mengqi knew that Yuan Jie's concert was held in Hangzhou on the 20th. In order to rub Yuan Jie's popularity, she also held such a concert temporarily."

"Xia Mengqi, that bitch is disgusting. Let's tear her off."

Many yuan daiqiu's fans came to Xia Mengqi's microblog, one after another in Xia Mengqi's second microblog, which will be in the Yunshan Sports Center Concert microblog, wanton abuse, all kinds of spray people.

In the end, yuan daiqiu's fans and Xia Mengqi's fans scolded each other for the time being.

Those superstars invited by yuan daiqiu also tweeted that they would go to yuan daiqiu's concert.

And comment on yuan daiqiu's microblog.

Knowing that his idol is going to yuan daiqiu's concert, those superstar fans have come to yuan daiqiu's microblog to congratulate him.

When they found that yuan daiqiu's fans were "fighting" with Xia Mengqi's fans, they immediately went to reinforce them.

The situation, which was not divided between the top and the bottom, has undergone a sharp reversal.

Xia Mengqi's fans were scolded out of shape.

At this time, Xia Mengqi's fans thought of her first microblog.

Yuan daiqiu has those superstar fans to help, but they have the back man God.

After learning that "friendly" was scolded, all the fans of the male god in the back were angry.

Finally, because of Xia Mengqi, they have the opportunity to see the male god with their own eyes. They are very grateful to Xia Mengqi.

Fans of the back man God also joined the "battle.".

A minute or two later, yuan daiqiu and his fans were defeated.

And Yuan daiqiu's microblog, also only rushed to the third hot search list, can't go any further.

Above, the microblog hot search list number one, the second are occupied by Xia Mengqi, stepping on yuan daiqiu's head.

After a period of time, yuan daiqiu took a look at the hot search list and was immediately blown up.

"Damn it, how come it's only the third one?"

Yuan daiqiu was furious.

"It must be Xia Mengqi who bought the hot search at a high price. It must be like this!"

"What a damned bitch of the whole family!"

Seeing that yuan daiqiu was angry, the assistant quickly began to persuade her:

"sister yuan, how can you have the same opinion with a little bitch?"

"There will be a concert soon. You invited so many stars, sister yuan. At that time, it must be Xia Mengqi's slut."

"On the contrary, Xia Mengqi only invited a net red, maybe that day not even one or two thousand fans."

Hearing this, yuan daiqiu eased over and a smile reappeared on his face.

Yes, Xia Mengqi is not worthy to be compared with herself.

It's ridiculous to invite a man in the back to be a red trash net!

Now, she can't wait for the concert to begin.

At that time, there will be a sea of people on my side, which is extremely hot.

And Xia Mengqi there is cold, the audience is poor.

I don't know. At that time, what expression would Xia Mengqi be?!

The more I think about it, the more I look forward to it and the more I feel proud of it.


Time flies. It's the 20th.

In the evening, the countdown to the concert.

Yuan daiqiu and some of her stars have been waiting backstage.

"Lao yuan, don't worry. With our help, the influence of this concert will definitely crush Xia Mengqi."

"Just don't worry."

A Superstar opened his mouth and said confidently.

"Sister yuan, didn't Xia Mengqi invite a little red trash net?"

"Back man, he's nothing."

A little red meat echoed, but in the voice, with a sour meaning, as well as a strong jealousy."Of course."

Yuan daiqiu still has a bright smile on his face.

Soon, the concert began.

But when he saw the audience, yuan daiqiu was confused.

Not only yuan daiqiu, but also a few superstars who were full of confidence just now, also showed an embarrassed expression on their faces.

Originally, Shengli stadium, which could seat 20000 people, had only less than 10000 fans.

No mistake?!

Is something wrong?

Yes, it must be so, otherwise, with her influence, how can there be only such fans?!

She is the queen of heaven!

I'm afraid I don't even have a thousand fans.

It's ridiculous to think about renting a sports center with 60000 or 70000 people, but the audience is less than 1000.

I'm afraid Xia Mengqi will become the laughing stock of the whole entertainment circle!

During the concert, the stars invited by yuan daiqiu came on stage one after another, and Yuan daiqiu went back to the backstage to have a rest.

"By the way, what happened to Xia Mengqi?"

Yuan daiqiu asked curiously:

"is it a sports center with more than 60000 people, not even 1000 people?"

Hearing this, the assistant next to him stopped talking.

In the wonder, yuan daiqiu turned on his mobile phone and watched the hot search.

"Pop, pop star Xia Mengqi's concert is booming, the audience is expected to exceed 100000 people!"

"Shocked, also held in Hangzhou, yuan daiqiu's concert is less than one tenth of Xia Mengqi's!"

"The youngest queen of entertainment, will be born soon!"

After seeing these news headlines, yuan daiqiu was dumbfounded.

"100000 people?"

"No, it's impossible. Isn't their Yunshan sports center able to accommodate 60000 or 70000 people at most?"

Yuan daiqiu looks unbelievable.

"That... They still have some standing tickets for the concert. After that, tens of thousands of fans are waiting outside and refuse to leave."

The assistant said weakly.

In fact, 100000 fans, or conservative estimates.


"How can there be so many fans? It's unreasonable. It's unreasonable."

Yuan daiqiu roared with a ferocious face.

"Most of those fans are fans of the God of the back." The assistant replied.

Even she didn't expect that there were so many loyal fans in the back man God.

Easily crush numerous stars in the entertainment industry!


With a sound of Gudong, yuan daiqiu collapsed on the chair, completely confused.

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