Just came in, Han Teng is going to the middle of the dance to chat with those old friends.

On the way, I suddenly found Chu Chen.

Looking at the sudden appearance of Han Teng, Yao Yuanzhou and others suddenly widened their eyes and became extremely nervous.

I can't even breathe out loud.

Han Teng, Hangzhou's famous one hundred billion rich, the top big man.

When did he show up.


Chu Chen turns his head and looks at Han Teng.

Originally, he wanted to keep a low profile and didn't go to the middle of the dance, but Han Teng said so.

He can't keep a low profile.


With that, Chu Chen pulls Yan Luoshui up and walks to the middle of the dance with Han Teng.

After Han Teng's introduction, these big guys greet Chu Chen warmly one after another, and soon several people begin to talk and laugh.

And Yao Yuanzhou and others, is silly looking at the middle of the dance, for a long time speechless.

Chu Chen can talk and laugh with the big guys there and won't be driven out.

It has already explained the terror of Chu Chen's identity!

Yao Yuanzhou took a cold breath and was stunned.

Because of Chu Chen, Yan Luoshui's contacts increased again, which was of great benefit to the future development.


In Mordor, I learned that my daughter Mo Yuwan was the general manager of a small company in Hangzhou.

The chairman of Vientiane group, Mo Yuwan's father, Mo aoqun is very dissatisfied.

He didn't say anything when his daughter went to college.

Now my daughter is working. Instead of coming to her own company, she runs to a small company and becomes a general manager?

What's that like!

Like the name "aoqun" and "aoqun", Mo aoqun exudes a sense of pride.

This kind of pride is not the pride of those dandies.

It is the unique temperament of the superior who is in a high position, holding numerous rights and huge funds.

Although the relationship with his daughter is very tense, as a father, he naturally cares about Mo Yuwan.

Isn't it good to work in your own company?

In my own company, no one dares to bully my daughter, but in other people's company, working for others will definitely suffer all kinds of grievances.

What's more, our company is a big group with a market value of 200 billion.

Is it a small asset management company that has just been established?!

For the sake of his daughter, he must let her come back.

If his daughter doesn't want to, he goes to see the chairman of the small company.

Think about it, as long as the identity of a bright, the small chairman. Will immediately apologize, kneel lick themselves, obediently put Mo Yu Wan out.

In Mo aoqun's eyes, he didn't pay attention to Chu Chen.

Chu Chen is not worth mentioning!

after a lot of arrangements.

Around 8 pm, Mo aoqun arrived in Hangzhou by private plane.

Mo aoqun's Bombardier global express XRS private aircraft costs 370 million yuan.

With spacious, private, luxurious and comfortable cabin space and the most advanced technology, it is known as one of the most luxurious and perfect business airplanes.

Its maximum cruising altitude can reach 15545 meters, and its speed is at the leading level in the world.

This Bombardier global express XRS is very popular with Mo aoqun, who often shows off.

If you think about it, I'm afraid few people's private planes in the whole airport or even the whole Hangzhou city can compare with his Bombardier global express XRS.

Mo aoqun walked down with a proud face.

However, just off the plane, looking at a plane not far away, Mo aoqun was dumbfounded.

"Bombardier global 7000?"

Mo aoqun exclaimed in surprise.

At noon today, Cao Qiankun, who went to Yanjing by chuchen private plane, has come back.

Three Bombardier global 7000 returned to their original position.

It is also produced by Bombardier, the world's number one international private aircraft manufacturer.

But his Bombardier global express XRS is one grade lower than this Bombardier global 7000, and its price is hundreds of millions lower.

Although Mo aoqun is not bad for hundreds of millions, he doesn't have that connection.

Bombardier global 7000, the annual production quantity is very limited, I'm afraid only a dozen.

As the world's No.1 private aircraft manufacturer, Bombardier is watched by countless tycoons.

Even people like Mo aoqun are still nothing in front of the rich.

Therefore, Mo aoqun can only reduce the requirements and buy a bombardier global express XRS.

To Mo aoqun's surprise, when he arrived in Hangzhou, he met Bombardier global 7000?!"Whose Bombardier is it?"

Mo aoqun couldn't help muttering, and was extremely surprised.

Walking forward, however, when he saw the scene behind Bombardier.

Even he was a little confused!

Three Bombardier global 7000!


If these three Bombardier global 7000 belong to three people, it is barely acceptable.

But if three Bombardier global 7000 belong to one person.

That's a little scary!

After a while of exclamation, Mo aoqun and several of his men left together.

Because time is late, so Mo aoqun did not find Mo Yuwan, also did not go to Chu Chen's company, directly to the hotel to rest.

The next day, when Chu Chen had breakfast, he accidentally received a call from the company.

"General manager Chu, general manager Mo has not come yet. A big boss from Mordor says he wants to see you."

"I've arranged for him in your office."

The voice of the staff came.

"OK, I'll go to the company right now."

Chu Chen responded, and he was extremely curious.

Who is the boss from Mordor?

After breakfast, Chu Chen drove to the company.

Reaching the company, an employee came out.

"Mr. Chu, the big boss is a little impatient."

The staff report to Chu Chen.

"Do you know the big boss?"

While walking, Chu Chen asked.

"I don't know, but the big boss's aura is very frightening. At first sight, he is the kind of person who holds great power."

Thinking of the boss's invisible aura, Chu Chen immediately became nervous.


Chu Chen is more curious.

Soon, he came to his chairman's office and opened the door.

Looking at the "big boss" sitting there, Chu Chen was even more surprised, and he didn't know him.

Because he often talks and laughs with hundreds of billions of rich people and super tycoons, and stays together, Chu Chen also forms an invisible aura, no less than the "big boss".

At the moment, the "big boss" who is sitting there to taste tea is mo aoqun, Mo Yuwan's father and chairman of Vientiane group.

Come early, didn't see daughter, so Mo Ao group can only find Chu dust first.

Mo Ao group saw Chu dust a circle, also some surprised.

I didn't expect Chu Chen to be so young.

"Hello, I'm the president of this company." Chu Chen's plain mouth.

Hearing this, Mo aoqun began to pay a little attention to Chu Chen. Unexpectedly, Chu Chen could be so calm in the face of his huge aura.

But in any case, he will come.

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