Mo aoqun just ready to "hand", a burst of high-heeled shoes voice suddenly came.

Mo Yu Wan curiously walked into the chairman's office.

Just came to the company, because the general manager's office and the chairman's office are close to each other.

I see the door of the chairman's office is open?!

This makes Mo Yu Wan extremely surprised.

So early, President Chu came to the office.

Thinking, Mo Yu Wan comes in, but she hasn't opened her mouth yet. Looking at the Mo Ao group in the office, Mo Yu Wan is stunned.


Mo Yu Wan said that she didn't expect to meet her father Mo Ao Qun here.

Chu Chen eyebrows pick, this employee mouth "big boss", is actually Mo Yu Wan's father?

Chairman of Vientiane group?!

Seeing his daughter, Mo aoqun stood up excitedly.

Suddenly found by his daughter, Mo aoqun is in a hurry. Has his downfall not started yet?

It's over?!

"It's uncle Mo, please sit down."

Chu Chen pulls Mo Yu Wan to sit down.

"Dad, when did you come?"

Mo Yu Wan asks curiously.

"Last night."

Suddenly, Mo aoqun thought of a way to show off.

This time, it will definitely make up for the downfall.

"Yuwan, you haven't been home for such a long time, and your private plane has changed. I just bought a bombardier global express XRS, which is more than 300 million and close to 400 million."

Mo aoqun deliberately said the price of Bombardier global express XRS, which surprised Chu Chen.

After all, such a small asset management company can't make much profit.

Not to mention hundreds of millions of private planes, I'm afraid that even tens of millions of mansions, this Chu Chen may not be able to afford.

He wants to let Chu Chen know the gap between himself and him!

After that, Mo aoqun deliberately looks at Chu Chen, but is surprised to find that Chu Chen is still extremely calm after knowing that he has 300 million or 400 million private airplanes.

Was Chu Chen distracted just now and didn't hear it?

You know, he once showed off his Bombardier global express XRS many times, and everyone was shocked when they heard it.

But how did Chu Chen become like this?

"Yuwan, it's better to stay at home. There's Bombardier global express XRS at home. You can go anywhere you want?"

Mo aoqun magnified the voice a little and showed off.

Chu Chen Bu Dao:

"no, I also have a plane here. Yuwan can go wherever she wants."

Chu Chen has seen the purpose of Mo aoqun.

How can he make Mo aoqun succeed?

"Oh, Chu always has a plane, too?"

Mo aoqun was surprised that the chairman of such a small company actually had a plane?

"Oh, it should be the kind of helicopter, the kind that doesn't fly far?"

Mo aoqun had a preconceived idea that Chu Chen's plane might be a helicopter of 10 million to 20 million.

"No, I'm a private jet, too."

"Private jet?"

Mo aoqun asked Chu Chen:

"what private plane?"

"After uncle Mo got off in a private plane, should he see it?"

Chu Chen answers.

Get off the plane, see?

Being reminded by Chu Chen, Mo aoqun suddenly thinks of the bombardier global 7000.

"Which Bombardier global 7000 is yours?"

Mo aoqun can't help asking.

"Yes, those three are all mine." Chu Chen nodded.


All three are Chu Chen's!

Mo aoqun is not calm. He was shocked when he saw the three Bombardier global 7000 last night.

Never thought that the three Bombardier global 7000 were Chu Chen's!


It seems that I underestimated Chu Chen.

After turning over the car, Mo aoqun thought of it in his heart and began to take Chu Chen seriously for the first time.

"By the way, Yuwan, where do you live in Hangzhou?"

"She lives in my house now." Chu Chen answers at will.

Living in your house?!

Mo Ao group suddenly stares big eyes, glaring at Chu Chen.

"Correct, it's a house in my name. I don't live there." Chu Chen opens his mouth.


Hearing this, Mo aoqun was relieved.

Not bad.

"I just bought a villa in century Washington last night."

Now that he failed to show off his private jet, Mo aoqun has another plan.

Can Chu Chen's house compare with his century Washington villa?!In Hangzhou, century Washington is one of the top villas. The price of any villa is more than 200 million or 300 million, and now the money can't buy it, so the quantity is limited.

Mo aoqun also bought it from a friend, a top tycoon in Hangzhou.

If it wasn't for the face of Vientiane group, I'm afraid that Hangzhou tycoon would not buy it.

Of course, compared with the villa in the middle of Xinghewan lake, the grade of century Washington is still a little worse.

"I'm not living in Hangzhou for the time being. Yuwan, you'd better move to the villa in century Washington."

Mo aoqun opens his mouth.

"No, I'm comfortable living in Star River."

Mo Yuwan refused dad.

Her relationship with her father Mo aoqun is very tense now. She naturally stands on Chu Chen's side.

And she understood what dad meant.

She is willing to stay here rather than go back to the so-called "home".

Now, for the company, she has a sense of belonging.

And to Chu Chen, Mo Yu Wan also had an inexplicable emotion in his heart, which was definitely not "friendship".

Therefore, in Mo aoqun, Mo Yuwan immediately refused.

By the daughter a ruthless rejection, Mo Ao group gas is not light.

But when he recalled what Mo Yuwan had just said, Mo aoqun was shocked.

Star River Villa?

Before he planned to buy a villa in Hangzhou, he checked the huxindao villa in Xinghewan.

That's not comparable to my own century Washington villas.

And just now Chu Chen said that this is his other house?!

"Your house is in the villa area of Xinghewan Lake Island?"

Mo aoqun asked.

"Yes, I live there too. Now I'm next door to Yu Wan."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Where do I live, too?

Isn't that to say that Chu Chen has at least two villas in the middle of the lake?!

Mo aoqun felt his face red.

Just installed a force, the result overturned again?!

And in front of my daughter!

Mo aoqun feels too shameful. He can't do it. He wants to get his face back.

Otherwise, how can I raise my head in front of my daughter!

Soon, he had a new idea.

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