In the morning, Chu Chen received a phone call, saying that the sun yacht had stopped at a port of Mordor.

Yesterday, Chu Chen, Gao Zhengqi, Fang Yisong and Wei Jian all lived in Lingfeng villa.

These people want to see for themselves what Chu Chen's yacht looks like.

After all, Chu Chen said yesterday that Cui MINMING's yacht, which is more than 70 meters long, is nothing?

After breakfast, Chu Chen, Gao Zhengqi and others will have a meeting.

"It's already here. If Chu always has time, can he take us to have a look?"

Gao Zhengqi extremely excited and nervous said.

Whether he can save face on his birthday depends on Chu Chen's yacht.

"Naturally." Chu Chen nodded.

Chu Chen gets on Gao Zhengqi's car and leads the way in front, while Wei Jiantong and others follow him in the car and go straight to the port.

"Lao Wei, do you think President Chu's yacht can be bigger than Cui min's?"

On Wei Jiantong's car, a big devil asked curiously.

"I don't think so."

Wei Jiantong shakes his head. It's too difficult to surpass Cui min's yacht.

"I think it should be 60 meters or 70 meters, probably similar to Cui min's name."

"I think so, too."

In the car, another big devil agrees.

They all think that Chu Chen's yacht should be similar to Cui min's, otherwise, they would not be so confident.

Young people generally like to be competitive, so president Chu scorns Cui min's yacht.

As for the yacht that surpasses Cui min's name, the probability of this happening is very small.

Half an hour later, people slowly came to a port of Mordor.

Before the car even stopped, people could see a real "monster" in the harbor through the window!

Stop, a few can't wait to walk down, quickly came to the shore, looking up at the huge yacht.

Even those of them who have seen the big scenes, when they saw the yacht, they couldn't help but exclaim, and their eyes were full of shock.

It's too big. It's terrible!

Even the yachts of Mordor, which they know, may not be as big as the yacht in front of them!

"I'll go!"

"This yacht is at least 100 meters long and 20 or 30 meters wide."

"It's terrible."

"I don't know who owned this giant?"

The several demons all talked and guessed.

As for Chu Chen, they ignored him automatically.

In their subconscious, such a huge yacht can only belong to those super big people.

At the scene, only Fang Yisong and Gao Zhengqi slowly look at Chu Chen and guess what they have.

Finally, Gao Zhengqi couldn't restrain his inner tension:

"Mr. Chu, what you mean by yacht, isn't it?"

In a flash, several people's eyes all put on Chu Chen's body.


Chu Chen introduced the yacht to several people:

"this yacht is called the rising sun. It is about 140 meters long and 20 meters wide. It is a leader in yacht manufacturing industry. It is a super yacht produced by lurssen company."

Is this yacht really owned by President Chu?

My God!

Is it 140 meters long and 20 meters wide?

It's twice as big as Cui MINMING's 70 meter yacht!

This is the real behemoth!

Compared with it, Cui MINMING's yacht is a younger brother!

"Mr. Chu, I'll take it."

"It's terrible. The financial resources of President Chu are terrible."

Several big men of magic all sighed.

"I underestimated president Chu."

Wei Jiantong laughed at himself. At the moment, he was really convinced of Chu Chen.

That's great, isn't it!

"In a few days, Gao can have a birthday party on this yacht." Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Looking at the huge sun, Gao Zhengqi was very happy.

Originally, he just prayed that Chu Chen's yacht could be as big as Cui min's. unexpectedly, it was twice as big as Cui min's yacht.

"Mr. Chu, thank you so much."

Gao Zhengqi excitedly holds Chu Chen's hand.

"If it wasn't for president Chu, Gao's face would be trampled by Cui min Ming."

"From today on, we are brothers. As long as you have something to do, please don't hesitate to ask."

"I dare not say it in other places. In Mordor, I still have some strength!"

Gao Zhengqi patted his chest and said, as a big man in the financial sector of Mordor, in addition to his own strength, he has a terrible background!

"You're welcome, brother Gao."Gao Zhengqi is so polite, Chu Chen also opens his mouth.

"Two days later, brother, you must come."

Gao Zhengqi invited Chu Chen to come down.

After watching the yacht, several people separate, Gao Zhengqi personally sent Chu Chen back to Tangchen Yipin.

Time flies. Gao Zhengqi's birthday is here.

In order to give Cui MINMING a big surprise, he gets Chu Chen's help to set up a banquet on the rising sun. Gao Zhengqi and the big men of mordu keep secret all the time.

Gao Zhengqi's banquet was held in another port. He didn't rush for someone to drive the sun.

In that port, there was only Gao Zhengqi's yacht, which was forty or fifty meters long.

In order to form a contrast with Gao Zhengqi, Gao Zhengqi's face is rubbed on the ground.

Cui min, the old rival, had already docked his yacht beside Gao Zhengqi's yacht the night before.

Their birthday party started at the same time and was set at 7 p.m.

Around six o'clock in the evening, Gao Zhengqi and Cui MINMING's guests arrived one after another.

Chu Chen has something to do with school, so he will come a little later.

When the guests saw Gao Zhengqi and Cui MINMING's yacht, they sighed.

Gao Zhengqi's guests all feel pale, while Cui MINMING's guests over there are full of smiles.

"Gao Zhengqi, you can't do it."

On the yacht, Cui min's name is high, and he says to Gao Zhengqi with pride.

"What's your yacht? In front of my yacht, it's the son's yacht."

"Ha ha."

"Mr. Gao, you are far behind Mr. Cui this time."

Cui min's guests also spoke.

"We'll get on the yacht later."

For Cui MINMING and other people's words, Gao Zhengqi disdains to answer, just said to his guests.

The guests were all wondering why, but they hadn't yet asked.

In the distance, a huge ship came slowly and stopped beside Gao Zhengqi's yacht.

"Now, you can go on the yacht."

Pointing to the rising sun, Gao Zhengqi opened his mouth with a smile.

Looking at the rising sun, both Cui min's name and the guests were stunned.

It's too big.

"On the yacht?"

"This giant?"

Gao Zhengqi's guests think they are wrong.


Gao Zhengqi nodded.

Soon, under the command of Gao Zhengqi, his guests boarded the sun one after another.

On the other side, Cui MINMING, and Cui MINMING's guests, are looking at the rising sun with silly eyes.

What's the situation?

On the other hand, after work, Chu Chen drives Audi to Gao Zhengqi's birthday party.

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