Standing on his yacht, Cui min is a fool.

Just now, he also said that Gao Zhengqi's yacht was his son's in front of his yacht.

But in the blink of an eye, his yacht became a son, no, a grandson's.

"How could it be, how could he get such a yacht?"

Cui min's name is extremely puzzled to murmur.

Although he told Gao Zhengqi that his yacht belonged to a friend he had just met.

In fact, this yacht is to provoke Gao Zhengqi. Cui Mingming paid a lot of money to rent it, and it took nearly half a month.

It's almost the biggest yacht anyone can find.

Gao Zhengqi's strength is not much different from him. How can he find a yacht hundreds of meters long in two or three days?

I can't say that!

Cui min's famous guests were dejected.

On the rising sun, Gao Zhengqi's guests were also very curious. Where did Gao Zhengqi get such a huge ship.

Standing at the top of the rising sun, looking at the guests who had already arrived, Gao Zhengqi took the microphone and said:

"today, Gao is able to hold a birthday party here, relying entirely on a friend he just met."

"Although that friend hasn't come yet, Gao would like to thank him, Mr. Chu, the owner of the yacht."

In private, he can be brothers with the president of Chu, but on formal occasions, Gao Zhengqi calls him "Mr. Chu" to show his respect for Chu Chen.

Mr. Chu, the owner of the yacht?

Hearing Gao Zhengqi's words, all the guests immediately began to talk.

Most people don't know who this mysterious Mr. Chu is.

But one thing, they are sure, this Mr. Chu is a super big man!

Otherwise, how can you have such a giant?!

Even if they didn't see Chu Chen, they began to admire Chu Chen in their hearts.

This Mr. Chu is so good!

As soon as I met him, I lent such a huge yacht to Gao Zhengqi.

It's amazing!

On another yacht, Cui MINMING also heard Gao Zhengqi's words, and was also very curious about the mysterious Mr. Chu.

He even hesitated whether he would have the cheek to meet Mr. Chu on Gao Zhengqi's yacht.

If you don't know such a big man, if you miss it, you will regret for life!


Twenty minutes later, Chu Chen came to the dock from the University.

Stop Audi at the dock and chuchen board the rising sun.


"That... That... Is really Chu Chen?"

On the third floor of the rising sun, a woman in an evening dress with a face value of about 75 points was finally confirmed.

It's Chu Chen!

Her name is Yang nianzhen. When she was in University, she was one of Chu Chen's pursuers.

She once confessed to Chu Chen, but she was rejected by Chu Chen. From then on, she hated Chu Chen because of her love.

When she was a sophomore, she transferred to another school. Unexpectedly, she met Chu Chen again in Mordor. What a coincidence.

"Honey, what's the matter?"

At this time, a man who was not even ordinary but ugly came to Yang nianzhen.

The man wore an expensive tuxedo, giving people a feeling of being crowned by a monkey.

"Nothing. I just saw a suitor of my university."

Yang nianzhen said with a sneer.

For the sake of self-esteem and face, Yang nianzhen deliberately reversed her identity with Chu Chen, who became a pursuer.

In fact, just now when Chu Chen got out of the car, Yang nianzhen inadvertently noticed it.

Just not sure, until Chu Chen boarded the yacht.

"I didn't expect you to drive a broken Audi in such a miserable situation."

Yang nianzhen sneered in her heart.

Once you ignored me, now I let you down!

Her boyfriend Qian Fengman is a senior executive of a large airline company. He has a rich family background and his uncle is a 10 billion rich man.

Qian Feng is driving a three or four million McLaren.

How can Chu Chen compare with Qian Fengman?!

In order to become Qian Fengman's girlfriend, Yang nianzhen spent a lot of time.

"There's something wrong with your expression?"

Qian Fengman is aware of something.

"It's nothing. It's just that he's been chasing me for several years. I hate him very much." Yang nianzhen quickly covered up for fear of being found.

"Hate him?"

A strange smile flashed across Qian Feng's face.

"Now that I have met you, go up and say hello."

Qian Fengman takes the initiative to say.Qian Fengman is always hostile to his handsome people.

Now see handsome to the sky Chu dust, is gnashing teeth, let you look handsome!

"How are you, defeated general."

Qian Feng full rate first walked past, smile to Chu Chen said.

The loser?

Chu Chen is a little puzzled. He doesn't know this boy.

"Oh, I forgot to introduce you."

Qian Feng said with high spirits:

"I'm Yang nianzhen's boyfriend who you couldn't catch up with at the beginning."

Although you look a little bit more handsome than me, it's only in terms of appearance. In other aspects, I'll hang you!

You can't catch Yang nianzhen after several years.

He just chased for a few days and got Yang nianzhen.

That's the gap.

You're handsome. You're useless!

Just Chu Chen's next words, let proud money wind full embarrassed live.

"Who is Yang nianzhen?"

Chu Chen asks in surprise, he really doesn't remember to have such a person.

Moreover, he has always been chased. How can she chase others?

Are you kidding?!

Just came over, heard Chu Chen's words, Yang nianzhen more resentful Chu Chen.

At this moment, a strong fire of hatred rose in her heart.

If you can't get it, destroy him!

"Chu Chen, don't cover up any more. Your acting is too bad."

Yang nianzhen toe high gas said, ready to humiliate Chu dust, proud.

Not to let Chu Chen speak, Yang nianzhen said again:

"at the beginning, you coveted my beauty, pestered me, even knelt down to beg me, all kinds of confession, you forget?"

Yang nianzhen deliberately adapted what she had done into what Chu Chen did.

Yang nianzhen's words attracted the attention of several guests, who pointed out to Chu Chen.

"I was so glad I didn't promise you."

"People like you don't deserve to be my boyfriend."

After that, Yang nianzhen took Qian Fengman's hand and showed off with pride:

"my boyfriend is 10000 times better than you. You have only driven an Audi of 300000 or 400000 until now."

"And my boyfriend drives more than three million McLarens."

"Before he was 30 years old, he was already a senior executive of Jiangnan airlines, a famous airline."

"Can you do it?"

Jiangnan Airlines?

Chu Chen eyebrow a pick, own that a few private airplanes don't stop in the south of the Yangtze River aviation?

In order to make friends with him, Jiangnan airlines also listed Chu Chen as the only supreme member and enjoyed special treatment.

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