This super car is too ugly to affect the image of the school?

After hearing Yan Yingrui's words, the two dandies were silly. What's the matter? You saw this super car a few days ago and sighed that it was very cool.

It's only been a few days. It's so ugly.

How can the car change?

"Regor, are you kidding?"

"Regor, there's something wrong with the boy's eyes. We shouldn't listen to him."

They asked Yan Yingrui.

"You're the one with the wrong eye!"

"How could Mr. Chu's vision be wrong?"

Yan Yingrui retorts seriously.

Not to mention two dandies, even Zhou Shishi and her best friend are silly.

Is this the Yan Yingrui they know?

Especially Zhou Shishi. In class before, Yan Yingrui had a conflict with Professor Chu.

Normally speaking, Yan Yingrui should bear a grudge against Chu Chen. How can he be so polite now?

"Why don't you even listen to me?"

Yan Yingrui denounced the two dandies.

Although I don't know what happened, Yan Yingrui is very sure that these two boys absolutely provoked Mr. Chu.

Isn't this about death?

Even he didn't dare to provoke Chu dust!

In order to please Chu Chen, Yan Yingrui takes the initiative to stand up and teach the two boys a lesson.

Finally, in the extreme helplessness and under the threat of Yan Yingrui, the two dandies found the tools and began to tear down the car.

This super car has just been bought for half a month. They drive in school from time to time, but now they have to smash it. It's too painful.

"I'll smash it later. I'll apologize to these people first."

After a few minutes, Yan Yingrui scolded the two dandies.

"I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry."

The two dandies turned and bowed to Chu Chen and Zhou Shishi.

After apologizing, he continued to smash the car.

Zhou Shishi and his best friend thank Chu Chen again and again. If it were not for Chu Chen, today's affairs would not be so easy to solve.

Chu Chen looked at it for a while and then left. Zhou Shishi accompanied his best friend back to the dormitory.


In the afternoon, Chu Chen had no class. He planned to return to Tangchen.

Suddenly, the system sounds again.


[system task release: punch in Yangyun Anman, time limit: within three hours]

[task reward: ownership of Yangyun Anman]

"Yangyun Anman, where is that?"

After seeing the mission, Chu Chen said in a puzzled way that he had just come to the magic capital, and had never heard of this Yang Yun An man.

Take out a mobile phone to check, Chu Chen was shocked.

The reward of this system is even more generous than the previous Wangjiang Pavilion, a quarter of Tangchen Yipin!!!

Yangyun aman, the top leisure resort in mordu, is also one of the most expensive hotels in China. It costs 68000 a night!!

Raise cloud aman, magic all haven, the real "paradise".

The initial investment of Yangyun aman was several billion, which took 15 years, with a land area of 430000 square meters!

In order to build it, 26 ancient houses and more than 10000 ancient trees were moved.

It is an organic combination of 4000 year old culture, 10000 ancient trees and 400 year old houses.

Yangyun Anman is the world's top designer. By using modern techniques, he naturally integrates precious wood, ancient stone and light sky light to create an atmosphere of balance between the old and the new.

Even the hotel lobby of yangyun'anman is made of Phoebe, which is extremely luxurious.

Water cloud nourishes lake, Mountain Cloud nourishes room.

Close to the mountain and close to the water, the clouds are in harmony.

It means cultivating one's moral character, cultivating one's mind, advocating nature and fearing nature. This is the artistic conception of "Yangyun Anman".

Yangyun'anman is a place where countless big men in the magic capital forget to return. After experiencing a fast-paced life, these big men will occasionally come to yangyun'anman for a few days to live in seclusion.

This time, the reward system is such a "bull force" place.

"The rewards of the system are too generous this time."

Even Chu Chen, after reading Yang Yun An man's introduction, is also a burst of emotion.

This is definitely the biggest reward after coming to Mordor!

It took billions and more than ten years to build it alone. In mordu, where every inch of land is like gold, Yangyun Anman covers an area of 430000 square meters.

Now its value is immeasurable.

The reward of this system is absolutely heavyweight!

"Time is running out. Let's go."

In the car, Chu Chen goes straight to yangyun'an man.

Half an hour later, Chu Chen arrived.

[Ding][check whether you punch in when you arrive at Yangyun aman]

the system sounds.

"Clock in."

[successful clock in]

[congratulations on the ownership of Yangyun Anman]

as the system sounds again, Chu Chen becomes the owner of this "paradise".

With a strong curiosity, Chu Chen went into Yangyun aman and began to visit it.

After touring for a while, Chu Chen found a more desirable ancient house.

Here, can't help but let people put down the fast pace of life, calm down.

Chu Chen plans to stay one night and experience it.

This time, Chu Chen doesn't plan to go directly to the general manager of Yang Yun An man.

Instead, I plan to stay here in a low-key and normal way to investigate the service level of Yangyun aman.

Chu Chen goes straight to the hotel lobby of Yang Yun An man.

Inquired, Chu Chen sees that ancient house has not been rented, also has not been scheduled.

Chuchen, check in and get ready to move in.

Chu Chen has just become the owner of Yang Yun An man, and the news has not spread out, so the front desk staff do not know Chu Chen's identity.

Just when Chu Chen registered, a man in a suit came over.

"Manager Han."

"Manager Han."

After seeing the man in suit, the two front desk ladies said respectfully.

Han Yuande, the man in suit, is the lobby manager of Yang yun'an man.

"Take a look at old house 6. Is it occupied now?"

Han Yuande ordered.

"No After checking, the receptionist replied.

"That's good. You can help me to book the House No. 6 for three days, the 13th, the 14th and the 15th. A big man wants to live in it."

Han Yuande said.

"Manager Han, but No.6 old house, No.13 has been reserved."

The receptionist said helplessly.

"It's easy to do. You call the guest and say that there was a mistake. The No. 6 ancient house has been reserved for a long time, isn't it?"

Han Yuande said again, obviously not for the first time.

In fact, it is Han Yuande's girlfriend who wants to live here. In order to act like a bully in front of his girlfriend, he does so.

"Manager Han, but this will affect our reputation and image of Yangyun aman."

Said the receptionist.

After all, it's one of the top hotels in China. With such an obvious mistake, Yangyun aman's reputation will definitely drop.

After hearing the words of the receptionist, manager Han said: "what's the impact? Yangyun aman is not ours. Even if the reputation of Yangyun aman is getting worse, what does it have to do with us?"

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