"Yangyun aman's reputation and reputation will not affect our income."

"It will only affect the income of our boss."

"He makes so much money and can't spend it all. It doesn't matter how much he loses."

Yang yunanman's behind the scenes boss has lived overseas all the year round, and even many senior managers have never seen him.

Therefore, when Han Yuande speaks ill of his boss, he has no worries.

Next to him, after finishing the formalities, he overheard Han Yuande's words, and Chu Chen raised his eyebrows.

Some management personnel of Yangyun Anman are not so good.


The front desk lady is still very hesitant. This practice is illegal. Once it is found, it will definitely be severely punished.

"Nothing's wrong. If something goes wrong, I'll take care of it."

Han Yuande said with indifference that he had done such a thing many times, and there was no accident.

Besides, he has a backing and is not afraid of anything.

When the receptionist heard this, she became more entangled.

"That's not good, is it?"

A faint voice came, Chu Chen looked at manager Han.


In a flash, Han Yuande and the receptionist's eyes are all on Chu Chen's body.

"Who are you and why do you care about my business?"

Han Yuande coldly inquires Chu Chen.

"You'll know who I am in a moment."

Chu Chen looked directly at Han Yuande and said:

"however, you are so blatantly damaging the interests of the hotel. As a staff member of the hotel, and also the management, you can't say it."

"What about your conscience?"

Chu Chen was disgusted with "moths" like Han Yuande.

We should know that an enterprise, a company, only its employees and managers have a strong sense of belonging to it and will not harm its interests. In this way, the company can go further and do more.

But if every employee of the company, like Han Yuande, becomes a "moth", the company will never last long and will go bankrupt soon!

Even the top hotels in China such as Yangyun aman and the leisure resorts loved by the great figures of Mordor are no exception.

Once word of mouth and reputation are damaged, sometimes bankruptcy happens overnight.

Chu Chen doesn't want to just get this big reward, and go bankrupt the next day.


being scolded so harshly by Chu Chen exposes what Han Yuande is most reluctant to mention. Han Yuande feels very shameful and furious.

"I'll damage the interests of the hotel, so what? You're nothing. Why do you care about me?"

For a moment, Han Yuande lost his sense and refuted Chu Chen. Du Du was pressing.

"What does it have to do with you?"

"What does it have to do with me?"

Chu Chen smiles and says without any doubt:

"in a moment, you and the people behind you, go to No. 18 old house to see me."

Having said that, Chu Chen turns to leave and goes to the ancient house he likes.

Han Yuande is so confident that there must be a high-level man behind him.

Chu Chen just got Yangyun Anman, and they don't know about Yangyun Anman changing his boss.

Chu Chen doesn't bother to talk with Han Yuande to prove his identity, so he says so.

After his identity was announced, everything was solved.

"To see you?"

Looking at Chu Chen, Han Yuande sneered: "daydreaming, fool!"

At the same time, the mobile phones of Han Yuande and the receptionist rang.

The news came from the working group.

The receptionist took the lead in opening it. When she saw the news, her eyes were wide open.

"Chu Chen, why is his name so familiar?"

The news is that Yangyun aman has changed his owner. His new boss is named chuchen, but there is no photo of chuchen.

After seeing the name of "Chu Chen", the receptionist was extremely surprised.


Suddenly, the front desk lady opened the Chu dust registration page with shaking hands.

"Chu Chen!"

Looking at the registered name, the front desk lady screamed.

Contact what Chu Chen said just now, the receptionist almost affirmed Chu Chen's identity.

The handsome little brother just now is their new boss.

The new owner of Yangyun Anman!!!

Covering her mouth, the receptionist could not describe the shock in her heart.

Yangyun aman has a terrible status in China and Mordor. As its new owner, the financial resources and background of the new boss are unimaginable!!!

Most importantly, the new boss is so young and handsome!

It's like the overbearing president in the legend. It's the right choice to work here!If you can see the boss every day, it's a pleasure.

"What's the matter?"

"Such a surprise

Hearing the scream of the receptionist, Han Yuande yelled.

"Manager Han, look at the work group." The receptionist reminded me.

Taking out his mobile phone and seeing the latest news, Han Yuande was also extremely surprised.

They suddenly had a new boss.

"Even if you change the boss, you don't have to."

Han Yuande said in disgust.

"Manager Han, the gentleman just now is Chu Chen." The receptionist added.

"I see... No, what did you say?"

Han Yuande nodded subconsciously, but suddenly, he reacted and immediately made a voice of consternation.

"You said that boy just now is our new boss, Chu Chen?"

Han Yuande asked tremblingly.

"It should be."

The receptionist nodded.


Hearing this, Han Yuande was black in front of his eyes, his legs were weak, and he almost fainted.

At the same time, bursts of cold sweat came out from behind.

"How could that be?"

Han Yuande said foolishly, only left in the heart of the horror!!!

The more he thought about it, the more scared Han Yuande was, and his body couldn't stop shaking!

Looking at Han Yuande's appearance, the front desk lady was very happy.

Fortunately, I didn't promise Han Yuande just now, otherwise, I'm afraid I'm finished.

"Manager Han, the boss just asked you to go to the 18th old house."

The receptionist "kindly" reminds Han Yuande.


Hearing this, Han Yuande couldn't sit still and collapsed on the ground.


On the other side, Chu Chen comes to his favorite No. 18 old house, has a rest for a while, goes out of the old house and walks outside.

When Chu Chen passed an old Pavilion, he was suddenly stopped.

"Little brother, wait a minute."

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