In the ancient pavilion, an elegant middle-aged man said to Chu Chen.

Although the middle-aged people with a smile, but the body, that share of power, special superior momentum is unable to hide.

This momentum is even stronger than Mo aoqun, Gao Zhengqi, whom Chu Chen knew.

"What's the matter?"

Suddenly stopped, Chu Chen asked.

"Little brother, I think you are very good. You must be one of the ten thousand... A chess genius. How about a game?"

Asked the refined middle-aged man.

In the ancient pavilion, he had been alone for a long time. He had no rival and was very lonely.

He came to raise yun'anman just to avoid the world and live a leisurely life like a wild crane. He didn't want to be disturbed by others.

Therefore, he did not want to contact people he knew to play chess with him, otherwise, he would have been flooded here for a long time.

At the beginning of listening to the middle-aged people's words, Chu Chen's eyebrows darkened. He thought that the refined middle-aged people would say that he must be one of the most excellent martial arts talents in the world. Do you want to sell him a copy of the Tathagata palm?

In the end, he wanted to play chess with him?!

"It's interesting."

Now Chu Chen has nothing to do, and is idle.

Chu Chen turns around and walks into the ancient pavilion.

"I haven't played chess for a long time

After sitting down, Chu Chen tells the truth that he hasn't played chess for a long time.

"Chess is just so."

The refined middle-aged man, with a posture of "seeking defeat alone", said humbly.

The middle-aged people have full confidence in chess.

"Don't worry, little brother. I'll be merciful."

Hearing the words of the refined middle-aged man, Chu Chen felt that something was wrong.

If ordinary people are so confident, they are either the top experts, unparalleled in the world, or they are forced to pretend.

Did you meet a master?

Chu Chen thought in his heart.

The two started.

Just down for a while, Chu Chen realized that he was wrong, and very wrong.

Soon, the game was over.

Chu Chen won. It's easy to win.

This time Chu Chen didn't have the "European God experience card" and had no bad luck, not to mention the composition of luck in chess.

Chu Chen's chess level is average, in the normal level, is not a master.

However, the middle-aged man, who is independent and elegant, has no chess skills at all, which is similar to the novice he just learned.

"How could that be?"

"I've never lost. It's easy to win all the time."

The refined middle-aged man murmured.

"No, two wins in three games!"

Refined middle-aged people are not reconciled.

After that, they played two more games.

There is no doubt that the elegant middle-aged people lost miserably.

Slowly, Chu Chen also understood why the refined middle-aged people were so confident, but why the chess skills were so poor.

The elegant middle-aged man looked like he couldn't understand. He looked at the chess game and frowned.

His chess skill is very high. How can it be like this?

"Brother, who were you playing chess with before?"

The refined middle-aged man stares at the chessboard in a daze, Chu Chen if have to point of ask a way.

"Usually subordinates, friends and so on."

The refined middle-aged man replied.

He just wanted to ask why, but suddenly he saw Chu Chen looking at him with a smile. The refined middle-aged people felt that something was wrong.

When he thought about it, he suddenly realized.

Yes, his former rivals were usually subordinates of the company, the boss he knew, and friends.

Where is his identity? Of course, those subordinates, rich managers, dare not win him.

At the beginning, the refined middle-aged people also felt it was very easy to win and had some problems.

But slowly, three people become tigers, more and more people lost to him, let him mistakenly think that he is a chess genius, chess by leaps and bounds.

"So it is."

The refined middle-aged man suddenly realized that there was a trace of self mockery on his face.

"Thank you very much, little brother."

"By the way, little brother, I haven't seen you before?"

The refined middle-aged man asked curiously.

He often came to raise yun'anman for a few days, but he never met Chu Chen.

"Well, today is my first time."

Chu Chen replied:

"the environment here is good. Let's experience and relax."

"That's right. It's yunanman."

At this point, the elegant middle-aged people are in high spirits.

Just now, I really lost face, which made the middle-aged people with high status lose face.He's going to pull back and save face.

Listen to Chu Chen say so, refined middle-aged people know how to save face.

"It took more than 3 billion yuan to build it, and it took 15 years. It's the place where the top figures of Mordor gather."

"The essence of Yangyun Anman lies in these ancient houses and trees."

"Every ancient house in Yangyun aman is a boutique. If you live in it, you don't have to go out of the door to see the clouds. The stars are sparse and the moon is bright, and the aesthetics of aman's residence is incisively and vividly reflected."

"There are only 26 ancient houses here, and the price ranges from 60000 to 90000 every night. The price is expensive enough to rank in the top three in China."

"Even so, Yangyun aman has been sought after by countless successful people. It's very difficult to stay here for one night."

"And the No. 3 old house I'm in, I used a lot of contacts to rent it for a year."

The last sentence is the focus of the refined middle-aged people.

No. 3 ancient house, which is in the forefront of all ancient houses, also costs more than 80000 yuan per night.

A month is more than 2 million, rent a year, need nearly 30 million!

You can buy a mansion in Mordor.

And even if you rent it for a year, you can't live here every day. Generally speaking, you can only live here for three or four days a month.

A year adds up to less than 50 days of residence.

For leisure, I only live for 30 or 40 days and spend 30 million yuan, which is very luxurious.

After that, the refined middle-aged man looked at Chu Chen with some pride, thinking that Chu Chen should be surprised.

After all, I'm afraid there are not many people in the whole magic capital who have the strength to rent Yangyun aman for one year!

To the middle-aged people's surprise, Chu Chen was very calm even when he knew that he had rented yunanman for a year.

"If you have anything to do with yunanman, you can come to me. I'm the top platinum member here."

Elegant middle-aged people show off again.

He will not be able to shake the young man and save face.

Platinum members are the top VIPs of Yangyun aman, and there are only dozens of them in the whole country.

Can become here platinum member, the status is aloof!

Even Mo aoqun, the CEO of the company with a market value of 200 billion, has not become a platinum member.

After that, the refined middle-aged man once again looked at Chu Chen, hoping to see Chu Chen's reaction.

At this time, a group of people in the distance came to the ancient pavilion.

They are the senior officials of Yangyun Anman. When they know Chu Chen's identity, they want to visit Chu Chen.

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