Among these people is Han Yuande, the lobby manager of Yang yun'anman, who was hated by Chu.

It's also because of Han Yuande's business that the high-level personnel who raise yun'anman know that Chu Chen has come to raise yun'anman.

Yang Honghe, general manager of Yangyun aman, was very surprised when he learned that Yangyun aman had changed his owner.

Even he can't say how much the Yangyun aman, which took 15 years and cost 3.3 billion, was built in 18 years, is worth now!

Moreover, Yangyun aman has just been built, there is not much time and great potential!

The former boss would never sell Yangyun aman easily.

But in a flash, the owner of Yangyun aman changed, which only means that the new boss offered a terrible price to the owner of Yangyun aman.

This is enough to explain from the side, the new boss financial terror!

This makes Yang Honghe more serious.

After the news of the boss's replacement was released, Yang Honghe was still thinking about it?

After learning about Han Yuande by accident, Yang Honghe is furious.

Han Yuande and Yang Honghe know a little bit, but because Han Yuande is the confidant of deputy general manager Bai Kaile, Yang Honghe turns a blind eye.

But I never thought that such a thing happened.

Immediately, Yang Honghe summoned several high-level officials with Bai Kaile and Han Yuande to find Chu Chen.

They didn't see Chu Chen in the old house, so they looked around for a while, and finally found Chu Chen in the old Pavilion.

Looking at Chu Chen, Han Yuande and Bai Kaile shiver, and Yang Honghe and others are also extremely nervous.

Thinking, people go to Chu Chen.


In the old Pavilion, the refined middle-aged man continued to show off in order to regain face:

"little brother, what number do you live in?"

Asked the refined middle-aged man.

"House 18."

Chu Chen answers.

"On the 18th, generally speaking, if my little brother is willing, you can upgrade later. As a platinum member, it's very easy for you to live in the old house on the 12th."

Elegant middle-aged people open-minded said.

So, on the one hand, he wanted to save face, on the other hand, he was also grateful to Chu Chen. After all, Chu Chen let him know how his chess skills were?

Chu Chen is the first one who dares to beat him.

"Don't bother. If I want to live in that old house, it's very easy."

Chu Chen refused the kindness of the middle-aged man.

The reason why he lives in the 18th house is that he prefers the architectural style inside.

As the owner here, he wants to live there, but he doesn't want to do what he wants?!

"I'm a little too big for you."

With a smile, the middle-aged man explained:

"although he raised yun'an man for tens of thousands of yuan a day, he didn't believe Chu Chen's words at all.

Just when he is ready to continue to show off, he suddenly finds Yang Honghe and others who are about to come.

The refined middle-aged people know Yang Honghe.

After seeing Yang Honghe, he was very surprised. What happened.

The next second, Yang Honghe walked into the pavilion and said respectfully:

"I'm Yang Honghe, general manager of Yangyun aman."

"I don't know the boss is coming. I haven't met him. Please calm down."


The middle-aged man next to him was confused.

Yang Honghe called this little brother the boss?

Is this little brother the backstage owner of Yangyun aman?

Think of here, elegant middle-aged people silly, won't it!

"Calm down?"

"Is that how you manage Yangyun aman?"

Chu Chen sneers and questions Yang Honghe.

Hearing this, the refined middle-aged man completely affirmed.

This little brother is definitely the owner of yunanman?

In a flash, the refined middle-aged man blushed and was extremely ashamed.

Just now, he showed off that he was a platinum member of Yangyun aman?

As a result, he was the owner of yun'anman.

Isn't he sick?

Now, the refined middle-aged people finally believe Chu Chen's words.

As the owner of yunanman, you can really live there if you want to.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Chu."

"It's my fault. Please forgive me."

Yang Honghe immediately apologized.

Behind, Han Yuande and Han Yuande's backer, deputy general manager Bai Kaile is even more scared legs weak.

"Are you the support of Han Yuande?"

Chu Chen sees Bai Kaile standing beside Han Yuande and asks.

"Boss, I'm not Han Yuande's backer, but he often takes my name and pretends to be powerful."Bai Kaile is afraid and anxious to get rid of the relationship.

"Mr. Bai, you can't do this. You took me 300000 a few days ago?"

Han Yuande quit, too. He's going to pull a cushion.

"Let the company's supervision department make a good investigation. If they have done anything that damages the interests of the hotel and violates their authority, send it to the police station."

Chu Chen points to Bai Kaile and Han Yuande and orders.


Yang Honghe nodded.

"Yang Honghe, you don't have to be the general manager. After handling this matter, you can be a supervisor."

Finally, Chu Chen announced the fate of Yang Honghe.

Don't be such a mediocre general manager.

Yang Honghe thought that his career would come to an end.

Finally, the party left.

"The management is really bad."

"Sorry for the delay."

Chu Chen politely said to the elegant middle-aged man.

"Where, where."

After knowing Chu Chen's identity, the refined middle-aged people became polite.

"I didn't expect that my brother was the owner of yunanman. I've heard so much about him."

Even as a platinum member, he has never met the owner of Yunan aman.

"Let's formally introduce Du Wende, chairman of Du's real estate group."

Refined middle-aged people introduce themselves.

Du's real estate group?

It's a famous real estate agent in Mordor. The boss, Du Wende, is a real estate tycoon in Mordor. His wealth is terrible!

One of the most famous golf villas in Mordor is owned by Du's real estate group.

"Fayun Anman, chuchen."

"Brother Chu is young and promising. He is the master of Fayun aman. He is very powerful."

Du Wende said with emotion that Chu Chen was too young to believe.

"I just bought Yangyun aman, too."

Chu Chen said modestly.

From Chu Chen's words, Du Wende got important news.

Yang Yun An man was purchased by Chu Chen.

It's not easy.

Of course, this has not yet reached the point where Du Wende was shocked.

After all, he is the real estate tycoon of Mordor hall, the founder of real estate group with a market value of 300 billion.

In terms of identity, he is definitely higher than the boss who raised yun'anman.

The first time I met the owner of Yangyun aman, I lost my identity and face, which made Du Wende feel even more uncomfortable.

I used to lose face in front of strangers.

Now that his identity is announced, he has to protect his face.

Just as duwende was thinking, his cell phone suddenly rang.

This is his emergency call. No one dares to call him unless there is something urgent.

With doubts, duwende answers the phone.

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