Number one?

Hearing Chu Chen's words, the young man was dumbfounded.

What the hell?

The limited edition of his vertuasten Ferrari 1947 is No. 289, and it was not easy for him to drag a senior executive of Ferrari in Greater China to get it.

It took hundreds of thousands of money to get through all kinds of relationships.

This kid's vertuaascent Ferrari 1947 limited edition is number one?

Young people don't believe it.

Looking at the mobile phone that Chu Chen slowly takes out, the youth excitedly gets close to the past, staring at Chu Chen's Ferrari mobile phone.

The next second, the young man is stupid.

There is indeed a "1" logo on it, and the product developed by Ferrari and Vito mobile phones is limited, so it is impossible to have a high imitation.

It can't be imitated at all, otherwise, the price of Vito mobile phone will not be so terrible, and it will be loved by so many rich and big people.

"Is it really number one?"

Said the young man in a trembling voice.

It is said that the first three hundred of this vertuacent Ferrari 1947 limited edition are only circulated inside Ferrari.

His No. 289 is the lowest level, otherwise, it would not be in a branch.

As No. 1, no doubt, it should be the president of Ferrari group or the largest shareholder.

Otherwise, it will be displayed in Ferrari group as a permanent souvenir.

But now, this vertuaascent Ferrari 1947 limited edition No. 1 is in the hands of the young man in front of him.


young people really confused?

It's like dreaming?

It's incredible, it's incredible!!!

Is Chu Chen the president or the largest shareholder of Ferrari?

The more you think about it, the more afraid the youth are. They can't stir it up.

His face turned pale.

It's worthy of being the famous Tangchen product in Mordor. It's a crouching tiger, hidden dragon. There are all kinds of great people!

Even if he is not the president of Ferrari, or what major shareholder, but can have vertuassent Ferrari 1947 limited edition No. 1, identity, status is absolutely terrible.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

The young man apologized and said humbly.

"I have no eyes. I accidentally bumped into you. Please forgive me."

After apologizing, the youth escaped from the original place at the fastest speed in his life.

At the moment, he even regretted buying a house in Tomson Yipin. The big people here are so terrible.

"Not bad."

Chu Chen took a look at this vertuaascent Ferrari 1947 limited edition mobile phone and muttered.

Continue to turn for a while in Tangchen Yipin, Chu Chen went back.

Time flies. The next day, Mo Yuwan is busy opening a branch.

Chu Chen went to an international auto show in mordu.

After all, he owns 25% of Ferrari's shares and is the second largest shareholder. Naturally, he has to support Ferrari.

The previous system award of 123 million luxury cars was too eye-catching and high-profile.

Chu Chen likes to keep a low profile, so he doesn't plan to drive it often.

If you don't drive it, you can drive a car that's a little worse and a little more ordinary.

Therefore, Ferrari has become Chu Chen's first choice.

Take a taxi to the international auto show of mordu, Chu Chen is walking in the auto show.

It's not urgent to choose Ferrari. Chu Chen wants to have a look at it at the auto show.

After all, it's the international auto show of Mordor. The types and quantity of luxury cars are first-class.

Koniseg, Rolls Royce, Maybach and other top luxury cars all appeared in the auto show.

As for Lamborghini, Porsche, Maserati and other common super running brands, it is laiqi.

Every luxury car, especially super run, has invited many famous and beautiful models to attract attention.

The auto show attracted a lot of people. Of course, only a small part of them were car watchers, while most of them were people watchers.

Chu Chen is walking in the crowd, and a group of bodyguards in black suddenly rush out from an entrance.

Then a middle-aged woman came in.

"Let's all give way."

The middle-aged woman commanded a group of bodyguards in black and pushed the crowd to both sides to make way.

Chu Chen and some passers-by are stopped by these black bodyguards.

Before the crowd could react, eleven young people with high facial values came in slowly at the entrance. Although

was as like as two peas, he looked at the eleven men as if they were the same as a doctor and a doctor.

They are very similar to those fresh meat stars, and they are not like Chinese people.Around these 11 people, there are a group of black bodyguards to protect them, for fear of what happened.

"Who are they, I don't know?"

Someone is puzzled to ask a way.

"Which little meat star is this?"

"You don't know. They are the famous men's League in Europe, ECC Youth League."

"Many young girls in China are crazy about them."

At this time, someone recognized the combination.

It turned out to be ECC Junior League.


"It turned out to be the men's League of Europa. No wonder it looks so similar."

Hearing this, some passers-by spoke.

"I'm not a star. I'm not a big man. I don't know so many bodyguards. I can't attack him."

"It's uncomfortable to make way for a famous men's team in Europa."

By a group of black bodyguards stop there, Chu Chen also some not to like.


"Oba, we love you!"

"Oba, Sarah, haha!"

"Oba, we love you forever."

Following the European idol men's group, there is a large group of fans, all young girls, extremely crazy and enthusiastic.

In the eyes of the public, the men's group of Europa went to the auto show while chatting.

When passing the section of road beside Chu Chen, a tall and thin man in the men's League of Europa said with a very contemptuous expression.

"Damn it."

After hearing this, a chubby man next to him scolded.

"What's the matter, brother? Do you understand Europa?"

Someone asked curiously.

"I studied in college." The chubby man nodded.

"What did the Europa star say?"

"What that kid means is that Chinese people are really stupid. A group of people who have no brains will come to China to make money when they have no money in the future."

"Chinese people's money is the best to earn."

Chubby man said.

This is the current situation of the entertainment industry. Many ill intentioned European male stars are pouring in. Who can make money in the Chinese entertainment industry?

These European male stars, with the super high face value of the day after tomorrow, attracted some crazy brain powder, crazy money.


"It's very irritating."

After hearing this, passers-by said with emotion, but the identity is there, they are ordinary people, helpless.

As the ECC Youth League left, the passers-by also left one after another.

Chuchen went straight to Ferrari's auto show.

Before coming to Ferrari auto show, Chu Chen met the ECC youth group.

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