However, the ECC youth group did not appear on Ferrari's auto show stand, but on the opposite side of Ferrari.

At the Lamborghini auto show.

Originally, in order to publicize, the person in charge of Lamborghini paid a lot of money to invite the ECC Youth League from Europa.

With the arrival of ECC youth group, countless crazy fans gathered in front of Lamborghini auto show booth.

Lamborghini's booth has become the most popular one in the whole international auto show.

In contrast, the audience in front of Ferrari's auto show is very small.

Originally, the arrival of ECC Youth League only attracted their fans.

But as there is more and more excitement, more and more girls appear. Many passers-by are curious to join in the fun.

The audience from other stands left one after another.

Looking at the opposite Lamborghini booth so hot, some of the people in charge of other luxury cars couldn't sit still and were very jealous.

Chu Chen didn't have any interest in the small fresh meat of these European countries, even very disgusted, so he left them and went to the internal staff area behind the Ferrari booth.

Chu Chen finds Chen Zhenyu of Ferrari.

Chen Zhenyu is a manager of Ferrari's Greater China District, in charge of the auto show.

"Who are you?"

After seeing Chu Chen, Chen Zhenyu asked.

With the change of the second largest shareholder of Ferrari group, many employees of Ferrari group only know that their second largest shareholder has become a mysterious Chinese tycoon named "chuchen".

But I don't know what Chu Chen looks like.

Without saying more, Chu Chen took out his own limited edition of the vertuaascent Ferrari 1947.

After seeing the mobile phone, Chen Zhenyu instantly understood.

"Hello, Mr. Chu." Chen Zhenyu said very politely.

"I don't know if there are any instructions from President Chu?"

Chu Chen shook his head.

"Nothing. I just want to choose a car."

Explain the intention, Chen Zhenyu personally took Chu Chen to the auto show to help Chu Chen choose.

"Mr. Chu, look at this...

Chen Zhenyu introduces a new Ferrari model to Chu Chen.

"Manager Chen, are you busy?"

Suddenly, a voice of contempt came.

A man in an Armani suit came up.

"Manager Shi?"

After seeing this man, Chen Zhenyu frowned.

"Your auto show is so popular. What are you doing here if you don't stay in your auto show?"

Chen Zhenyu felt manager Shi's bad intentions.

Manager Shi, whose full name is Shi xiuyong, is the person in charge of Lamborghini of ECC Youth League.

"Nothing, just to see the poor man."

All the answers that Shi xiuyong refers to.

"This time, we invited the stars of Europa, which has already become popular. After that, we will definitely become popular on the Internet."

"And in this auto show, our Lamborghini is definitely the best seller."

"I'm afraid I can't sell any of the other luxury cars."

Shi xiuyong said triumphantly.

He came here to show off.

Just now, he showed off to the person in charge of Porsche at the auto show.

Looking at the face of tie Qing, the head of Porsche, Shi xiuyong is very proud.

Therefore, he decided to show off in all the luxury car booths, and make it cool.

"The other luxury cars are pathetic."

Shi xiuyong said.

Without waiting for Chen Zhenyu to retort, Shi xiuyong said again:

"but I believe that Ferrari is different from other luxury cars. As a famous super run brand, Ferrari can definitely sell a car, absolutely."

"Manager Chen, I believe you."

Shi xiuyong said sarcastically.

After that, Shi xiuyong swaggered away to another luxury car booth.

"Mr. Chu, I'm sorry. I miscalculated."

Chen Zhenyu said with shame.

This auto show is the biggest auto show in nearly a year. Originally, they expected to increase a lot of sales.

But looking at the present situation, it is almost impossible.

Chen Zhenyu didn't expect that Shi xiuyong paid a lot of money and invited the men's group of Europa to come.

And Chen Zhenyu is the same as before, regular, looking for some beautiful car models.

Being annoyed by Shi xiuyong, several other auto show leaders came to Ferrari auto show one after another to discuss the countermeasures.

There was no result in the discussion.

"Leave it to me. I've got stars, too."

Finally, Maserati, who had been silent, spoke.But he invited a popular little Huadan!

Originally, he thought that he would win this time. He was definitely the number one in the sales of the whole auto show.

But unexpectedly, Lamborghini also invited stars.

The rest of the people were a little silly when they heard this.

Maserati even invited a star.

For a moment, Chen Zhenyu couldn't sit still, especially in front of Chu Chen, the second largest shareholder of Ferrari. Ferrari was so shameful that it was...

"I can only count on you."

"I hope the stars you invite can surpass those of Europa."

Several other luxury car owners said helplessly.

I don't know what to do. I can only hope that Maserati's little Huadan can win Lamborghini's Europa men's team.

After all, this is Huaxia. It's too hard to be crushed by a group of European stars.

Soon, Maserati's best friend arrived.

She sang a song, which really attracted some passers-by, but the effect was extraordinary.

Don't mention winning those European male stars. They don't even have one tenth of the audience.

Run over by the European men's team!

Now, it's still Lamborghini's ECC Youth League that makes the show.

See here, the person in charge of these luxury cars completely despair.

The last straw is gone.

"Ah, I'm not convinced to be run over by the Europa men's team."

"In China, my own stars can't compare with foreign stars. It's a shame."

Although they have a general attitude towards stars, they would rather be crushed by the Chinese stars invited by Maserati than by the European male stars.

It's so uncomfortable.

Chen Zhenyu also became an ant on the hot pot, at a loss.

"I'll do it."

A faint voice came.

Chu Chen took a microphone and went to Ferrari's booth!

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