This is the picture Chu Chen just asked the staff of Wangjiang pavilion to go to the confession wall of Wangjiang Pavilion and take for himself.

A total of three, the content is the same, are confessions, and the hero is the same.

Not the same, just the way of expression, and the heroine.

The hero, needless to say, is naturally Xiao Liangcai, who is not successful in starting a business and has to go home to inherit 10 billion yuan.

Looking at the three photos, Gao Qiqin's face became black and blue.

This is only a place in Wangjiang Pavilion, there is no other place.

If we add in other places, I'm afraid there are no less than eight or nine girls who are just Xiao Liangcai.

Especially when she thought that Xiao Liangcai had just believed that she was Xiao Liangcai's first love and the love of her life, Gao Qiqin was even more angry.

"Xiao Liangcai."

Gao Qiqin roared, rushed to Xiao Liangcai and began to fight.

Xiao Liangcai's body has been hollowed out. He can't even play Gao Qiqin.

Just like this, Xiao Liangcai couldn't refute it. Finally, he had to run away from here.

Gao Qiqin didn't catch up. When he came back, he found that Xiao Liangcai's mobile phone had not been taken away, and it was turned on.

Soon, Gao Qiqin found several other girls who had a lot to do with Xiao Liangcai on Xiao Liangcai's wechat, and directly exploded all Xiao Liangcai's black materials.

Those girls who have been shown white by Xiao Liangcai, whether they have broken up now or not, are all furious.

Several girls set up a group and began to discuss how to revenge Xiao Liangcai.

They are very vindictive!

Because of Xiao Liangcai, Gao Qiqin is in a very low mood, so Su Chuqing accompanies Gao Qiqin back to the hotel first.

Chu Chen stayed.

He has other things to deal with.

Before, Chu Chen was going to set up an asset management company in mordu, just in an office building in mordu international financial center.

Now a period of time has passed, I don't know how Mo Yu Wan is arranged.

Chu Chen is very curious and is going to have a look.

When Chu Chen just arrived, he heard Mo Yu Wan's angry voice.

"Director Xu, your price is a little too much."

Mo Yu Wan questions each other.

"Mr. Mo, now the development of magic is too fast. Everything goes up in price. Naturally, we need to add a little more money."

Mo Yu Wan opposite, a 30-year-old woman said with a smile, but the smile, there is a trace of cunning difficult to hide.

"Under normal circumstances, please publicize it. It only needs a few hundred thousand, a million at most."

Mo Yuwan retorted: "it's OK for you to add a little, but you can add it three times directly. Is it too much for us to ask for more than three million?"

Now the company's various preparations are almost complete, so it's time for recruitment and publicity.

In order to promote and recruit employees, Mo Yu Wan contacted a media company.

Haiguang media group is very famous in Mordor.

Mo Yuwan talked with haiguang media group for a few days and finished everything.

Today, Mo Yuwan is ready to pay. Unexpectedly, haiguang media group wants 3.27 million yuan.

This is almost three times higher than Mo Yu Wan's psychological expectation, obviously he wants to kill people.

"Mr. Mo, more than three million yuan is a small sum for you."

The young woman spoke.

"If you think about it clearly, haiguang media group is one of the best in the whole magic capital."

"Once you don't cooperate with us, I'm afraid other small companies will not be able to meet the various requirements of general manager mo."

"Three million. It's cheap."

The young woman said to Mo Yu Wan with a smile, but there was a trace of threat in her tone.

To put it bluntly, today, she is going to kill Moyu Wan.

Who let Mo Yu Wan alone, and so young, look easy to cheat?

The young woman's name is Xu Lezhen, director of haiguang media group.

I discussed with the company before, and they asked Moyu Wan for more than one million yuan.

But just now, Xu Lezhen felt that it was still a small amount, and directly asked Mo Yuwan for more than three million yuan.

Because Xu Lezhen and the chairman of haiguang media group have a lot of relationship, she has a lot of power in the group.

When two people argue, Chu Chen came in.

See Chu dust, Mo Yu Wan a Leng, didn't expect Chu dust unexpectedly came.

Mo Yu Wan comes to Chu Chen and whispers the whole story to Chu Chen.

Naturally, she is not prepared to give haiguang media group so much money.

"Leave it to me."

Chu Chen waved his hand, not so troublesome. Chu Chen sat down and looked directly at the young woman Xu Lezhen.

"You are...

seeing Chu Chen, Xu Lezhen is also surprised. Why are you so handsome?"This is the chairman of our company, general manager Chu."

Introduction to Mo Yuwan.


Xu Lezhen is more surprised. She just wants to talk to Chu Chen, but Chu Chen stops her.

"Let your chairman talk to me."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.

Because he often deals with many big men, Chu Chen also has a strong aura.

Scared by Chu Chen's aura, Xu Lezhen has to come to one side and make a video call to Chairman Lu Zhize.

"President Lu..."

Xu Lezhen pitifully told Lu Zhize, the chairman of the board, what happened.

Lu Zhize also understood what Xu Lezhen meant.

"You did the right thing."

No matter right or wrong, Lu Zhize naturally needs to comfort him first.

"Three million, not a cent less!"

Lu Zhize is very tough.

"If they don't agree, don't cooperate."

"We don't care to cooperate with them."

"Dare to offend us, I'm afraid no media company dares to cooperate with them."

Lu Zhize looks like a vice president.

"Well, it's very kind of you, chairman."

Comforted by Lu Zhize, Xu Lezhen showed a smile on her face.

Just as Xu Lezhen was about to hang up the video phone, Lu Zhize suddenly stopped her.

"Wait a minute."

Lu Zhize spoke quickly. Just now, he suddenly found a figure in the corner of the camera.

"You move the camera to the left."

Lu Zhize said nervously.


Although Xu Lezhen did not understand what happened to Lu Zhize, she did not dare to violate Lu Zhize's words and moved her mobile phone.


Moved a short distance, Lu Zhize finally saw clearly the man's appearance in the corner of the camera.

"It's him?"

Looking at Chu Chen, Lu Zhize's face changed greatly.

"Who is this young man?"

Pointing to Chu Chen, Lu Zhize asks Xu Lezhen.

Xu Lezhen looked around and replied, "he is the chairman of this company."


"He's the chairman of the company?"

Hearing Xu Lezhen's words, Lu Zhize was stunned.

I'll go. He's almost in trouble.

Lu Zhize recognized Chu Chen.

A few days ago, he went to find someone to design business cards. In the designer's studio, he met a super boss.

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