Yang yunanman, the boss behind the scenes, the owner of the international financial center, the president of Prada, the second largest shareholder of Ferrari...

he still clearly remembers the identity of the super boss!

Any one of these identities is not something he can afford.

But to his surprise, I met him today!

And he's almost in trouble.

"Haven't you got through to your chairman yet?"

A faint voice came.

Hearing this, Xu Lezhen just wanted to retort, Lu Zhize said:

"you take your mobile phone, I'll talk to that gentleman."

"Talk about it?"

Xu Lezhen was a little surprised.

"All right."

Originally, Xu Lezhen wanted to say something, but looking at Lu Zhize's serious expression, she did not dare to refute.

Xu Lezhen had no choice but to respectfully walk past with her mobile phone.

"Hello, Mr. Chu. I'm Lu Zhize, chairman of haiguang media group."

Lu Zhize took the initiative to introduce.

"Mr. Lu, your price is too much."

Chu Chen said a word.

I've seen too many big men. Chu Chen has no impression on Lu Zhize.

"Too much?"

"Our price is not excessive at all!"

Lu Zhize has not spoken yet, but Xu Lezhen directly refutes.

Because Lu Zhize affirmed her words just now, Xu Lezhen was not afraid of Chu dust.

Isn't he the president of a small company?

"If so, we don't have to talk about it."

"If you don't play...

Xu Lezhen still wants to speak, but Lu Zhize directly interrupts her.

"I think President Chu is right!"

"Our price is too much indeed!"

Lu Zhize suddenly said aloud with a look of regret.


Confused by the 180 degree transformation of Lu Zhize, Xu Lezhen looks at Lu Zhize in surprise.

What the hell?

"Eight hundred thousand should be enough."

Chu Chen just listened to Mo Yu Wan's words, 800000 is a more appropriate price.

"800000, no, it's too much."

"I can't use that. Eighty thousand is enough."

Lu Zhize replied.

In fact, he wanted to say no money, but if he did, it would be too deliberate, so he asked for 80000 symbolically.

"Eighty thousand?"

Beside, Xu Lezhen was completely confused.

80000, let alone profit, it is absolutely a loss, and how good the loss is.

"Mr. Lu, are you right?"

Xu Lezhen asked.

"Of course I'm not wrong. I think this gentleman is right."

Lu Zhize looks very natural.

How could that be?

Is this the stingy and mercenary Lu Zhize she knew?

Ten thousand questions in Xu Lezhen's mind.

"Sign the contract quickly."

Lu Zhize urged.

If he can sign this contract, he may be able to please a wave of this super big man.

"President Chu is so handsome. Time must be tight. Don't delay president Chu's precious time."

Lu Zhize spoke again and knelt down to lick Chu Chen.

Finally, haiguang Media Group signed a contract with chuchen at the price of 80000 yuan.

Under the supervision of Lu Zhize, after signing the contract, Xu Lezhen left in a hurry.

Lu Zhize was afraid that Xu Lezhen would offend Chu Chen again.


After Xu Lezhen left, Chu Chen suddenly said to Mo Yuwan:

"after the establishment of this company, you don't have to continue to be the general manager here."

You don't have to be the general manager here?

Be frightened by a word that Chu dust comes suddenly, Mo Yu Wan is very puzzled.

Did you do something wrong?

After so many things, especially living together during this time, Mo Yuwan finds that he has unconsciously fallen in love with Chu Chen.

She is very concerned about Chu Chen's attitude.

Now by Chu Chen so a say, Mo Yu Wan in the heart some grievances.

"Don't think about it."

After discovering Mo Yuwan's abnormality, Chu Chen quickly explains:

"there's nothing wrong with you."

"It's just that I think it's overqualified to manage such a small company."

It goes without saying that the ability of Moyu Wan, whether it is an asset company located in Hangzhou before, and Junlin group, is thriving and developing very well.

If we let Mo Yuwan continue to manage this small company, it would be a waste of Mo Yuwan's strength.

"You run Prada."

Chu Chen opens his mouth.Chu Chen's trust in Mo Yu Wan is incomparable.

And after such a long time, the relationship between Chu Chen and Mo Yu Wan also becomes delicate.

Prada is now a company with great potential in chuchen's hands.

Originally as a world-class luxury brand, prada is extremely brilliant, and LV, Hermes, Dior, Armani are equally famous.

But now, prada is not as good as these brands.

At its peak, prada had a market value of $200 billion to $300 billion.

However, due to internal strife within the company and various complicated reasons, Prada's market value has fallen again and again, leaving only 50 billion or 60 billion.

At the bottom.

But after all, it's a world-class fashion brand, and Prada still has endless potential.

If you can return to the peak, Chu Chen's value will soar.

As the first shareholder and President of Prada, Chu Chen has to do all kinds of system tasks and has no energy to deal with Prada's problems.

So Chu Chen wants to send Mo Yu Wan to clean up Prada thoroughly and let Prada return to the peak.

And Chu Chen's ambition is more than that.

Chu Chen plans to start with Prada and finally build a luxury empire that belongs to him.

Once successful, Chu Chen is not far away from the world's richest man.

"To Prada as general manager?"

Hear here, Mo Yu Wan is very excited.

She understood Chu Chen's deep meaning, also knew Chu Chen how to believe oneself.

"Well, I will try my best to get Prada back to the top."

Mo Yu Wan assures Chu Chen.

Because of his identity, Mo Yuwan also knows about all kinds of luxury brands, and naturally knows Prada's embarrassing position.

On the same day, Chu Chen took Mo Yuwan to the Great China branch of Prada.

Chu Chen announced that he planned to move the Prada headquarters in the west to Mordor.

Although some other shareholders have some opinions, they finally agree because of Chu Chen's identity as the first shareholder.

Moving the headquarters is very troublesome and takes a long time.

So Mo Yuwan is temporarily working in the branch of Prada's great China District, dealing with all kinds of Prada's affairs.

That night, Chu Chen accidentally received a call from Mo Yu Wan's father, Mo Ao Qun.

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