Is Prada a small and broken company?

Hearing Chu Chen's words, all the people present were confused.

Prada, is that a big international fashion brand?

No matter Huang Biyu or Mo Qianqian, there are several prada bags in her hands.

And who doesn't have Prada's bag?

How can such a group be a small and broken company?

"What do you mean by that?"

She asked.

In an instant, everyone's eyes are all on Chu Chen's body.

"You may not know."

Chu Chen introduced to several people.

"Now, Yu Wan is the general manager of Prada group. By the way, it's not a branch, it's the head office."

In an instant, the whole villa fell into absolute silence.

General manager of Prada group?

My God!

This... This... How is this possible?!

Mo Qianqian looks at Mo Yuwan in surprise.

Originally, she thought that her identity was very strong, but she didn't expect that the identity of Mo Yu Wan was even stronger!

Since childhood, Mo Qianqian is not as good as this so-called "elder sister" in almost all aspects, such as study, appearance and even figure. Mo Qianqian is very jealous of Mo Yuwan.

Originally, she thought that this time, she could raise her eyebrows, and crush Mo Yu Wan.

Didn't expect Mo Yuwan to become the general manager of Prada group?

She was killed by the second!

Huang Fengmao looked at Chu Chen with the same look of shock.

It took him a lot of energy, a lot of money and almost all of his contacts to get Mo Qianqian the status of vice president of Fendi group in Greater China.

This identity, among the younger generation, is already very powerful.

Huang Fengmao thought it was stable this time.

But how also did not expect, Mo Yu Wan unexpectedly jumped to become the general manager of the grand Prada group!

Isn't that a joke?

Although the Prada group is now in the doldrums, the identity of the general manager of Prada group is completely crushing the identity of the vice president of Fendi group in Greater China.

And it's still under pressure!

Huang Fengmao sighed, he gave up, in order to let Mo Qianqian inherit most of Mo aoqun's property, Huang family has paid a lot.

But Mo Qianqian is still being crushed by Mo Yuwan, and is in all aspects.

The Huang family can't afford to play.

If it goes on like this, I'm afraid it won't take a few months for the Huang family to go bankrupt!

"General manager of Prada group?"

Huang Biyu was also confused and muttered.

My father and I have been working so hard for such a long time that everything is in vain.

Huang Biyu can't accept this and is unwilling to fail

she turns her head and looks at her father, hoping to get Huang Fengmao's help.

However, when she saw her father shaking her head, she was in despair.


She doesn't want to give up!

"Yu Wan, are you really the general manager of Prada group?"

Even Mo aoqun was extremely shocked.

Now the identity of her daughter is almost the same as him, even higher than him.

That's too fast.

He's been fighting all his life, but it's less than a few months for his daughter.

You know, although the market value of Prada group is not as good as that of Vientiane group.

But Prada's international status and contacts are far from comparable to those of Vientiane group.

Moreover, the brand value of Prada far exceeds its market value.


Hearing his father's question, Mo Yu Wan nodded.

"How did she become the general manager of Prada?"

Huang Biyu asked, with an unbelievable face.

From the general manager of a small broken company to the general manager of Prada group, it's too big a span!

"Why, it's very simple, because I'm the president of Prada."

Chu Chen answers Huang Biyu's question.

Chu Chen's words shocked the whole audience again.

Chu Chen is the president of Prada group?!

At the moment, they don't know how to describe their mood.


Finally, there are only two words to describe Chu Chen, that is Niubi.

So young, he's the president of Prada group. I can't stir it up. I can't stir it up.

Huang Fengmao finally understood why he failed, why those people in Hangzhou did not hesitate to offend their Huang family, but also to help Chu Chen.

Chu Chen's identity is a little scary.

Huang Fengmao is more sure that he is not involved in Mohist affairs.As for Jasper Wong, she was desperate.

How can she fight for that!

Mo aoqun is more satisfied with Chu Chen and admires her daughter's eyes.

Mo Yu Wan looks at Chu Chen, and her eyes are full of love. There is only Chu Chen left in her heart.

If it wasn't for Chu Chen, I'm afraid she would have been ruined by Huang Biyu's stepmother.

Deng Deng Deng.

At this time, a burst of high-heeled shoes voice suddenly came.

A beauty with a high face value came in, with a look of resentment. She was trapped in love.

After seeing the beauty trapped in love, everyone subconsciously looks at Chu Chen.

Now, there are only three men here.

Huang Fengmao, Mo aoqun and Chu Chen.

If you say who is out there to get into debt, everyone will think of Chu Chen for the first time.

Don't say value, just say Chu dust's face value, will definitely lead to countless right and wrong.

Looks like we found it here.

Thinking of these, Mo aoqun's face changed slightly.

"Ha ha."

Jasper Wong sneered.

Although she did not dare to think about the succession of Mohism, Huang Biyu was very happy to see the drama and the bustle of chuchen.

Hehe, what do you do?

When Jasper Huang was gloating, the sad beauty went forward and came to Mo aoqun.

"Mr. Mo, please forgive me for coming uninvited."

The beauty pleaded to Mo aoqun:

"today, please help us."

Hear here, Mo Ao group embarrassed, helpless to see Chu dust.

Chu Chen shrugged.

Mo aoqun opens his mouth and wants to throw the pot to Chu Chen:

"I'm not good about this either...

but before his words are finished, you complain about the beauty again:

" Qianqian and I are true love. Please help us! "

This sentence is like an earthquake, shaking the whole villa!


Mo Qianqian?!!

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