After listening to this sad beauty's words, all the people in the villa were numb.

The degree of shock is no less than when I knew Mo Yuwan was the general manager of Ferrari just now.

"Wait a minute."

Mo aoqun's face suddenly changed and asked the resentful beauty:

"do you think you and Mo Qianqian are true love?"

"Yes, uncle."

The beautiful lady nodded and was very excited.

Everyone was stupid.

They all thought that the beautiful woman was the debt of Chu Chen, but now they come to the door.

Huang Biyu, in particular, was lucky to see Chu Chen's play just now.

But after listening to the beautiful woman's words, Jasper Wong is not a good person.


She and her daughter are true love?!

Huang Biyu suddenly felt that her head was swollen and dizzy, and she could hardly stand.

Mo aoqun's face also became iron blue.

"Father, please help us."

In the end, Mo Qianqian also gritted her teeth. She never thought that her girlfriend was so bold and found here.

"It's killing me. It's killing me."

Mo aoqun is furious.

"I want to break the father daughter relationship with you. From now on, if I'm not your father, you can't inherit any money from me."

Having said that, Mo aoqun turned and walked into the study, and then slammed the door shut, angry.

Seeing this, Jasper Wong is even more stupid.

Cut off the relationship between father and daughter, never want to inherit a cent from now on?


She couldn't fight Chu Chen. She recognized it.

But even if it is not Mo Yu Wan grab, Qianqian is mo aoqun's daughter after all, will certainly get a legacy, at least tens of billions.

But now, not a cent?

Huang Biyu is so confused.

"Well, if you don't give it, you won't give it."

Mo Qianqian hummed coldly, what if she didn't give money.

Having said that, she left with a beautiful woman to pursue true love, leaving only the stunned people.

Mo aoqun's family dinner broke up in a bad mood.

Mo Yu Wan doesn't want to stay with Huang Biyu and leaves with Chu Chen.

The next morning, Chu Chen just woke up, the sound of the system suddenly came.


[experience task release: experience driving life for 15 days]

[task reward: 100% ownership of Patek Philippe]

after listening to the task of the system, Chu Chen suddenly sat up.

It's normal to experience driving for 15 days.

But the reward behind, let Chu Chen muddle.

My God.

This reward is too generous!

Patek Philippe 100% ownership, 100% ah!

It's not comparable to Hilton International Hotel Group and Ferrari group.

Whether it is Hilton or Ferrari, they are only shareholders, only part of the group belongs to him.

But the system reward is different this time.

This time it's 100% ownership!

Once the experience task is completed, the whole Patek Philippe company belongs to chuchen alone!

I go, this reward is too rich, too exciting!!!

Founded in 1839, Patek Philippe ranks among the top three or even the first among the top ten in the world.

Patek Philippe is also one of the only real independent watchmakers. It is self-made from beginning to end, and it takes 10 years to train a Patek Philippe watchmaker.

In 1999, a Patek Philippe pocket watch sold for $11 million, which was "the most expensive watch in the world".

You know, that was in 1999, 11 million dollars!

Now the price is unimaginable.

Patek Philippe is the most valuable watch brand in the world with the entry threshold of more than 15000 US dollars.

As of the end of last year, Patek Philippe accounted for 9 of the world's 12 watches with the highest auction price, and the remaining 3 were from Rolex.

Patek Philippe is also one of the world's top ten famous watches, one of the few independent brands.

For example, Cartier, Wanguo and Jijia are all affiliated to Richemont group, while haoya is the world's largest luxury group LVMH group.

The market value of these two luxury groups has already exceeded one trillion US dollars!

Once Chu Chen wins Patek Philippe, it will be a big step forward for Chu Chen to establish his own luxury empire.

A few years ago, LVMH group, the world's largest luxury group, offered $8 billion for Patek Philippe, but it was rejected.

Now a few years later, Patek Philippe's value may have exceeded 10 billion US dollars, or about 60 billion or 70 billion US dollars.This is also because Patek Philippe limited production.

The annual output of Patek Philippe is only 50000. For more than a century and a half, the number of watches produced by Patek Philippe is extremely limited (only 600000), which is not equal to the annual output of a fashion watch, and only sold in the world's top stores.

If there is no limited production, Patek Philippe's total assets will be very high.

Chu Chen doesn't care much about Patek Feili's assets, because just like Prada, Patek Feili's brand value far exceeds its market value.

After all, Patek Philippe is in the forefront of the world's top ten watches!

"The system is so good for me."

Chu Chen sighed.

This reward is too generous.

When he saw the 15 day driving experience, Chu Chen still complained.

After all, now that you are super rich, do you want to drive?

However, when Chu Chen saw the reward behind, he immediately took back the complaints.

Compared with 100% ownership of Patek Philippe, how about working harder?

He likes to rely on his own hands to work hard, to fight.

Fight with your own hands? The system gives Chu Chen a big white eye)

after dinner, Chu Chen is ready to start his first day of driving.

With the release of the task, the system has registered everything for Chu Chen in the driving agency company.

Valet drivers are usually busy in the evening and seldom work during the day.

One morning, Chu Chen only received a list.

"The system doesn't stipulate how many orders to take. It's too happy."

There is no regulation, which means that Chu Chen can experience the driving life leisurely.

In the afternoon, Chu Chen's second order came.

Chu Chen came to a mid-range restaurant, at this time, a man and a woman have been waiting in front of the restaurant.

A man in his thirties looks like a small manager or something.

And the women are very young, with high face value, like college students who have just entered the job.

"Here you are at last."

The man said impatiently.

Because the driver software, with a picture of Chu Chen, the man recognized Chu Chen at a glance.

"Here you are."

After that, the man gave Chu Chen the key to a Mercedes Benz.

"This little brother is so handsome."

Looking at Chu Chen, the girl is a little excited.

Chu Chen sat in the driver's seat, and the man should have sat in the boss's seat behind.

Girls are sitting on the co pilot, next to Chu Chen.

Behind, see this scene, the man's face becomes a little ugly, he is not as good as this boy?!

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