In fact, where they sit, girls have been tangled.

To tell you the truth, she doesn't want to sit with manager Jin. She prefers to sit next to this handsome little brother.

Moreover, according to common sense, if the leader sits in the back, his subordinates should sit in the front co pilot's seat.

Think of these, the girl came to the co pilot.

"Xiao Du, I'm going to see the client soon. How are you going?"

The manager in the back asked.

"Well prepared."

Girl Du yuanyao answers.

This morning, manager Jin accompanied the client to dinner, drank wine, and after dinner, he called Du yuanyao and prepared to sign a contract with another company in the afternoon.

Originally, Jin Jing wanted to let Du yuanyao drive. Unfortunately, Du yuanyao couldn't. unfortunately, manager Jin called it Valet driving.

"Preparation is OK."

Manager Jin deliberately finds fault with Du yuanyao and shouts coldly.

"Everything must be safe."

"This is your most important order. Whether you can become a regular depends on this time."

Manager Jin is very serious, in order to cover up his intention.

"It's very difficult to become a full-time employee of our company."

"In Mordor, I don't know how many people want to come in?"

With that, manager Jin asked Chu Chen: "little brother, how much is your monthly salary as a surrogate driver?"

"A month's salary, 100 million yuan."

Chu Chen said modestly.

This time, his experience mission is only 15 days, and the reward is Patek Philippe, with a total asset of about 10 billion US dollars.

It's less than a billion dollars a day, a little bit.

And Chu Chen also can't do a month, monthly salary specific how much, Chu Chen is not clear.

After hearing Chu Chen's words, manager Jin had a clear sense of superiority and said to Du yuanyao:

"do you hear me?"

"Hard work, just a little bit of salary."

"As long as you become a regular, your monthly salary will be over ten thousand. You must cherish this opportunity."

Du yuanyao nodded.

"If you work hard, when you come to my position in the future, you will get an annual salary of 6.7 million yuan, plus some other rewards and so on, and your annual salary will reach 1 million yuan!"

Manager king was elated.

"We have a bright future in this job. We are not as tired as they are. We only have so little money in a month."

Looking at Chu Chen, manager Jin is sarcastic and has a strong sense of superiority.

In manager Jin's subconscious, Chu Chen's salary "a little bit" is just a few thousand yuan.

"You are just lucky to meet a competent boss like me. Today's contract is secure."

Manager Kim continues to push.


Du yuanyao asked, this contract is really too important for her.

"Of course, I have a lot of contacts. I don't know any big people."

Manager Jin is in a good mood.

Soon, they came to a building, Chu Chen just stopped, just from the opposite company, a few people came out.

"Mr. Li?"

From the car to see out of a few people in a middle-aged man, gold manager immediately nervous.

"Come on."

Manager Jin said something to Du yuanyao and got out of the car quickly.

"Hello, Mr. Li."

Manager Jin ran to President Li and said respectfully.

Today, he is here to sign a contract with President Li.

"Goodbye, little brother."

After saying goodbye to Chu Chen, Du yuanyao got off the car and came to President Li.

"Oh, it's Xiaojin."

"Well, did you drink?"

Mr. Li suddenly changed his face and asked.

"That... Had lunch with the client and drank a little."

Manager king's voice trembled a little, and he realized that it didn't seem right.

"You go."

Mr. Li said that what he was most tired of was talking business with people who drank wine during the day.

It's disrespectful to him!

Moreover, Mr. Li is more optimistic about another company.


Manager Jin is confused.

Beside, Du yuanyao was even more stunned.

Why don't you go?

So, Li always won't sign the contract?

"Mr. Li, let me explain." Manager Kim panicked.

Just now, he was totally forced. He didn't have the confidence to win this contract.

Once the contract is broken, not to mention the end of Du yuanyao's official career, I'm afraid his career will come to an end.

"Don't let me say it a second time."Mr. Li scolded that he was hesitating, but now manager Jin didn't respect himself. Let's forget it.


Manager Jin is roaring in his heart.

Du yuanyao also felt dark and desperate.

"Your car key."

Just now manager Jin left in a hurry. Chu Chen hasn't returned the car key to him.

So Chu Chen went over.

Manager Jin suddenly took the key and yelled: "let's go."

"Mr. Chu?"

Li always looks at Chu Chen, matchless surprise.

"Hello, Mr. Chu."

Next second, Li always incomparably polite to Chu Chen said.

"Oh, you are?"

Chu Chen didn't know president Li.

"I'm a small person. It's normal that you don't have an impression."

"I had the honor to meet you once at the banquet of Gao Zhengqi and President Gao."

Mr. Li explained with a smile.

Heard here, manager Jin and Du yuanyao are silly?

What's going on?

Mr. Li is so polite to a driver with a monthly salary of several thousand yuan?

"Mr. Chu, are you really?"

Mr. Li asked.

"Contemporary driving."

"Contemporary driving? I see. You must experience life. " Mr. Li said flatteringly.

"You are so low-key."

After chatting with President Li, Chu Chen turns around and leaves.

When Chu Chen passed Du yuanyao, Chu Chen nodded slightly in response to Du yuanyao's "goodbye" just now.

Standing there, respectfully watching Chu Chen leave, Li always feel inferior.

Mr. Chu is so rich and low-key that he can't compare with himself in experiencing life.

"Come with me and talk to me about your contract?"

President Li said to Du yuanyao.


Hearing this, Du yuanyao was overjoyed.

In an instant, Du yuanyao understood that Mr. Li must have seen the mysterious little brother nodding to him.

For a moment, Du yuanyao was very grateful to Chu Chen.

"Just go back. I'll react with your chairman. You're not serious."

Manager Jin just breathed a sigh of relief and thought that he was OK. Manager Li suddenly said something to him.

Just now, manager Jin didn't respect Mr. Chu.


Manager Jin is confused. If Mr. Li and the chairman of the board said that, his career would be completely ruined.



Chu Chen is walking on the road, waiting for the next order.

When Chu Chen passes through a square, a mysterious man suddenly stops Chu Chen.

"Brother, do you want to get rich overnight, worth tens of millions?"

Worth tens of millions?

Chu Chen shook his head and replied, "I don't want to."

Mysterious man a Leng, still don't want to be worth tens of millions of people?

"How about a hundred million dollars?"

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