Mysterious man asks again, very not reconciled.

Chu Chen is so handsome. As a star scout, he just looked at Chu Chen from a distance in the crowd just now, and he thought Chu Chen was very star like.

It's a pity not to be a star.

If Chu Chen agrees, he's almost sure that as long as Chu Chen comes out, even if he doesn't have acting skills and doesn't sing very well, he can definitely become a super flow with his appearance and the hype of his company.

Chu Chen is so handsome that he doesn't dare to look directly at him.

How can there be such a handsome person in the world? Foul, OK.

Chu Chen stood there, not knowing how much fresh meat he killed in the second.

"Not interested."

Chu Chen shakes his head again, worth more than 100 million. What is that.

Chu Chen doesn't have to do anything now. He can earn billions by collecting rent every month.


Chu Chen's words surprised the star scout.

Nowadays, there are people who are not interested in money?

Is that right?

Ordinary people hear that they can be worth more than 100 million. No, even if they are worth tens of millions, I'm afraid they will nod their heads. They are very excited and agree immediately.

But how could this brother be indifferent?

I'm a little confused.

"What about billions and millions of fans?"

Again, the star scout said.

"Half a year ago, I was worth more than a billion. Now I drive a Ferrari and live in Tomson first class."

Chu Chen shakes his head and doesn't want to be entangled by the star scout, so he tells the truth.

Half a year ago, Chu Chen had just got the system, and his worth had already exceeded one billion.

This is Chu Chen low-key said, in fact, at that time, got Junlin group, Chu Chen's worth has been more than 10 billion.

"As for having tens of millions of fans, it was a few months ago."

Chu Chen estimates.

With the influence of the "back man God", I'm afraid that Chu Chen's Weibo authentication will not take half a day, and Weibo fans will easily break through tens of millions.

"Half a year ago, he was worth more than one billion, driving a Ferrari, living in Tomson Yipin, and having tens of millions of fans?"

How can it be that the star Scout is confused?

After looking at Chu Chen carefully for a while, the star scout shakes his head and looks ironic:

"little brother, if you don't agree, it's OK, but it's not good to brag."

If the former, worth more than a billion, drives a Ferrari and lives in Tomson, he still reluctantly believes it.

But there are tens of millions of fans. As a star scout, he really doesn't believe it.

There are tens of millions of fans in the entertainment industry. He almost knows it. He is sure that there is absolutely no Chu Chen among them.

Therefore, the star scout concluded that Chu Chen was a boaster.

Since more than 10 million fans are fake, and the front is worth more than one billion, driving a Ferrari, I'm afraid it's also fake.

"Little brother, you should keep a low profile."

Star scout looks like educating Chu Chen:

"don't try to brag in front of a stranger. You can do whatever you want without evidence."

"Sometimes you brag, but you have to pay a price."

The star scout looks like someone who has come.

When he was young, he also liked to brag and force. As a result, he was severely taught by the society. From then on, he kept a low profile and did not pretend to force any more.

Pretending to be forced may not be attacked by thunder, but may be attacked by others.

"Keep a low profile."

Chu Chen sighed and reflected on himself.

"Yes, I did make a mistake just now."

Hearing this, the star scout nodded slightly and knew that it was better to keep a low profile.

"I thought for a moment. I was too low-key just now."

"To tell you the truth, I've long been worth more than 100 billion. Now I'm opening a Pagani hpbachetta and a villa in Tangong."

After reflection, Chu Chen said meticulously.

"Cough, cough."

After listening, the star scout coughed violently.

Was it too low-key just now?

You don't keep a low profile, OK.

You are boasting too much now.

It's worth one billion just now, but now it's ten billion.

Ferrari also became Pagani hpbachetta.

Pagani hpbarchetta, what is it, the world's top luxury car, with a price of more than 100 million?

Even the big boss of their brokerage company, the most powerful investors, don't dare to imagine owning such a luxury car.

As for the last item, it's impossible to have a villa in Tan palace?

As a man of Mordor, he knows more about the horror of Tangong. All the people who can live in are the top figures of Mordor. Are there any ordinary people?

"Little brother, you brag and blow to the sky, you are not too low-key, but too high..."Again, the star scout sneered.

However, his words only half said, Chu Chen motioned him to be quiet.

To the phone, Chu Chen took out the mobile phone.

"Hello, yes, I'm Master Chu on behalf of the driver."

Chu Chen received another order.

Looking at Chu Chen, the star scout was stunned.

This time, it's not because of Chu Chen's words, but because of Chu Chen's mobile phone.

Vito Ferrari limited edition!

Most importantly, when he was just taking the mobile phone in chuchen, the star scout accidentally saw the serial number of this mobile phone - "1"!

"Am I right?"

"This is the number one, limited edition of Vito Ferrari?"

The star scout was shocked.

If it's other luxury goods, whether it's clothes or bags, it's very likely that they are fake. Except for professionals, it's hard for ordinary people to tell if they are real.

But there is little possibility that the limited edition mobile phones produced by Vito and Ferrari are fake.

The most terrible thing is that the serial number of the mobile phone held by this brother is "1"!

This kind of limited edition mobile phone, serial number "1", I'm afraid, will only be in the hands of the super bigwigs and the rich.

I'll go.

What this brother just said is not true.

He's really worth a hundred billion, driving a Pagani hpbachetta, living in Tangong?!

As if he had been struck by thunder, the star scout stood there rigid, his eyes wide and round, with an unbelievable appearance.

That's awesome!

And the brother is so young and handsome.

It is said that God is fair, but people are very rich, and their appearance is ordinary, just like many top rich second generation.

But in Chu Chen's body, the star scout suddenly feels that heaven is unfair.

This brother not only has amazing wealth, but also amazing face value!

"I have something else to do. I'll go first."

After receiving the phone call, Chu Chen said a word to the star scout, turned around and prepared to leave, and went to be a surrogate driver.

"Just a moment, please."

All of a sudden, the star scout suddenly ran over and stopped Chu Chen.

"I'm sorry. It was my fault."

"I apologize to you."

Star detective extremely respectful said.

"I wonder if you are interested in investing in a movie?"

"Our company is just about to make a film with unlimited potential."

Star scout to Chu Chen propaganda, if can Chu Chen such a super rich into investors, that film absolutely fire.

"Oh, what movie?"

Chu Chen asks curiously.

"The overbearing president is physically strong, which girls all like."

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