A minute later, Chu Chen looks at his own Ou Shen value, and looks silly.

He has been prepared in mind, even if it is not high, the worst can be no more than a 0.

However, when Chu Chen really saw it, he was still stunned.

Euro God value: - 1

is there any negative Euro God value for you?!

It's like an exam, the worst is 0, but he's negative!

Chu Chen's face darkened.

But on second thought, before I got the system, it seemed that I was really unlucky and never won a prize.

Once upon a time, he was nothing but handsome.

Now, he is not only handsome but also capable.

Rich and handsome, it's very annoying.

Without the help of oushen experience card, Chu Chen didn't catch a fish in half an hour.

"Hooked, hooked."

On the other hand, Wei Xinyan has caught three fish there. Now this one weighs four or five Jin, which is the biggest fish he has caught.

With a big fish in one hand, Wei Xinyan turned around with great flaunt.

"How powerful!"

"Ah Yan is the best."

However, apart from his girlfriend Qingqing, no one spoke or even looked at him.

Take fish, looking at Chu dust there talking and laughing, Wei Xinyan gas explosion.

Although he has a girlfriend, he still hopes that more beautiful women will pay attention to him and worship him.

When Wei Xinyan sees some of Qingqing's best friends, he finds out that Qingqing is the worst among them.

"Just fishing for a small fish attracted them all. I don't know what they thought."

Wei Xinyan can't help shaking his head.

After lunch on the yacht at noon and playing for several hours, the people returned to the shore.

In the evening, they didn't plan to go back.

"Why don't we go to a hotel?"

"There seems to be a five-star hotel nearby."

Nono spoke.

Su Chuqing didn't tell them about chuchen villa before.

"Is there no room now?" Mengyao is worried.

"Little thing, I have their platinum card. I'll call later. There will definitely be a room."

Wei Xinyan said on his own initiative.

"Don't bother. We can live in Chu Chen's house directly."

Su Chuqing doesn't want to be so troublesome.


"Where is Chu Chen's family?"

Hear Su Chuqing's words, several people are very surprised.

"Well, I have a small house here. You can go there tonight."

Chu Chen also spoke.

There are still a few hours before the end of the task, so it is impossible for Chu Chen to stay in any hotel.

"Little house?"

"Brother Chu has a small house here."

Hear here, Nuo Nuo and Mengyao are in front of a bright, did not expect that the little brother or hidden little rich ah.

"Don't you hear me? It's a small house. We don't know if we can live in it."

Wei Xinyan said coldly.

Chu Chen stops him from writing again. Wei Xinyan naturally looks at Chu Chen.

"That's it."

Qingqing is talking to her boyfriend.

Although she is a best friend, she still has the psychology of comparison.

Her boyfriend and Su Chuqing's boyfriend are more beautiful than others. She lost miserably.

In terms of money, she can't lose. You know, her boyfriend's family is engaged in real estate.

"Otherwise, we'd better stay in a hotel."

Qingqing suggested.

"No, let's go to my little brother's house." Mengyao opens her mouth.

"Yeah, yeah, it's a big deal. We're all in one room."

Nono agrees.

Finally, Nuo pulls Chu Chen into her BMW. Mengyao and Su Chuqing also come up. Su Chuqing's car is temporarily parked here.

Driving the car, nuono goes in front, Qingqing and Wei Xinyan follow.

"I want to have a look. Can his little house accommodate us?"

"Is his small house as luxurious as a five-star hotel?"

Wei Xinyan sneers.

Ten minutes later, they drove to the East Hanhai villa area.

"Wow, brother Chu, is your little house in the eastern Hanhai?"

"Brother Chu's little house is a villa?"

Driving in the eastern sea, Nuo and Mengyao are very surprised.

Although they are also Bai Fumei, they have not yet been able to afford the East Hanhai villa.

Here is a random set of villas, are tens of millions!

"Stop right ahead."Chu Chen opens his mouth.

A few minutes later, they stopped in front of villa No. 1 in the East Hanhai.

"One... One... Villa one?"

After getting off the bus, Nuo Nuo and Mengyao were stunned.

They never thought that Chu Chen's little house was actually the most luxurious villa with sea view in the East!

Small house, is really a "small house" ah!

Nuo Nuo and Mengyao doubted their judgment ability for a moment.

[clock in when you arrive at the opening place]

the sound of the system comes, and Chu Chen points yes.


[successful clock in, congratulations on getting dongfanghanhai No.1 sea view villa]

so far, dongfanghanhai No.1 villa completely belongs to chuchen.

Handsome and golden.

At the moment, Mengyao and nuono are completely attracted by chuchen!

Two people beautiful eyes keep staring at Chu Chen.

"Is this your villa?"

Later, Qingqing and Wei Xinyan came down, and Wei Xinyan said with a sneer:

"boasting doesn't make a draft. No one in Jiangzhou knows that this villa No. 1 belongs to Mr. Meng."

"When did it become yours?"


Wei Xinyan's voice has not yet fallen, Chu Chen has opened the villa.

"Come in, please."

After Chu Chen got the East Hanhai No.1 villa, some introductions about the villa have appeared in his mind.

Hearing this, several people came in with excited faces.

They also want to see what villa 1 looks like.

Outside, only silly Wei Xinyan and Qingqing are left.

Dongfanghanhai No.1 villa is his small house.

How small!

You know, this villa is worth hundreds of millions!

In the end, Wei Xinyan and Qingqing can only come in with a stiff upper lip.

"Wow, it's so luxurious."

"It's like a palace here?"

Meng Yao sighed.

"Have a good rest tonight. I'm going surfing tomorrow."

Nono is also very excited.

Hearing this, Chu Chen added:

"in fact, there is no need to be so troublesome."

"If you want to surf, just go to private pool 2."


The others in the living room were very surprised.

Can I surf in a private pool?

What the hell is this?

It's the first time they've heard about it.

Looking at people's surprised eyes, Chu Chen explained:

"my villa has two private swimming pools, one is the ordinary 200 square meter swimming pool, and the other is the No. 2 swimming pool outside, that is, the small bay outside, which is also within the scope of No. 1 villa."

"This small bay is surrounded by numerous advanced capture nets. It's absolutely safe inside. You can surf freely and you don't have to go outside."

After listening to Chu Chen's explanation, people don't know how to describe their mood for a moment.

If you have to find a word, it is "lying trough"!

It's a private swimming pool that can surf!

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