
"Little brother is too good."

The eyes of Nuo Nuo's people are shining, and they worship Chu Chen to the extreme.

On the other hand, Wei Xinyan was severely hit.

So he is a younger brother!

Compared with his looks, luck and financial resources, he was defeated.

"I have something else to do. I'll go first."

Unable to stay any longer, Wei Xinyan had to stand up and walk out in ashes.

If he continues to stay, he is afraid that he will be more "severely hit"!

The blow to the soul is far more cruel than the blow to the body!

The ancients are right - people are more angry than people!

He wants to stay away from Chu Chen, the "devil"!

"I'm gone, too."

Qingqing is also on pins and needles. She says something to Su Chuqing and leaves in a hurry.

"Little brother, can you surf?"

Hear Chu dust here can actually surf, big wave beauty Nuo moment spirit up, excited asked.

"That's not true."

Chu Chen tells the truth.

"No, I'll teach you."

Without waiting for Chu Chen to say anything, Nuo pulls Chu Chen out.

"By the way, let's change first."

After that, nono found a room to change.

Looking at the enthusiastic Nuo Nuo, Su Chuqing and Meng Yao were envious and envious for a moment.

Scum girl!

Nuo Nuo is a dreary girl!

Unexpectedly, I found such a good opportunity to be alone with Chu Chen's little brother.

Although they are envious, they have nothing to do because they can't surf.

"By the way, little brother, are you hungry?"

In front of her eyes, Meng Yao asked Chu Chen very gently.

"I'm a little hungry when you say that."

Chu Chen nodded.


Meng Yao is very excited.

"I'm going to cook now, little brother. They are very good at cooking."

Chuchen smile, Mengyao excited into the kitchen.

Although nuono entangles her little brother one step ahead of time, Mengyao still has the confidence to snatch him from nuono.

As the saying goes: if you want to catch a man's heart, you must first catch his stomach.

"Little brother, your stomach is mine, hehe."

Meng Yao murmured in her heart.

Looking at two incomparably enthusiastic friends, Su Chuqing sitting there was completely silly.

"I am a big fool, big fool!"

Su Chu Qing make complaints about himself.

She should never bring Chu Chen, let "hungry wolf" general friends know Chu Chen.

Didn't she take the initiative to find her rival?

"I can't surf or cook, but I'm beautiful."

Looking at herself in the mirror, Su Chuqing recovered herself.

"Chu Chen must be mine. No one can take it away."

Su Chuqing thought of it in her heart.

After thinking for a while, Su Chuqing also went into the kitchen and wanted to learn to cook with Meng Yao.

Ten minutes later, nono changed into a black bikini, took a surfboard and took chuchen to the beach.


Jiangzhou airport, a serious middle-aged man stepped off the plane.

"Mr. Sun."

Out of the airport, a man in a suit came up and said respectfully.

This middle-aged man is no other than sun Dian, vice president of Lingyun capital.

Before he and Chu Chen made an appointment, to visit Chu Chen.

"What happened to the car you had prepared in advance?"

"I'm ready. Through various relations, I've found you a Maybach s680pullman, which costs more than 15 million internationally."

The man in the suit replied.

The man in suit was sent to Jiangzhou by sun Dian in advance.

This time, in order to show his identity and status, and to frighten Chu Chen by the way, sun Dian sent a suit man to find a top luxury car.

As long as he shakes Chu Chen, he is sure to pull Chu Chen to his own camp.

"15 million, not bad."

Sun Dian nodded his head with satisfaction, and 15 million was almost the price of a villa.

You know, his own car is just a four or five million Rolls Royce.

Walking to the front of the car, the man in suit introduced:

"Mr. Sun, the body of this Maybach s680pullman is 6.5 meters, the wheelbase is 4.418 meters, the slender body shape, the stacked led taillights, the concave convex design, and the bilateral single outlet exhaust make its domineering style outstanding incisively and vividly!"

"It definitely sets off your extraordinary identity and status."Looking at the luxurious and grand Maybach s680pullman, even sun Dian was shocked.

"Good, good, good."

Sun Dian burst out laughing and said: "with it, Chu Chen will be shocked and respectfully stand on my side."

Get in the car, and they go at a gallop.

"Go to Villa No.1 of Oriental Hanhai."

Call Chu Chen, sun Dian says to the man in suit.

Neither of them is a native of Jiangzhou. They don't know about the Oriental Hanhai. They subconsciously think that the Oriental Hanhai is just an ordinary villa area.

Because of this Maybach, the security of Dongfang Hanhai will not stop sun Dian.

Soon, they came to the East Hanhai No. 1 villa.

After getting off the bus, sun Dian was stunned when he looked at the villa No. 1 in the East Hanhai.

This villa is so big.

"Maybe it's just a little bigger."

Sun Dian shook his head and comforted himself.

Dong Dong Dong.

The man in suit knocked at the door.

Ten seconds later, Su Chuqing opened the door of the villa.

"We're here to see Mr. Chu. We made an appointment." The man in suit spoke.

"Come in, please."

Su Chuqing welcomed them in.

Just walked in, sun Dian and suit man immediately stunned.

Looking at all kinds of luxurious decorations in the villa, even sun Dian, who had seen the world, was shocked.

Too... Too... Luxurious.

"This... This... This is Mr. Chu's villa?"

Sun Dian was surprised.

"It's like his second villa." Su Chuqing nodded.

The second villa?

Chu Chen has more than one villa like this?

Sun Dian was shocked, this villa may be several hundred million, Chu dust actually more than one.


"By the way, where's Mr. Chu?"

Sun Dian asked.

"He's surfing in the pool. I'll call him."

After that, Su Chuqing went to the seaside.

"Surfing in the pool?"

Sun Dian was completely frightened.

Is the pool big enough to surf?

It's the first time that sun Dian heard about it. It's terrible!

For a moment, sun Dian felt like a frog in a well.

He also wants to use 15 million cars to shock Chu Chen, but before Chu Chen comes out, he is completely shocked. No, he is scared by Chu Chen's financial resources!

It's terrible!

That's the magic.

For a moment, sun Dian felt very lucky.

Fortunately, he didn't show off, otherwise, he might become a joke.

Even sun Dian was shocked, and the man in suit was even dumbfounded.

"Here comes Mr. Sun."

Back to the villa, Chu Chen opens his mouth.

"Hello, Mr. Chu."

Seeing Chu Chen, sun Dian became extremely modest and shook hands with Chu Chen with a sense of awe.

"Don't call me Mr. Sun, just call me Xiao Sun."

"Mr. Sun is very kind."

Chu Chen responds and looks at Sun Dian, who is extremely awed by himself. Chu Chen is a little surprised.

I didn't do anything myself.

How could that be?

I don't understand.

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