"It doesn't matter if you don't add it. Just give me the maintenance fee. It's not much. Just give me two million."

The owner added.

Not much, two million?!

After listening to the owner of Rolls Royce, some onlookers were stunned.

Isn't that so much?

Two million, I'm afraid ordinary people, apart from the normal cost of living, can't save these all their lives!

Not to mention a young girl.

It's hard to get her to come up with two million.

Two million, enough to bring down a family.


"That's life. I can't help it."

"Poor girl, I'm afraid she's going to break the pot and sell iron."

These onlookers can also see the bad intentions of Rolls Royce owners. Although they are angry, they can do nothing.

People who can drive the Rolls Royce mirage, they can't be provoked.

If it's only a few hundred or a few thousand yuan, they may help, but two million. Goodbye.

These people just feel sorry for their younger sister, take videos, send out friends and fight with each other.

"What, two million?"

After hearing this, my sister was shocked. Do you want so much?

Don't say two million. She can't even get two hundred thousand.

She is just an ordinary office worker. How can she have so much money.

"Can you...

my sister asked the owner of Rolls Royce to ask for help.

"Don't think about it. It's impossible."

The owner of Rolls Royce interrupted her before she finished.

"Two million, not a cent less."

My sister's face turned pale, her eyes twinkled with tears, and she was very helpless.

See here, Rolls Royce owners face a bright smile, watching him to succeed.

To tell you the truth, it's only two or three hundred thousand to repair it. But in order to get this girl, the lion opened his mouth.

How can ordinary people know the maintenance price of Rolls Royce?

Now, the girl was desperate, and he was ready to hint again.

"You've gone too far."

At this time, a sudden voice came.

Everyone turned and looked in the direction of the sound.

"What do you mean?"

Rolls Royce owners questioned.

"You cut this rub, repair, break the sky more than 300000, you actually want two million?"

"Have you ever said that

Chu Chen questioned.

The lie was exposed by Chu Chen in front of so many people, and the smile on Rolls Royce owner's face suddenly froze.

"Well, what do you know when you are a driver?"

"Do you think you have a Rolls Royce or a luxury car?"

Rolls Royce owners can't admit that they are lying, they can only say so.

The onlookers nearby don't believe Chu Chen's words. In their hearts, the illusion of Rolls Royce has been "deified". Rub it and subconsciously think it's at least a million years old.

"I don't have Rolls Royce, but I have it."

Chu Chen takes out Ferrari's car key from his pocket and shakes it.

Because it's far away from Tomson Yipin, chuchen comes here in a Ferrari.

Looking at the key of Ferrari in Chu Chen's hand, these onlookers were all shocked.


Do you have Ferrari?

"Well, what's a lighter for?"

Rolls Royce car owners sneer, he did not believe, a substitute driver, driving a Ferrari?

Chu Chen didn't explain too much, just pressed the key of the car.

The next second, not far away, the lights of a Ferrari suddenly turn on and shine.

The crowd turned their heads and looked at the Ferrari.

I'll go!

What the driver said is true. Does he really drive a Ferrari?!

Rolls Royce owners are embarrassed to the extreme.

"Today, she doesn't want to leave without two million."

Rolls Royce owners are not installed, overbearing said.

How can Ferrari compare with his phantom?!

"Boy, I'm not an ordinary person. Weigh it up."

Rolls Royce car owners domineering threat Chu Chen.

Hearing these words, Chu Chen didn't do much, on the contrary, those onlookers were very afraid.

My sister is more helpless.

"If you stop illegally, there's no reason."

Chu Chen retorted.

"Here's my card. I'll talk about it later."

Now it has been delayed for a long time. Chu Chen doesn't want to be delayed by the Rolls Royce owner.How many hundred million per minute?

Glancing at Chu Chen's business card, the owner of Rolls Royce sneered:

"who do you think you are and want to solve this problem with a business card?"

"What about my illegal parking, little thing? I'll tell you my identity. I'm scared to death..."

as I said this, the owner of Rolls Royce reached into his pocket and took his business card.


Before he took his business card out of his pocket, his eyes suddenly noticed the words "international financial center" on Chu Chen's business card?

Is this guy from a company in Mordor international financial center?

Thinking of this, Rolls Royce owners calm down.

You know, most of the enterprises that can settle in modu international financial center are branches of Fortune 500 enterprises in China?

Any company there has high strength and high background.

Think of here, Rolls Royce owner suddenly nervous, carefully took Chu Chen's business card.

Just a look, Rolls Royce owners directly shaking up the body.

Master of Mordor international financial center?!

He is the owner of the international financial center?

This identity is more terrifying than what he guessed.

The more you look back, the more surprised the Rolls Royce owners are!!!

Boss Yang Yun An man?

It's said that Yangyun aman, the most expensive resort in mordu, is the young man's?!

Prada President?

Rolls Royce owners suddenly feel a dark, almost fainted.

Fortunately, he leaned against the Rolls Royce and didn't fall.

Lying trough!!!

The more you look at it, the softer the legs are for Rolls Royce owners.

How can this young man be so powerful?!

Any one of these identities can scare him to death.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry."

Rolls Royce owners immediately changed their language and looked extremely humble.

"It's just a small matter for me to scratch. What's more, I still park illegally. What's the compensation?"

"If you have something to do, please."

Rolls Royce owners bow to Chu Chen, extremely humble.

Seeing this scene, the onlookers beside were stunned.

What's going on?

Just now arrogant, a pair of Rolls Royce owners who are not afraid of anyone, how to instantly become a "bear", counsellor?

What's on that card?

How awesome is the identity of this Valet driver?


Chu Chen didn't say much, nodded, took the car key from sister's hand, let sister get on the car, drove away.

Go on with your mission.

In place, leaving only the pale, scared Rolls Royce owners.

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